The Edgar Winter Band plays the Concert Hall ‘Grimm Pajamas’ pays a visit to Durango Colorado Wild celebrates with John Fielder
Submit items for On the Town to: 534 Main
Ave., Durango, CO, 81301; fax: ( 970) 259-0448; e-mail:
; or fill out this form
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., hosts Kindred
Spirit Art classes from 9:30-11:30 a.m. A Kindred Spirit
Outreach Class also meets in the West Building from 1-3 p.m.
Materials are supplied and the classes are open to everyone.
759-5246 for details.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., offers after-school
hours at the Paint Bar from 3:30-5:30 p.m. 259-2606 for
The San Juan Mountains Association and geologist Jason Hooten
host an informative geology walk on Animas Mountain at 4 p.m.
385-1256 to register.
The 6th annual Manna Soup Kitchen Community Soup
Supper takes place from 5-7 p.m. at the St. Columba Gymnasium.
The event includes live music from the Jeff Solon Jazz Group, a
silent auction and art and basket sales.
The League of Women Voters of La Plata County sponsors a forum
on the Nov. 4 ballot from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Durango City
Council Chambers, 949 E. Second Ave. Attendees will hear pros and
cons on each of the referendums and amendments on the ballot.
Durango Motorless Transit hosts a group trail run on the
Raider’s Ridge Adventure Loop. Interested runners should meet
at the Horse Gulch trailhead at 6 p.m. 946-5557 for details. The
Southwest Colorado Chapter of the American Red Cross, 1911 Main
Ave., Suite 282, offers an Adult, Child and Infant CPR/AED class
from 6-10 p.m. 259-5383 to pre-register.
Lacey Black plays solo piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The Life-Long Learning Lecture Series continues at Fort
Lewis College with “The Imagemakers: from Daguerreotype to
Digital, Portraits to Paparazzi,” a talk by noted
photographer Dean Conger, at 7 p.m. in 130 Noble Hall. 247-7401 for
The Durango Photography Club meets in the Pine Room at the La
Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. Howard Rachlin will give a
presentation on Color Management. 385-8470 for details.
The Fort Lewis College Common Reading Experience continues
with a screening of the film, “The Beauty Academy of
Kabul,” at 7 p.m. in 125 Noble Hall.
Dave Mensch, of Formula 151, performs solo at the Office
Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave., starting at 7 p.m.
Moe’s Starlight Lounge, 937 Main Ave., offers Salsa Night.
The evening includes salsa lessons from 7-7:30 p.m. and DJ Twelfth
Night spinning on the patio until 11 p.m. 259-9018 for details.
The 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.,
offers karaoke from 8 p.m. to close. 259-8801 for details.
A House DJ spins a free show at the Summit, 600 Main Ave.,
at 9:30 p.m. 247-2324 for details.
Healthy Lifestyle La Plata presents the 3rd annual
Worksite Wellness Conference, featuring keynote speaker Izzy
Gissell, from 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Fort Lewis College Memorial
Student Lounge. Gissell will discuss “Humor and Play in the
Workplace.” E-mail for
The Southwest Colorado Peace and Justice Coalition holds a
peace vigil from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at the corner of Main Ave. and
11th St. Signs will be available or bring your own.
Singer-songwriter David Earl Pfeiffer plays swing and blues
from 5-9 p.m. at the Quaking Aspen Cafe and Gallery in Bayfield.
A “Do it for Durango Encore Art Sale” meets at
Coldwell Banker, 785 Main Ave., from 5:30-9 p.m. The
fund-raising event includes an art sale benefiting Southwest
Safehouse, the Community Shelter and the local chapter of the Red
Fort Lewis College’s Homecoming Weekend kicks off
with a parade down Main Avenue at 6 p.m. A homecoming bonfire is
set for 8 p.m. at the FLC Softball Complex.
The One Wheel is Better Unicycle Club meets at 6 p.m. on
the Animas River Trail near the BMX track. 769-1244 for
Gary B. Walker plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433.
Durango Drum & Dance Collective hosts a community West
African Dance Class with Fara Tolno from 6-7:30 p.m. at the
Mason Center, 301 E. 12th St. 799-1587.
Durango Scottish Dancers offers Scottish Country Dance
Classes from 6:30-8 p.m. in the upstairs studio at the Smiley
Building, 1309 E. Third Ave. The classes continue on Fridays
through May. 382-9593 for details.
