|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | HelpWanted Live-in Housekeeper/Admin. Aid P/T, home/office. Half-mile to Albertson’s. Organization, maintenance, cleaning skills needed. Vehicle, cell provided/avail. Hours/$s DOQ. lawyerstevem@juno.com. 970-449-9470.
Announcements Be Happy/ Paint Pottery The Clay Room Durango’s Paint Your Own Pottery Studio will be closed this Friday & Saturday, Jan. 8-9. We will be open the 15th, 16th and 18th, 12:30-4:30, to celebrate MLK Day. 426-9685. artandlaughter.com Disordered Eating Support Group Restarts Jan. 19. Connect ~ Heal ~ Grow with others in their journey of recovery from binge-eating, anorexia, purging through bulimia or over-exercising and body image issues. Facilitated by Emily Newcomer, MEd, psychotherapist, Tuesdays, 5: 30-7:30 p.m. Call today for free pre-group consultation. Individual therapy available, as well. (970) 903- 7517 www.emilynewcomer.com
Kids Yoga & Energy Awareness Session begins Jan. 5. Tuesday: ages 10-14. Wed. / Thurs.: ages 6-9. Call to register: 749-1926. erikakberglund@yahoo.com
Womens’ Financial Empowerment Retreat at Durango Hometown Hostel: Feb. 4 (6 p.m.) - 7 (10 a.m.): lodging and meals included. Cost - $395: Topics - financial organization, computerized budget setup, emotional mastery of money. Presenters: Paul Lemon, CPA/PFS, CFP and Melissa Mitchell-Blitch, LPC, CACII, CPA. Call 970-259-6739 for more information. You Can’t Buy world peace but you can buy inner-eco at Roots Natural Foods. Everyday low price $10.20. Great prices on this and other Colorado Proud and local products. 695 Goddard Ave, Ignacio, 563-1234. Djembe Drum Instruction Nicholas from Durango West African Drum & Dance Collective is offering private lessons. You will learn hand techniques, rhythms, timing, tuning your drum and more! Drums available. $20 per hour. Call 903-9865 to schedule. Ongoing Yoga Classes For students of all levels. Kathy Curran is a certified instructor who has been teaching in Durango for over 20 years. Workshop on Yoga for Healthy Knees Jan. 23. 3rd Floor of Smiley Building. 259-4794. www.4cornersyoga.com.
Get Inspired By Your Best Self! True Life Coaching & Retreats Winter Offerings: Sat., Jan. 9, Vision Board Retreat. Still space! One day to turn your Intention into Form. $95 includes lunch/follow-up coaching session. The Breathing Room: Life Balancing In-person Coaching Group for Moms. Intro nite, Thur, 1/7. Call to confirm. The new iJournal: coaching by online journal, free trial, sign up now. More at www.truelifecoach.net or call Victoria FittsMilgrim @ 259-9040.
New Hot Springs in Pagosa! $5 soaks with your Wolf Creek lift ticket! Enjoy your favorite beer and wine as you soak in our Victorian style spa. Rooftop tubs - private tub room - steam showers. On YouTube & @ www.overlookhotsprings.com - 264-4040. Japanese Calligraphy Class Brush work and guided meditation. Winter 7-week session starting Jan. 15. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., Fridays, Smiley Building Rm #32. Taught by Chyako Hashimoto, 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com
Downtown Yoga! All levels, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6 p.m. and 6:15-7:15 p.m., 1075 Main, Room 225 (2nd floor) in Durango Office Suites, next to Alpine Bank. Mention this ad and first class is free! Call Heather Brennison 759-4088, or www.heatherhathayoga.com
Meditation Practice Create a practice in meditation. Winter 7-week session begins Jan. 11. Mondays, 5:30 – 6:45 p.m., Smiley Building Rm #5. Guided meditations, instructions and processing. Chyako Hashimoto, 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com
Pottery Classes at Smiley Winter 7-week sessions starting Jan. 20 & 21. Throwing on the wheel. Wednesday class: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Thursday class: 9 a.m. – 12 noon. Down to Earth Pottery studio at Smiley Building. Instructor: Chyako Hashimoto. 259-2243 or Chyakopot@yahoo.com.
