|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | Found Wireless bike computer Found on the Colo. Trail below Kennebec Mt. Call to claim 970-759-5460. HelpWanted House/cat sitter wanted 2 weeks, mid-September. Very nice home in Durango West II. Three loving cats that just need your presence and attention. 759-2602. La Plata County Historical Society and Animas Museum are seeking an interim director who is an innovative manager, motivator and action-oriented organizer with excellent communication, fund-raising, and fiscal management skills. Please mail resume and letter of interest to LPCHS, ATTN: Kathy McKenzie, P.O. Box 3384, Durango CO 81302. Applications due no later than Sept. 7, 2010. Volunteer-powered program offers hope SASO seeks compassionate, caring people to become advocates on our 24-hour crisis hotline. Provide sexual assault survivors with support and resources to promote healing. Call 259-3074 for information about our free upcoming training! Labor Volunteer Volunteer this fall doing ground maintenance work and earn your 2010-11 Durango Mountain Resort winter season pass! Apply online @ www.durangomountainresort.com. EOE. Secretary Colorado Legal Services, Durango office. Salary range begins at $23,566, DOE, with generous benefits. Job responsibilities include extensive phone contact with low-income and elderly applicants, and data entry. Bilingual English/Spanish preferred. High school diploma required; Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree preferred. Applicants must possess strong computer skills (MS Office products). Applications accepted until Sept. 17, 2010. Interviews will begin shortly after this date. Send cover letter, resume and references to Managing Attorney Arthur Jacobs, CLS, ajacobs@colegalserv.org.
Awareness & Education Opportunity Become a Prevention Education Volunteer for SASO. Teach personal safety skills to children or dialogue with teens. Help young people build a world that does not tolerate sexual violence. Call 259-3074 for more information about our free upcoming training! Announcements Business for sale Great opportunity. Silverton Chocolates – maker of gourmet confections. Includes chocolate machines, tools, full kitchen, strong client list and more. Please email chef@silvertonchocolates.com to set appointment.
Pottery Class at Smiley 7 week wheel throwing classes start Sept. 29 & 30. Wednesday class: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Thursday class: 9 a.m.-noon. Down to Earth Pottery Studio. Instructor: Chyako Hashimoto. 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com
Tools for School Teaching kids tools to handle stress & emotions in a healthy & creative way. Ages 6-14. Classes begin Sept 7-9. www.energyawarekids.com. 749-1926.
Sharpen your writing skills at Rachel Turiel’s fall writing classes. Check the FLC Continuing Ed. catalog online and at coffee shops. Call for Artists We have a few spots left for the Oktoberfest Arts Market on Main Ave. Join us Sept. 25 & 26. Call 946-0715 for more info. Love Your Job! Become a massage therapist! MountainHeart School in Crested Butte! 850-hour, 6-month certification. Starts Nov. 29. (800) 673-0539 www.mountainheart.org Japanese Calligraphy Class Learn the art of Japanese brushwork. 7-week session starts Oct. 4. Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon. Smiley Building. Class begins with a guided meditation. Instructor: Chyako Hashimoto. 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com.
Yoga Classes New session starting Sept. 7 for students of all levels, taught by Kathy Curran. Drop-ins welcome. Workshop on the Bhagavad Gita with Edwin Bryant, Oct. 15-17 (open to all). 259-4794. www.4cornersyoga.com
Early Release Fridays Medicine Horse has openings in our fall horse camp for kids in grades 1st-4th. Visit our website at www.medicinehorsecenter.org and go to “Fun with Horses in Durango.” Or call Trish @ 749-3934 for more info. Space is limited and this camp always fills up quickly.
