A call for consumption tax Dear Editors, I want to introduce to the public a new concept for funding the federal government. A new, efficient tax system that is completely voluntary. This tax plan has been introduced to the United States Congress as the FairTax Act (H.R. 25/S. 296). Imagine keeping every dime of your paycheck. No federal income tax taken out, no Social Security or Medicare tax taken out, no taxes on business and no taxes on investment income. In addition, you would get a monthly payment to cover taxes on all necessities up to the poverty level. All of this replaced with a consumption tax of 23 percent on new purchases only. No, the cost of everything you buy will not necessarily go up 23 percent under this plan. While the cost of new products would go up, many of the costs to produce products would be eliminated which would reduce retail prices. How could this be? All taxes and tax compliance costs like tax preparation and accounting fees on production of a product are passed on through each process and then eventually passed on to the consumer. These are called embedded costs. Economists estimate that there is roughly a 22 percent increase in the cost of merchandise due to embedded costs. The FairTax would remove these costs. Now imagine how businesses based overseas would react to a country that does not punish them for creating jobs. A country that says “hey if you come here and open a business we will not tax you.” Business from all countries would flood into the U.S. to base their operations. One would literally have to hide under a rock in order to avoid getting a job. The underground economy will be taxed at last. Illegal businesses such as drug dealing, prostitution, as well as legitimate cash-only businesses that are evading taxes will finally be contributing to the federal government when they make purchases. See the tax code in black and white with this new inclusive tax. When you see a product at the store for $100 it would be marked at $100 and your receipt will read $77 retailer $23 tax. No more accountants, special interest groups and politicians helping some become4exempt from paying their fair share. The FairTax would change the way we fund Social Security and Medicare. Instead of taxing only 158 million workers, more than 300 million citizens plus 50 million tourists who come from abroad will be funding our entitlement costs. No more IRS. No more tax forms, no more tax filing. April 15 will be just an ordinary day. No fumbling around finding all your tax documents, then paying to have them prepared, and then hoping that everything is done right so as to avoid the dreaded audit. A consumption tax is a less-burdensome tax since it is paid by individuals both willing and able to pay them. It is not a penalty for productivity like the current income tax system. The FairTax would encourage citizenship for illegal aliens since citizenship is required to qualify for the tax prebate included in this tax plan. Our current tax code is like throwing sand into the engine of the economy. It’s time for a tax code that’s fair, transparent and understandable. We need to end the increasingly complex tax code that is dividing our great nation and start a tax system that promotes innovation and inspires new hope for a more thriving and prosperous America for all. Let’s eliminate the special interests groups in Washington and return the power of government back to its people. You can help be part of a movement that will forever change the direction of our country. Please check out more at fairtax.org. or read The FairTax Book by Neal Boortz. If this sounds like a good idea to you, tell your representatives that you want the FairTax. – Ken Becker, via e-mail Devoted to Durango To the Editors: I first met Scott Graham when we worked together on the campaign to fund the new Durango Public Library, along with parks, open space and trails. Scott was clearly devoted to the local community, and spent considerable time and effort to make a difference. As a City Councilor, he continued his community service and supported the building of the new library. Scott impressed me with his ability to work respectfully with all segments of the community, and understand diverse points of view. Scott is a hard worker, a good listener, and a thoughtful decision maker. I hope you will join me in voting for Scott Graham for County Commissioner. –Sue Kraus, Durango The energy for public office To the Editors, Energy production and use are central to the secure and prosperous future of La Plata County. Most of us would admit that our local natural gas industry is a mixed bag. It has kept property taxes low and provided local jobs for some and helped stimulate our economy. On the other hand many of us have directly experienced the continuing and unrelenting push of energy companies to add wells, claim water rights under our properties and construct ancillary pipelines, storage tanks and other “temporary” equipment installations on or adjacent to our homes sites. This will not end even as local natural gas production continues to decline. Indeed as gas prices rebound from their recent lows the pressure to maximize production will increase: More compression and more wells. La Plata County needs a county commissioner who understands these issues and is not afraid to confront the conundrum of economic need versus quality of life. Bruce Baizel is a professional who has extensive experience in working for local, state and national commissions and task groups on the impact of the oil and gas industry on difficult water, environmental and property right issues. We are very fortunate to have a candidate of his caliber standing for public office. Please support Bruce for County Commissioner. – John Lyle, Durango Boehler breaks the mold Dear Editors, I am very excited for this election season, thanks to a candidate who is in the running for the District 6 senate seat, currently held by Democrat Bruce Whitehead. Unlike the usual run-of-the-mill politicians who make promises they break as soon as they’re elected, I am confident from knowing this candidate personally and being able to observe this candidate’s everyday life that what he says, he will do. And what is he saying he’ll do? For one, promote small business growth. I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would want to prevent growth of small businesses, especially in our current economy where there is a tremendous lack of jobs. But unfortunately, the Democrats are constantly raising taxes, which could hardly be said to help small businesses. Thankfully, this candidate has pledged not to vote for any bill that creates a net tax increase for Colorado citizens. That’s just one of many reasons why I’m proudly supporting Dean Boehler with my vote. I know he won’t go back on his word. He will make sure that the rights of individuals come before the “rights” of the government. Do you want just another politician who is sure to ignore the rights of the people they’re supposed to be representing – or are you looking for someone different, someone who knows that our problem isn’t lack of government involvement but too much government? If so, I hope you will join me in supporting Dean Boehler. – Sincerely, Heather Lawrence, Norwood