Theres no shortage of pristine areas in Colorado. Our mountain ranges, rivers and canyons rank high among the very best of wilderness destinations. Perhaps the most spectacular, untouched, mind-bending wilderness of all, however, lies under our very feet. It is an unspoiled wilderness saturated in lore, secret passwords and gate-keepers. Welcome to the underground world, literally and figuratively, of Colorado caves.

Pete Tschannen, keeper of privileged information, leads the way
to a locked entrance gate. Cave pearls growing in a small pool. These aragonite crystals have formed into a prismatic 7-foot
tall bush. Pete Tschannen, of Durango, illuminates a beautiful
formation. Aragonite, left, and gypsum, right, are some of the more common
minerals found in caves. Mariah Eldrid, of Durango, sneaks past an ancient pillar. Caves are in a perpetual state of growth. The room seen here is
literally alive with marmalade flowstone and stalactites.