Core Synchronism Classes Level 1, 9/27 -10/2, Level 2, 10/4 - 10/8. An evolution of craniosacral and polarity therapies. Contact Don Lewis 769-8389. Free Vaccinations for Adults Need a free shot in the arm? San Juan Basin Health Department – your public health department – is offering free vaccinations for adults including: whooping cough and tetanus combination, Hep A and B combo and chicken pox. Call 247-5702 today for an appointment. Quantities are limited. Visit www.sjbhd.org for more information. Made possible through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Buy Gold Call for appointment, Tiki 970-259-5155. Music in the Mountains Goes to School program needs instruments for a lending library of instruments. To donate an instrument, please drop them off at the Festival Office, located at 1063 Main Ave., from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Donated instruments are tax-deductible. Southwest Center for Independence is looking for a volunteer Board Member to help support independent living for and by people with disabilities, and to facilitate change within the community for the inclusion of all people. Preference given to people with disabilities. Please call Martha at 259-1672 for more information. Horses and Healing Medicine Horse, in partnership with SASO, will be offering our Horses and Healing support group beginning Sept. 22. Space is limited. Go to www.medicinehorsecenter.org for more info. Or call Trish @ 749-3934. Four Corners Lesbian Network Services Astrology Provides the Map for you to connect with who you are and what you came to create. Certified evolutionary astrologer. Lyn Goldberg. 769-1917. Guitar Lessons with Pete Giuliani at my home or at Canyon Music. Guitar and voice for holiday parties, classic rock dance parties with Freeplay. Call 385-6713 or visit www.PeteGiulaini.com.
Hikercise! Come delight in the Great Outdoors while turning your walking or hiking into a Whole Body experience! First class free! Please call Mimi at 799.7777 or visit www.hikercise.com
Baby Base Camp Now open! Self-scheduled, part-time infant care. Option of private work space available for parents while nannies care for babies on-site. Call 385-9073 or e-mail info@babybasecamp.org to check out camp sites for your little star gazer, camper, explorer or trekker. Walking distance to downtown.
Fall Special Combination 1 hour Quantum Biofeedback and Ion Cleanse detox session regularly $120, now $100. Call 946-9788. Quantum Biofeedback Therapy Restores the body’s natural balance with conditions such as pain, migraine headaches, nutritional deficiencies, emotional blockages, organs, physical and mental stressors, etc. $75/hour. Call 946-9788. Ion Cleanse Removes heavy metals and toxins from the lymph, digestive and circulatory systems $45/session or 10 sessions/$350 for complete full body detox. Call 946-9788. Reiki Treatments A natural method of energy healing. Reiki combines Universal Energy with your own Life Force. Sessions $75.00/hour or $45.00/half hour. Call 946-9788. Landscaping, Yard Work Deck sealing, stone work, garden design and installation, maintenance. Call John at Alleluiah Landscaping, 970-385-2539. Mindfulness-based psychotherapy Build the skills and perspective to meet your life. Affordable rates. Contact Craig Holliday, MA, NCC, at Amaya. 759-5829. The Computer Solution Virus removal, re-formatting, software/hardware, networking problems, Web design, etc. www.computersolutionco.com . Call Brendan 903-4061. Detox! I fix bad haircuts He - $20. She - $35. Experienced, licensed barber-stylist. Shampoo Hair Salon, W. 8th & Main. Request Kaye. 247-5620. BodyWork Super September Specials! Awesome massages only $45/hr, $60/1.5 hrs. Buy 4, get 1 free!! Gift certificates available. Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. On The Mend Massage Teachers, students. September 2-for-1 massage. Relax into the new year. Jerry. 760-207-7684. Wellness Massage 1 hour massage $40. Packages available. Leslie Beals, CMT. 970-759-6547. Member of ABMP. ForSale 1972 Mercedes 128,000 miles. New carburetor, new brakes. Clean. Good glass. Classic interior. Runs smooth. $2,100 obo. Eileen Music. 259-6445. Hermosa Tours MTBs 2010 Trek Fuel EX 8 full-suspension bikes. Low mileage, great condition, all sizes. $1,300. 877-765-5682 or info@hermosatours.net
