Oktoberfest:THElargest festival on the planet. Each year, up to 6 million bier-frenzied festivarians flood the streets of Munich, Germany, to participate in the ultimate 18-day bender. Celebrating Oktoberfest in Durango might be a little more low-key, but we embrace our love for local brew just the same. Steamworks, Durango Brewing Co., Ska and Carvers all poured their award-winning suds all weekend long, with local eateries providing tasty German flavors.

Audrey Chee catches a face-full of bubbles. Terry Zink serves up footlong German-style brats to a ravenous
crowd. The 1-liter beer boot, a new addition to this years
festivities. Alte Kameraden (German for Old Friends) played authentic German
brass music on the main stage on Saturday.