With the pranksterâ??s holiday coming up next week The Telegraph asked: “Whatâ??s your best April Foolâ??s joke?”

Brandon Smith

“Unscrewing the tops on salt shakers at restaurants.”

Sunee Donnen

“One of my teachers once announced that he was leaving, and after we threw a big going-away party for him, we found out it was all a joke.”

James D’Spain

“I like the classic Saran Wrap on the toilet seat.”

Travis Pollock

“I’m a realtor, and last year, I was called in on my day off to work on a big deal that was completely fabricated by my father and coworkers.”

Kathryne Martinez

“When I was in the military, I once told my parents that I had been injured jumping out of a plane. I like mean April Fools jokes.”