’02 4Runner Under 105K, timing chain done, new bat., great tires, must see. Black w/chrome. Serious inquiries only, pls. $12,500 neg. 759-3894. Kyocera Mita KM2030 Copier/printer/scan/fax/ under current maintenance contract, loaded with RAF duplex/finisher, 4 paper drawer, two available, working perfectly, modest copy count. Durango, Colorado. $750 obo. 970-259-2878. 96 Toyota T100 4WD xcab, topper, V6, high mi, runs strong. $4,500. 560-0888. River Equipment new and used, inflatable kayaks, raft oar frame, coolers, wet suits, helmets. 946-0787. Raft 18 foot Achilles with frame and drop bag with frame, $1,350. 946-0787. Inflatable Kayak Fleet Sale! AIRE & ZOIK $495-$699. You Save $250. Only been used 2-3 times. Like new condition. More Info at: www.GravityPlay.com, 970-259-7771. Carpe Denim Stop by and see our new inventory of snap shirts, belt buckles, vintage clothing, futons and snuggle bags. 546 E. College Dr. 259-0490. Reruns Home Furnishings Lots of tables and chairs, rugs, lamps and more. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. Pets Positive Reward Training! 2 classes both start Sept. 14, Tuesdays at the Durango Rec. Center. Super Puppy, ages 8 wks – 5 mo. Set up a lifetime of good habits with your pup! Basic Manners Class for dogs any age over 5 months. Call Juliet 382-2542 or www.durangodogs.com for more info. Puppy Party! Bring your puppy up to 1 year old to the Durando Rec Center on Wednesdays at 6:30p.m. for play and socialization. Must bring shot records! $6 drop in. www.durangodogs.com or call 382-2542.
Willow aka “Miss Booty” is a sweet, senior female, 38lb Aussie mix, looking for a forever home. Call foster mom Laura at 759-1828 or 247-9645. RealEstate Original Ignacio downtown 2BR, 1BA, 1260 SF. Fenced 75 x 150 yard, R-2 development potential. $135 K. Paul 970-759-7395. ForRent Roommate Wanted, Private, Quiet Female preferred, own bath, W/D, garage. Internet/utilities included. No pets/smoking. $450. 970-903-7388. New Rivergate office For $550/mo! Rent 1, 2 or 3 bright window offices, shared reception/waiting area, loaded kitchenette, bath w/shower, garage parking, utilities incl. Available now. 375-2511. Share beach house Looking to share rental of large, nice house on Tulum Coast, Mexico. Contact if interested in any part of January, February or March. 259-8998. Rental, Caretaking, Housemate possibilities in the woods near Mancos. Reasonable costs. Responsible, mature, nonsmoking. Call for more information 970-560-8753. 2-bed condo 1 bath, 2 covered parking places, students OK w/references. $800/mo. elec. and heat included. 1135 Florida Road. 970-314-1467. Office Space at Riverfront Building $350/mo includes utilities, parking, wait area 759-2111. Beautiful Townhome 2 - 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2-car garage, W/D, air-conditioning, new amenities, $2,000 per month. 970-749-6063. Mini Palace Nicely furnished on 35 ac 2BR/2BA 2-car garage. 15 min to Durango. $2,000+dep+util Call 970-946-5732. Beautiful, modern townhome on river. 2-bed w/office. 1.5 bath, pets neg. $2,000/mo. 970-749-6063. 2 bed, 1 bath apt. No dogs, downtown location, $1,100/mo., call 769-1409 for info. Dance studio for rent In the Smiley Building. $15/hr. Sound system, mirrors, large, beautiful. 259-4122 or lisa@dancedurango.com
CommunityService Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets the third Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. All are welcome. E-mail gfindurango@gmail.com for meeting room location or add’l info.
Family and Friends of Alcoholics Has your life been affected by someone else’s drinking? There is hope and help with the Al-Anon Family Groups. Call 970-259-2982 for local meetings or www.alanon-co.org for meetings throughout Colorado.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore the Family Center of Durango. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and more! Call us at 385-4747 or stop by 489½ Florida Rd. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org or call 749-7433 for more information.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. and the third Wednesday of every month at Vista Mesa Assisted Living in Cortez at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $10-$15. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave. | |