Services Cross-train with Lisa! 35-minute kick-butt cardio/strength workout @ Core Value Fitness, 8:35 a.m. M/W/F, $4.50. Want more? Stick around for Totally Toned, 9:15 a.m. M/W/F, $6.50. Modifications provided for various levels, child-care available, discounted punch-passes. Personal training also available. 208A CR 250, 382-9200, or check us out @ www.corevaluefitness.com
Holistic Psychotherapy Clinical Hypnotherapy. EMDR Level II. Energy medicine specializing in relationship issues, spiritual issues, sexual trauma, compulsive sexual behavior, smoking cessation, pain management, phobia relief. Downtown Durango. 20 years experience. Brenda Diller, MHR, CCHT. 970-422-6102. Clarify Your Passion Live on purpose with the help of a personal life coach. First session free. Sessions take place by phone and are one hour. Contact Laura@InternalDesign Coaching.com and mention this ad.
Golden Eagle Snow Removal We’re here to provide service for all your snow removal needs. Call 970-394-4133. Super Efficient Solar Homes & additions.Ready-to-build plans & custom design service. Steve Kawell 970-769-3904 or visit www.Durangosolarhomes.com
Snow/Ice Removal Commercial/Residential Roofs/valleys, decks, RVs, mobile homes, driveways, vehicles, walkways, parking lots, sanding, de-icing, tenting. TMG Construction, 946-6501. Your Personal Home/Office Assistant Shop/run errands, office/computer assist, party assist, transport to appts, Bill paying, light cooking/housekpg, laundry, plant care; Help packing/moving, light elderly assistance, child care, etc.Your Right Handy Lady! Call Carolyn 970-903-5526. Find Peace Inside Start your new year using IFS Parts Work psychotherapy. Visit www.RussPool.com. Call Russ, MA, NCC 375-7777.
Computer Problems? $100 virus removal / PC tune-up, 24 hour turn-around. Microsoft certified professional 403-5711 - leave message DBT Therapy Meet New Years resolutions and goals with support from DBT Therapy which balances mindfulness skills, problem solving and acceptance. Contact Craig Holliday, MA, NCC, 970-759-5829 to schedule initial free session. Pet Sitting & Dog Hikes Vacation for your pet! Have your dog go hiking every day while you are away. Loving in-home pet care. Work days too long to take Fido for a walk? We can help! www.durangodogs.com Juliet 382-2542.
Fix It, Clean It Handy service. Efficient. Economic. Get the job done right. Snow removal, too. Imagining Solutions, John & Judith 970-903-6273. Puppy Class 101 New Puppy for Christmas? Puppy Class 101 gives you the tools you need to set up your puppy for success in your household so you can both enjoy a lifelong relationship and all live peacefully in your home together. 7 weeks at the Durango Rec Center, starting Jan. 19, Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Call 375-7300 to sign up. www.durangodogs.com more info call Juliet at 382-2542.
Handyman/Artisan available for any project, big or small! Honey-do lists, custom furniture, winterizing, etc. For a free estimate, call Jared 213-359-9097. Medical Marijuana Looking for a caregiver or want to become a patient? I can help. Honest and dependable. Call 970-946-9081. Tarot Readings by Suzanne Please visit my blog: Tarot – a Path for Mystics. Empathic. certified in Tarot and counseling. $66/hour. Call 759-4372 for appointment. Animas City Gourmet Private chef for two to twenty-two. Elegant dining in your home. Doug Wetherhold, Chef. 970-946-1357. Hikercise! Come delight in the Great Outdoors while turning your walking or hiking into a Whole Body experience! First class free! Please call Mimi at 799-7777 or visit www.hikercise.com
Energy work Are you ready for change? Reiki and Theta healing. In person or by phone. 884-2060. BodyWork Animas Massage & Bodywork Now open downtown! We specialize in Swedish/deep tissue combination massages. Call today to schedule your appt. 970-779-8316. Resolve To Be Healthy! Massage therapy relieves stress & boosts your immune system! Take care of yourself this year!! $40/Hr., $55/1.5 Hrs. Buy 4/get 1 free!!! Gift certificates available. Downtown Durango location Meg Bush, CMT 970-759-0199. Transformational Bodywork Relax your mind and revitalize your body and spirit: Lomi Komi, deep tissue, Reiki energy healing. 20% discount through January. On-site chair massage. Barbara Sager. Licensed massage practitioner since 1983. 