The Fort Lewis College Men’s Ensemble and the Durango
Women’s Choir present “He and She,” the
annual musical battle of the sexes, at 7 p.m. at St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church, 910 E. Third Ave.
Ellis & Carver play high-altitude blues at the 8th
Avenue Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave., starting at 8 p.m. 259-8801 for
Formula 151 stops off at the Billy Goat Saloon on Highway
160 in Gem Village starting at 8 p.m. 884-9155.
Moe’s Starlight Lounge, 937 Main Ave., presents live music
from the Good Neighbors from 5:30-8:30 p.m. 259-9018 for
Juba Juba!, a Grateful Dead tribute band from Denver, plays
the Summit, 600 Main Ave., at 9:30 p.m. 247-2324 for details.
The Durango Farmers Market meets from 8 a.m.-noon at First
National Bank of Durango, 259 W. 9th St. for the
final market of the growing season. A pre-Thanksgiving market is
set for Nov. 22 and a Holiday Market is scheduled for Dec. 13.
The Medicine Horse Center offers a “Reclaiming Self”
retreat – a day of physical, emotional and spiritual
recovery for women living with cancer – from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
at Riversong Ranch in Durango. This day of healing is offered on a
pay-what-you-can scale. 749-3934.
The Squawker Cup Cyclocross Series, a seven-race competition,
kicks off in Dolores at 10 a.m. An additional race is scheduled for
Oct. 19, and then the racing returns to Fort Lewis every Sunday.
http: // 4
Fort Lewis College hosts a Homecoming Weekend Tailgate
Party at 11 a.m. outside Dennison Field.
The Durango Arts Center Paint Bar, 802 E. Second Ave., is open
from noon-4 p.m. 259-2606 for details.
The Durango Discovery Museum at the Powerhouse, 1333 Camino del
Rio, offers Powerhouse Playdays from noon-3 p.m., featuring
free electric shows, tours, music, food and pedal-powered
Local art critic Leanne Goebel leads a walking tour of
Durango galleries from 1-3 p.m. Participants will learn about
the artists, the mediums and what you need to know about buying
art. 247-7385 to register.
Durango Drum & Dance Collective, 802 E. Second Ave, hosts a
West African Drum & Dance Workshop with Fara Tolno
beginning at 4 p.m. 799-1587 for details.
Sean Madden plays live acoustic music at Steamworks in
Bayfield, 442 Wolverine Dr., from 5-8 p.m. 884-7837.
Singer-songwriter David Earl Pfeiffer plays swing and blues
from 5-9 p.m. at the Quaking Aspen Cafe and Gallery in Bayfield.
884-2002 for details.
Kirtan, participatory singing from India, returns to the Blue
Heron Yoga Studio in the Smiley Building, 1309 E. Third Ave., from
5:30-7:30 p.m. The family friendly event is followed by an optional
30 minute meditation. 259-2110.
Jack Ellis & Larry Carver play high-altitude blues,
rock and folk at the Pagosa Brew Pub at 5:30 p.m
VFW Post 4031, 1550 Main Ave., hosts an Oktoberfest celebration
at 6 p.m. The event includes food and dancing to Alte Kameraden and
benefits the Post Accessibility Project.
Tom MacCluskey performs on piano at the Mahogany Grille,
699 Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433.
Durango Scottish Dancers sponsors a Ceiligh with Scottish
dancing, instruction, potluck and live music at 6:30 p.m. at
the Senior Center, 2424 Main Ave. Donations go toward art and dance
education and appreciation. 382-9593 for details.
Caring for Kids presents “Just Go to the Movies” at
the Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., at 7 p.m. The evening
includes a variety of music and dance from big screen favorites and
benefits the Durango Performing Arts Company. 259-2606 for
The Sideshow Emporium & Gallery, in Dolores, hosts a 7 p.m.
reception for The Photo Booth Chronicles, featuring nearly 200
portraits from artist Rosie Carter’s portable photo booth.
The event includes live music from Baby Toro and refreshments.
Dave Mensch performs solo at Blondie’s Pub and Grub
in Cortez starting at 7 p.m.
The 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.,
offers karaoke from 8 p.m. to close. 259-8801 for details.
Moe’s Starlight Lounge, 937 Main Ave., presents dancing on
the patio from 9 p.m.-close. 259-9018.
