Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

The definition of Tamarron

Dear Mr. Wells:

I am writing on behalf of the Tamarron Association of Condominium Owners, which is a nonprofit corporation established for the governance of the condominium facilities and real estate comprising “Tamarron.” Tamarron is the community adjacent to the real estate, facilities and golf club known as The Glacier Club. The Glacier Club is governed by its own homeowners’ and management association and is an entirely separate community from “Tamarron.” It is The Glacier Clubdevelopers who are involved in negotiations concerning the Chris Park land swap.

It has been brought to my attention that you have recently run a piece/drawing in the Durango Telegraph concerning The Glacier Club and Chris Park. The cutline of the piece reads: “Boycott The Glacier Club and Tamarron Resort, Permanently.”

Please be advised that there is no “Tamarron Resort” and The Glacier Club does not utilize “Tamarron” as a trade name or otherwise. You may confirm this fact with Glacier Club representatives as well. To further clarify, Tamarron is a homeowners’ association that presently consists of 391 condominiums and approximately 285 owners. Tamarron is not The Glacier Club and is not a part of The Glacier Club development.

It is hurtful to the Tamarron community’s image and its owners when incorrect statements such as the one appearing in your cartoon are published. Tamarron is not participating in, nor is it associated with, the Chris Park negotiations as your message implies. We see no reason for your call to “Boycott” the Tamarron community. In sum, we would appreciate it if you and others within your organization would recognize the distinction between the Tamarron community and The Glacier Club organization.

Thank you for your consideration in the matter.

– Sincerely,  Sandra E. Ratchford, president, Tamarron Association of Condominium Owners4

An overpriced treasure hunt

Dear Durango Community and Humane Society Thrift Store,

Why do we shop at thrift stores? I myself shop at thrift stores for many reasons.

I have active children who love the outdoors and go through clothes like toilet paper, I enjoy NOT giving my hard-earned money to large, greedy corporations who could care less about the local businesses they bankrupt, the child labor they support, etc. (Low Everyday Prices come at a large cost on a human level). I also enjoy shopping at thrift stores because I like the idea of not wasting used goods by throwing them away, but recycling them back into the community.

I was raised shopping at thrift stores. Unlike a lot of the youth today, I learned to appreciate what I had, even if it was second hand, and also learned that it could be a lot of fun “treasure hunting.” I have tried to teach my children the same thing by taking them to thrift stores. I find it very disconcerting when I have to tell my daughter, “No I won’t buy you any of those toys or dolls, $8 is too much for a used doll.”

I have become more and more disenchanted with the Humane Society Thrift Store. Every time I go there, it seems like their prices get high and higher. I usually leave there with either nothing at all because it is all so over priced, or maybe one or two items that were part of their 50 percent-off sale that day. For the last six months, I have seen the exact same furniture there. Why? Because it is astronomically priced for being used. I understand that most people are into antiques nowadays, but for a dresser that has a top that is cracked and rotted with all of the drawers falling apart, $175 is a bit steep! Come on…

I went in today to look for a VCR for my 5-year-old, praying that VCRs were 50 percent off. When I found a stack of old VCRs I was hoping for maybe $5-$8 for an

OBSOLETE piece of electronic equipment. To my utter disbelief, these USED, OLD VCR’s were all $20!!! Are you KIDDING ME? I could go to the big corporate box (Wally World) next door and buy a new VCR for probably $10-$20! I understand that the Humane Society Thrift is trying to raise money for the animals, but they are not only doing a HUGE disservice to this community by not providing used goods at a reasonable price to those of us with a meager income, but also to those animals, because people don’t want to pay top dollar for somebody else’s throwaways. Instead of making maybe $8 on a used VCR, they made ZERO because they won’t price reasonably.

All of their stuff just seems to be piling up. A few weeks ago when I was there, they were in the process of trying to make more room by cramming everything so close together in the linen section, you could barely walk through it! Here is an idea. Price things REASONABLY, and things will move and be bought, instead of hoarding and overpricing! Your greed or lack of common sense when it comes to pricing used goods, is HURTING YOUR ANIMALS when it comes down to it.

Today, when I talked to “Candy,” who told me that she was the “Director” and explained my frustration with their overpricing of everything, she just gave me a dirty look and said, “I’m sorry you feel that way” and walked away. Today was my last day at The Humane Society Thrift Store. You should leave a thrift store feeling like you got a good deal on some things for your family and your efforts of treasure hunting were fruitful. All I ever feel when I leave Humane Society Thrift is frustrated. I have decided that I will no longer waste my time or energy there. I have had it. Until you can get your pricing under control, Humane Society Thrift, I bid you adieu! The Methodist Thrift Store may not have as many things, but they price their used goods fairly and are of great service to this community, which is more than I can say for you.

– Sincerely, Soph Edupp Durango

A vote for local prosperity

To the Editors,

When I cast my vote this fall, I will vote for Brian O’Donnell for House District 59 and encourage you to vote for him as well. Brian has brought jobs to the local economy and understands how important our local prosperity is so our children will be able to live and work in Southwest Colorado in the future. Brian knows the economy is the biggest issue we face, and I am encouraged to see he supports small business loan programs, a business incubator program (items I am extremely interested in since I am in the process of creating my own small business), and balanced energy development that includes developing our abundant renewable energy resources. At a time when we are all feeling uncertain about our economic future, we need someone to fight to bring jobs to our region and to support local entrepreneurs.

