The waters of Arizonas Salt River have long been a coveted destination for hungry boaters and desert rats suffering from the pangs of a long, cold winter. Draining from the White Mountains into the Sonoran Desert, the Salt has a relatively early and short-lived boating season compared with other Western rivers. Anyone lucky enough to hook up with a springtime trip through this extraordinary canyon will find one of the most remote, rugged and beautiful river ecosystems in the Southwest.

A blooming cactus clings to its rocky home. Its roasted gopher snake for dinner tonight! Bands of quartzite are tilted nearly 90 degrees in this inner
section of canyon. A stretch of calm water gives way to beautiful vistas of Sonoran
Desert Saguaro cacti push farthest North in their range in the Salt
River Canyon. Navigating the infamous Quartzite Rapid. Formerly an extremely
dangerous drop, Quartzite was ambushed with explosives years ago by
disgruntled raft guides.