Juba Juba! plays an encore show at the Summit, 600 Main
Ave., at 9:30 p.m. 247-2324 for details.
The Home Grown Festival, a day of activities, educational
workshops and apple treats to celebrate the fall harvest and local
foods, happens from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. There will be live music and
activities include apple dunking, pumpkin catapult, pie-eating
contest, and tart tasting. 375-5065.
YogaDurango, 1485 Florida Rd., offers 108 Sun Salutations to
benefit the Yes Ma’am campaign, for Mercy Medical
Center’s Breast Care Center, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. A free intro
to Hot Vinyasa is set for 4-5:15 p.m.
The Namaste Center of Spiritual Oneness hosts an open
house on North St. in Bayfield from 12:30-2:30 p.m. 884-5236
to RSVP.
The Durango chapter of Food Not Bombs serves free
vegetarian/vegan food starting at 1 p.m. at Riverfront Park in
conjunction with a drum circle. Volunteers, donations and potluck
dishes are welcome at the weekly event. for
Durango BMX hosts racing just south of Gateway Park with
sign-ups from 1-1:30 p.m. and racing to follow. 799-1780 or for details.
Jack Ellis & Larry Carver play high-altitude blues,
rock and folk at JJ’s Riverwalk Restaurant in Pagosa at
6 p.m.
Fort Lewis College Artist in Residence Aviram Reichert presents
the lecture/recital “Who is afraid of Chopin’s
Études?” at 7 p.m. at Roshong Recital Hall.
Joel Racheff plays the Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.,
from 7-11 p.m.
The Blue Moon Ramblers play their weekly gig at the Diamond
Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 7:30 p.m.
The 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.,
offers karaoke from 8 p.m. to close. 259-8801 for details.
Singer-songwriter Joel Racheff plays The Diamond Belle
Saloon, 699 Main Ave., 5 to 7 p.m. and 8 to 10:30 p.m.
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Our
Sister’s Keeper sponsors a Native American Candlelight
Vigil from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Ignacio Public Library.
The Eco Home Center, 1120 Main Ave., Suite 2 , hosts David
Johnston, renowned author of Green Remodeling and Green from the
Ground Up, for a free presentation and booksigning at 6:30
p.m. Space is limited. Call 259-8326 to reserve a spot.
The Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College hosts
“Moving Mountains,” a concert by country great Kathy
Mattea, at 7:30 p.m.
The Center of Light presents a free workshop, “Creating
Your Life Using the Laws of the Universe,” at 7 p.m.
downstairs at the Durango Coffee Co., 730 Main Ave. The gathering
meets again on Oct. 27. 882-4920 for details.
The 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.,
hosts open
mic night from 8 p.m. to close. 259-8801 for details.
Singer-songwriter Terry Rickard plays an 8 p.m.-midnight show at
Joel’s, 119 W. 8th St.
An open-level Latin/Salsa Dance Party takes place
at 8:30 p.m. at the Durango Recreation Center, 2700 Main
Ave. No partner necessary. 903-9402 for details.
Kindred Spirit Art Class meets at the Four Corners 4
Health Care Center from 10:15-11:15 a.m. Materials are
supplied and the class is open to everyone. 759-5246.
The Durango Arts Center’s Paint Bar, 802 E. Second Ave.,
offers Supermud, clay for kids. Ages 4-7 meet from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Ages 8-12 meet from 4:40-5:40 p.m. The Paint Bar also offers
after-school hours from 3:30-5:30 p.m. 259-2606 for details.
Singer-songwriter Terry Rickard plays at The Diamond Belle
Saloon, 699 Main Ave., from 5 to 7 p.m. and 8 to 10:30 p.m.
Durango BMX hosts practices from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the track
just south of Gateway Park. 799-1780 or for details.
The League of Women Voters of La Plata County sponsors a forum
on the Nov. 4 ballot from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Ignacio Public
Library. Attendees will hear pros and cons on each of the
referendums and amendments on the ballot.
Durango DEVO premieres “Never Forget the
Feeling,” a film about the team’s 2008 race season
by Devo U-19 team member Chase Orricks, at the Abbey Theatre. Doors
open at 6 p,m. The event is a DEVO fund-raiser.
The Summit, 600 Main Ave., presents open mic night with
Matt Dyer of Mr. Nobody Productions from 7 p.m.-midnight.
Bands and DJs are welcome. 247-2324.
