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Caving in to Islam

To the Editors,

As on cue, whenever Israel does anything to protect her citizens, Shan Wells goes orgasmic with glee for his chance to demonize Israel. Short of the Jewish state committing suicide, in the mind of Wells, Israel is “always guilty until proven not guilty.” Over the years at theTelegraph, his many cartoons about Israel follow his extreme left wing handbook of predictability. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic!

The latest Wells cartoon reveals his assertion that Israel’s audacity to stop a “flotilla of fools” is the main reason of “growing” Islamic extremism in the world. Now just for a minute, forget that Israel has intercepted ships in the past carrying tons of weapons to Gaza. And damn those pesky videos that show these “peace activists” on the Mavi Marmara trying to lynch the Israeli commandos. Even forget that Greta Berlin, one of the organizers of the flotilla, is quoted in the AFP on May 27, that “this mission is not about delivering humanitarian supplies, it’s about breaking Israel’s siege.” But let not facts get in your self-absorbed superior knowledge of the Mid-East way of thinking, Shan. I guess all those Sunni/Shia suicide and truck bombers blowing themselves up in mosques and killing woman and children in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq over the last few years must be Israel’s fault. Heaven forbid Wells make Islamic accountability an issue...

Want to know what really grows Islamic extremism, Mr. Wells? Simple answer. NOT standing up to the threat of radical Islam. Quivering in the corner is what these terrorists want, and I guess seeing videos showing guys like Daniel Pearl getting their heads hacked off while alive, can do that. These radicals will stop at nothing short of submission to their faith. It’s called Dhimmitude. And nowhere is this more evident then in these pages of theTelegraph.

When the Islamic world raged about the Danish cartoons of Muhammad a few years back and people were being killed over it, you Shan, were silent. Where were your drawings showing the ridiculous nature of this pre-planned Islamic world outrage. Even the other rag, the Herald, had the brass ones to print the controversial picture of Muhammad. Fast forward to a couple of months ago when Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park were threatened by an Islamic group when they depicted Muhammad in a bear suit. Comedy Central censored any mention of Muhammad. Again Shan, where you had a chance to stand up for your fellow cartoonist to defend their freedom of expression but who were denied for fear of bodily harm, you were silent...! What gives? I’ve followed and catalogued your cartoons for years believing it and this paper provided a cutting-edge environment for satire. Unfortunately, you blatantly caved twice to radical Islamic terrorism by avoiding the subject completely. Worried about retribution? I can understand, but then the radical Islamists have won, their methods work, and you can’t freely express yourself. Welcome to the world of journalists in Gaza and the Arab world!    

In closing, isn’t it nice to know, when you and theTelegraphstaff skewer Israel, the only repercussions that will come your way is letters like this! And I will defend Shan’s right to draw and print ANYTHING he wants. Just don’t be so hypocritical Mr. Wells, especially in your own backyard of public political satire. Your stance on the Muhammad cartoon controversy reminds me of an old, old sage whose words still ring true to this day, “There is a WORD for those people,” he said, “who pick fights with groups, persons and religions (except Islam) who pose no risk whatsoever: Pussies.” Man up, dude. Don’t prove the sage right Shan.

– Peace Bro, Shelly Perlmutter, Durango


A foreign suggestion

To the Editors,

Another sad reminder that free speech too often means hate speech. At the recent Jewish Heritage Celebration hosted by President Obama, veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas said that the Israelis should “get the Hell out of Palestine” and go back to Poland and Germany, her logic being that Israelis are living on occupied land. As a Jew and a child of Holocaust survivors, this is beyond offensive to me.

Moreover, what would this superannuated twit say to the thousands of Jews who fled to Israel from Arab countries where they also faced (and continue to face) certain death? Could we also suggest that since Ms. Thomas is of Lebanese descent she should leave North America and return to Lebanon? Perhaps not, but only because Lebanon already has plenty of foreign-born lunatics.  

– Sam Bridgham, Durango


An invaluable parcel

Dear Editors,

Florida Mesa is a prime agricultural and ranching region. The industrial/commercial development the county is proposing on the last 550 forested acres on the mesa (state lands adjacent to Horse Gulch) would have an irreversible impact on the entire rural nature of the mesa. Not to mention the loss of a priceless parcel of land that until recent wheelings and dealings, was considered so wild and beautiful that it was in the Stewardship Trust of protected lands, a designation only 10 percent of state lands receive.

Come to the county’s public meeting to voice your opinion on this critical issue at 5:30 p.m. Mon., June 14, at 175 Mercado St., Suite 115, Three Springs. Ask the county to FIRST prove to its citizens that it has thoroughly exhausted all other options for an industrial park before it eyes irreplaceable public resources such as this invaluable parcel of open space, directly adjacent to the City of Durango (Three Springs).

We need to help our leaders move out of old school development thinking - i.e. “land has no value until it is developed” into 21st century holistic decision-making: “how does this decision affect society, the environment and the economy?”

– Thank you, Jess Martin, Florida Mesa


A little beta on Baker’s Bridge

Dear Eds,

A heads up to all of those people that think that launching a canoe at Baker’s Bridge is fun, consider that over the past weekend we saw two canoes overturn. Paddles and one of the canoes headed downstream and a PFD was hung up on the rocks. Jumping off of Baker’s Bridge and the Trimble Bridge are not only unsafe, but illegal. To thoseTelegraph readers that may be disappointed that this is not a right wing tirade, I do want to point out that almost half the cars illegally parked at Baker’s Bridge had Obama stickers!

– Dennis Pierce, via e-mail