– Rebecca Appel, Bayfield

A day to be proud of

To the Editors,

The Four Corners Pride Festival was a great day for the LGBTQ Community in the Four Corners. A chance for us to be proud of who we are and to share that pride with our family, friends and neighbors. But it was also more than that. It was a true celebration of the diversity that makes each of our towns special. It was amazing to witness so many different people coming out in support of each other and the communities in which they live. From parents pushing children in strollers to the young girl in her fairy princess outfit dancing to the live music to the young tubers who took a break from riding the river to enjoy the sun in the park to the guy who rode his bike all the way from California to the elderly woman using a cane to walk through the park, and all those in between, it was truly4

a day of coming together. Thank you to all of those who attended this incredible first event. We look forward to seeing you next year as we continue the celebration of our differences. And thank you to all those businesses, musicians and individuals that helped make the day a true success. We could not have done it without you. We are blessed to live in such a great place where our differences are celebrated and encouraged.

– Sincerely, Greg P. Weiss, board chair, Four Corners Gay and Lesbian Alliance for Diversity, but more importantly a proud resident of the Four Corners  

A tragic choice of words

Dear Editors,

I love it when politicians are honest. And let’s face it, it’s not that often that they are, but when it happens, be glad you were watching. Recently, Republican Congressman Joe Barton apologized to BP’s embattled oil company chief, characterizing the White House move to secure the $20 Billion Gulf Victims Fund a “shakedown.” So when choosing between the victims of BP’s criminal negligence and the corporation clearly at fault, this GOP politician made his choice.

The WH issued this statement. “What is shameful is that Joe Barton seems to have more concern for big corporations that caused this disaster than the fishermen, small business owners and communities whose lives have been devastated by the destruction. Congressman Barton may think that a fund to compensate these Americans is a ‘tragedy,’ but most Americans know that the real tragedy is what the men and women of the Gulf Coast are going through right now. Members from both parties should repudiate his comments.” That would seem reasonable.

The Democrats have been having a field day with this, but the Republicans have decided this is the battle they want. It appears that the GOP, in large part, agrees with Joe Barton. Even after Barton’s lame apology, blaming the media for “misconstruing his statements,” he is being allowed to keep his position as the leading Republican on the House Energy Committee. Not only that, but Barton was far from alone. The Republican Study Committee, a group of conservative members of the House, were even more obvious about their siding with corporations over citizens by describing Obama’s guarantee of at least $20 billion for Gulf Coast residents as a “Chicago-style political shakedown.” The honesty continues with my favorite, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who said on CNN that the president appears to be using BP as a “permanent ATM card,” with eyes on taking over “private industry.” Republican Mississippi Gov. Hailey Barbour also objected to the idea of forcing BP to invest money for the purpose of paying out claims when the company could simply use that money to expand offshore drilling so that they could make money to pay out claims. I think that’s what you’d call circular logic. Take note, this is how Republicans think: when it’s The People vs The Corporations, the GOP sides with the corporations. At least they’re being honest about it.

– Thanks, Bill Vana, Durango

Get to know O’Donnell

To the Editors,

We are very fortunate to have a smart, experienced, sincerely nice guy who is willing to take on the challenge of representing southwest Colorado in the State Legislature. Brian O’Donnell is someone you should get to know during the next few months because he genuinely wants to collaborate with the citizens of the 59th District. O’Donnell is new to politics, but he knows how government works. As part of his professional experience, he led numerous efforts to get land conservation proposals through the U.S. Congress, successfully working with Democrats and Republicans and winning unanimous approval of his proposals – now that’s bipartisanship and how government should work. Brian is known and respected by officials from both parties at the state and national level. His expertise in water, energy and land use is widely acclaimed; these are critical issues for us in Archuleta, La Plata, Montezuma and San Juan counties. Brian O’Donnell is not your typical politician or party insider. Check out his web site www.brianodonnell.org get in touch with him and find out why you should be excited to have him representing us in Denver.

– Laura Godfrey, Durango

Rafting with Graham

To the Editors:

Last summer, on a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon, I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know La Plata County commissioner candidate Scott Graham. I couldn’t have felt more lucky to have a local Durango representative rowing a boat with me. I asked questions I have long wanted answers to.

I found Scott to be a good man, one who is equally as dedicated to the people of La Plata County as he is to his family. I know him to be a realistic, intelligent and passionate advocate for the positive future of our community.

As a hard-working leader here in La Plata County over the last decade on the Durango City Council and in a number of other leadership positions, Scott’s decisions have reflected his dedication both to our local environment and economy. He has supported local water needs, ridgeline protection, open-space preservation (as chairman of the Natural Lands Board), local food production, and affordable housing.

I learned more about my city and county government on that river than I had in more than 15 years of living here.

Please join me in supporting Scott Graham for La Plata County commissioner in the Democratic primary.

– Shane Nelson, via e-mail