Acoustic folk/pop/indie troubadours Annie Brooks and Cyle
Talley split a set of originals at the Durango Coffee Co., 730 Main
Ave., from 7-9 p.m.
The Billy Goat Saloon, located on Highway 160 in Gem Village,
hosts karaoke with Crazy Charlie starting at 7:30 p.m. 884-9155 for
Dave Mensch, of Formula 151, performs at Moe’s Starlight
Lounge, 937 Main Ave., for the bar’s
2nd anniversary party from 8 p.m.-close. 259-9018
for details.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., offers pre-school
paint hours at the Paint Bar from 11 a.m.-noon. 259-2606 for
Pediatric Associates of Durango, 1199 Main Ave., hosts a free
children’s yoga class for 3-7 year olds from 3:15-4 p.m.
259-7337 to reserve a spot.
Animas SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), Durango’s
only independent, radical, anti-authoritarian student & youth
collective, meets every Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. in a top-secret
location. Email
Greg Ryder plays at The Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main
Ave., from 5 to 7 p.m. and 8 to 10:30 p.m.
The League of Women Voters of La Plata County sponsors a forum
on the Nov. 4 ballot from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Bayfield Town Hall.
Attendees will hear pros and cons on each of the referendums and
amendments on the ballot.
An open bluegrass jam meets from 6-8 p.m. at the Durango
Brewing Co., 3000 Main Ave. The circle gathers every Wed.
The Durango Chess Club gathers for its weekly meeting at
Durango Joe’s, 732 E. College, at 6:30 p.m.
Tuba virtuoso Øystein Baadsvik performs at 7 p.m. at
Roshong Recital Hall at FLC.
Songwriter Terry Rickard plays the Office Spiritorium, 699
Main Ave., from 7-11 p.m.
The Center of Light presents a free Mysticism and Meditation
Class meeting at 7 p.m. downstairs at the Durango Coffee Co., 730
Main Ave. A second session is scheduled for Oct. 29. 882-4920 for
Top singer-songwriter Susan Herndon plays a 7: 30 p.m. show
at the Carver Brewing Co., 1022 Main Ave. 259-2545 for details.
Dave Mensch, of Formula 151, performs solo at Joel’s at 8
An open-level East Coast Swing Party takes place at 8:30
p.m. at the Durango Recreation Center. No partner necessary.
903-9402 for details.
Moe’s Starlight Lounge, 937 Main Ave., hosts DJ Bank
spinning dance music from 9 p.m.-close. 259-9018.
The Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College, screens “Under the
Influence,” the latest ski film from Teton Gravity Research,
at 9 p.m. 385-1711 for details.
Eastern Sunz, hip hop from Oregon, stops over at the Summit, 600
Main Ave., at 9:30 p.m. 247-2324 for details.
The Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College hosts the
exhibits, Transitions: Navajo Weaving 1880-1920, and Wish You Were
Here: Postcards from the Southwest, in conjunction with the Durango
Heritage Celebration. Also on exhibit are 100 Contemporary Works
from Native Artists and selections from Ben Nighthorse Jewelry.
Visit or call
Maria’s Bookshop, 960 Main Ave., hosts a showing of
paintings and photographs by Thaddine Swift Eagle through
mid-November. 247-1438 for details.
Karyn Gabaldon Fine Arts, 680 Main Ave., hosts the exhibit
“Heritage of the Land,” featuring paintings of the
area by Eileen Fjerstad, Caroline Reeves Johnson, and Karyn
Gabaldon. The show runs thru Oct. 30. 247-9018.
The Fort Lewis College Art Gallery presents the David Hunt
Annual Ceramics Invitational, featuring work by FLC and area
artists, through Oct. 21. Featured artist, FLC graduate Adam Field,
is currently apprenticing with 6th generation
master Onggi potter Kim Il-Mahn of Yeojoo, South Korea. The gallery
is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m., M-F.
The Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave., exhibits “Spirit
of the West,” a collection of Western images in black and
white and color by Jay Dusard, Tony Stromberg, Shane Knight and
Claude Steelman. It runs through Oct. 29. 382-8355 or
The Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum hosts a living,
cultural treasures exhibit. Ute women and the baskets they weave
are the focus of the show, which features 40 pieces accompanied by
video of the White Mesa, Utah, artisans. .