970-769-3943, @ Asante Center. New Year Massage Specials Enjoy a healthy therapeutic massage. Great prices. 1 hr. - $35. 1.5 hr. - $50. Buy 3 get 1 free. Gift certificates available. In-town location. Call Leslie Beals, CMT. 970-759-6547. Craniosacral/Polarity Core synchronism is an integration of advanced cranial osteopathic and polarity techniques. Benefits acute sickness, musculoskeletal pain, systemic imbalances, C.N.S. disorders, and chronic pathologies. Introductory special: regular price ($60) for first treatment, receive second free. Don Lewis, a certified core practitioner, is the owner of Amaya Natural Therapeutics, 247-3939. Automotive 1997 Subaru Impreza Sedan AWD, 5sp, green, 180K. Very zippy and good on snow, mag wheels, 30+ mpg. $2400 obo. 759-7978. 1981 Volvo sedan 4cyl fuel-injected, good mpg, 4spd with OD. New battery, tires, fuel pump. $1400 obo. 970-769-9329. 1988 Toyota Pickup SR5 4x4. Has fresh rebuilt engine. Great body and topper. Excellent mechanical cond. Sweet classic truck. $3,950. Call 970-749-3773. 6’ camper topper Navy blue w/ Yakima bars. $400. Steve @ 913-522-1320. ForSale Fitness Center Closing New and gently used gym equipment for sale. Contact Maggie at 884-6077 or 903-9100. BlackBerry Curve phone w/accessories. 8 GB memory card. Verizon. $199. Call Anne for details, 320-248-8074. Log Splitter Works. Older, nothing fancy. Needs new muffler. $600 obo 903 0198. Tele gear Skis: K2 Work Stinx, 174 cm, Rottefella Cobra bindings, $275; G3 Baron, 170 cm, G3 bindings, $200; BCA adjustable skins, $75; Boots: Garmont Veloce, size 26.5/8.5, w/factory and moldable liners, $100; Garmont Libero, size 26.5/8.5, w/factory and moldable liners, $75. 382-9655. Bike carrier Thule 964 Revolver, hitch-mount, swing-away carrier for up to 4 bikes, includes anti-theft cable and lock, 6 mos. old, barely used; $350. 382-9655. Goalie gear Whole set-up, including skates (size 12) and two sticks. All professional gear with leather strappings. Leg pads are 42”s with matching blocker and glove. Pro quality chest protector. Only 1½ seasons of use. Must sell. Jenny, 946-4184. Spruce Up Your Home! Reruns has great, furniture, rugs, lamps, desks, tables and shelves and great glass wear. Turn your quality household items into cash or credit. Call for an appointment. Buy-sell-trade. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. VacationRentals Skiing Telluride? Stay at the Mine Shaft in Rico! We have the nicest, cheap rooms you have ever seen. Rates start @ $42 shared bath/$52 private bath. 970-749-5393 or visit themineshaftinn.com. ForRent Downtown room rental for massage therapist. Days and times nego. Use of equip incld. w/poss. client referrals. Call for details. Avail immediately. Holly 970-779-8316. In-Town Bayfield 3 bed, 2 bath, plus small office with internet. W/D, dishwasher, handy location, nice yard. $1,150 mo. Call Chip at 259-3207. Room for Rent - $350 Includes utilities. Downtown Bayfield. No pets. 970-759-4022. Room for Rent 3 story, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath townhouse. 2 car garage, stainless kitchen, laundry room. Smoking outside, no pets. $500 plus util. avail Jan. 1. Call 759-8258. 1BR in 3BR home on the Animas. Share sunny A-frame w/ progressive, active m, f & JRT. Deck, big fenced yard, trees, w/d, wifi. No lease. No smoking/pets. $425/mo+. 749-8327 Dance studio for rent In the Smiley Building. $15/hr. Sound system, mirrors, large, beautiful. 259-4122 or lisa@dancedurango.com.
CommunityService Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group meets the third Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. All are welcome. E-mail gfindurango@gmail.com for room location and add’l info.
Are you a parent with a child under age 5? Then come explore the Family Center of Durango. We have developmental playgroups, parenting classes, a toy lending library, safe exchange and supervised visits, a family support unit, and more! Call us at 385-4747 or stop by 489½ Florida Rd. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org or call 749-7433 for more information.
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 10: 30 a.m. and the second Tuesday of every month at the Alzheimer’s Association at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. | |