Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

An oily argument

To the Editors,

Several oil and gas companies have filed a lawsuit alleging drilling delays due to stricter wildlife and other protections for our public lands. These protections are in place in part because of efforts by sportsmen – and are supported by a majority of Coloradoans.

Moreover, any argument that leasing-policy reforms will squeeze oil and gas companies off public land doesn’t square with facts on the ground. Nearly 44 million acres of public lands already are under lease, but only 12 million are in production.Interior Secretary Salazar has helped to ensure that oil and gas leasing on our public lands is balanced with hunting, angling and other public uses, requiring scientific review, more public input, and that consideration be given to potential wildlife habitat impacts.  Hunters especially appreciate these commonsense reforms during big game hunting season.And we’re not alone: According to new polling released by the National Wildlife Federation, the vast majority of Coloradoans support more protections for our air, water and wildlife, rather than a return to the old way of rubber-stamping habitat-decimating leasing and drilling.  Let’s keep it that way.

– David A. Lien, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, via e-mail


Dennis for Christmas

Dear Eds,

Loved Greg Rossell’s take on my positions! Greg must be a closet conservative as most liberals lack a sense of humor.  

– Dennis Pierce, via e-mail

P.S. I support means testing for Social Security recipients as a way to reduce the deficit.  My bitch is with an administration that tells me that there has been no increase in the cost of living for the past two years and that Obamacare will save me money.

78 cents on the dollar

Dear Editors:

This April women across the country will recognize Pay Equity Day. Research released in April 2007 by the AAUW Educational Foundation, shows that just one year out of college, women working full time already earn less than their male colleagues, even when they work in the same field. Ten years after graduation, the pay gap widens. In 2008, the most recent year for which data is available, women continue to earn only 78 cents on the dollar to their male counterparts. To match men’s earnings for 2010, women have to work an extra four months.

Equal Pay Day is observed on Tuesday, signifying that a woman must work into Tuesday of a new week to be paid the wages earned by a man in the previous week. Over a working lifetime, estimates of what this wage disparity costs the average American woman and her family range from $440,000 to $2 million.

At a time when America’s economy is facing a downturn, every penny counts! We must speak out and educate men and women about the lingering wage gap and work to ensure that all workers receive pay equity.  

– Sincerely, Ellen Parsons, via email



In this week's issue...

August 22, 2024
Rethinking 'big grid'

Increasingly, microgrids seen as way to combat climate, geographic vulnerabilities

August 22, 2024
The bee's knees

Bees, butterflies and other pollinators are now classified as wildlife in Colorado

August 15, 2024
Pucker up

Mother Nature turns riffle into a ripper on Cataract Canyon