Pure Soul Coffee House, 40 Town Plaza, displays paintings by
Elizabeth Kinahan through Nov. 15. 259-5499.
The Animas Museum, 3065 W. Second Ave., hosts
“Durango’s Strangest Shootout- The Day the
Marshal Killed the Sheriff,” a show on one of
Durango’s most tragic events, when two lawmen shot it out on
Main Avenue. 259-2402 for details.
4CORE kick offs the La Plata County Climate Action
Plan development process Oct. 23 at the Rec Center.
The “Bodo Bash” for United Way is set for Oct.
23 at the new Ska Brewing world headquarters.
The Colorado Civil Rights Commission will hold a public forum
Oct. 23 at Durango City Hall. The commission will accept testimony
on local civil rights concerns.
The Abbey Theatre will host a free screening of
“I.O.U.S.A.,” a film examining the consequences of
rapidly growing national debt, on Oct. 23.
“Mountain Towns and Micro-Business,” an economic
summit, meets on Oct. 23-24 in Silverton. Email for
Organist C. Scott Hagler will present a recital
commemorating the International Year of the Organ at St.
Mark’s Church on Oct. 24.
The Women’s Resource Center will sponsor the 2008
Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Conference on Oct. 25.
375-1433 for details.
Medicine Horse hosts its annual MusicFest on Oct. 25 in the
Mancos Opera House. The J.S. Trio – Jeff Solon, Joyce
Simpson, Jeff Sweet – will reunite for the show. 533-7403 for
The San Juan Mountains Association will host an Oct. 25 Fall Sky
Star Party at Hawkins Preserve in Cortez.
Harpist Sylvia Zurko will bring Eleanor of Aquitaine to
life in an Oct. 26 performance at St. Mark’s Episcopal
The Henry Strater Theatre will host a live stage performance of
the Rocky Horror Show from Oct. 28-31.
The Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County hosts an all-ages
carnival at Fort Lewis College on Halloween Day.
The KDUR Transvestite Ball returns to the Abbey Theatre on
Oct. 31.
Liquid Cheese returns to “Screamworks” for a
Halloween show.
The first annual Halloween Zombie March will converge at
midnight on Halloween at the intersection of College and Main
The La Plata County Humane Society will hold a “Horse
Nutrition & Care Workshop” on Nov. 1 at the
A World Summit for Humanity, a one-day local conference, metes
on Nov. 2 at the Rocky Mountain Institute of Healing Arts. 385-5142
to register.
The Adaptive Sports Association of Durango will host volunteer
orientation meetings on Nov. 5 & 6 at the Durango
Recreation Center. Training is free, and volunteers earn one day of
free skiing for each day volunteered. 259-0374 for details.
The Liquor World Wine Tasting Gala and Silent Auction, which
benefits Habitat for Humanity, is set for Nov. 7 at the DoubleTree
Our Sister’s Keeper and the Native American Center of Fort
Lewis College host the 1st annual Wellness and the
Sacred Woman Summit on Nov. 7-8. 259-2519 for details.
The 12th annual AIDS benefit is set for Nov. 8 at the
Durango Arts Center.
The La Plata County Humane Society will hold its Bark & Wine
Boogie Ball on Nov. 8 at the D&SNG Railroad Museum.
The La Plata Open Space Conservancy will accept entries for the
15th annual Snowdown Wine Tasting and Fine Art
Exhibition through Nov. 11. Selected artwork will be auctioned
at the event to raise funds for permanent protection of special
open lands. 259-3415 for details.
The Mighty Underdogs, a Bay Area supergroup, will play the Abbey
Theatre on Nov. 13.
The Colorado State University’s Master Gardener
program in La Plata County is accepting applications through
Nov. 14. Classes start Feb. 5 and meet all day on Thursdays.
382-6465 for details.
The Durango Public Library is accepting submissions for a juried
photography show, “Evoking the Inner Life: Images of
Reading,” through Nov. 18. 259-4486 for details.
The Edgar Winter Band plays the Concert Hall
What: A concert from the classic blues/rock musician
Where: The Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College.
When: Sun., Oct. 19. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
The “Free Ride” stops off in Durango this weekend.
The Edgar Winter Band plays the Community Concert Hall at Fort
Lewis College on Oct. 19.
Known for his smashes “Frankenstein” and “Free
Ride,” Winter captured an era in pop history and redefined
the possibilities of fusing blues with rock. Raised in Beaumont,
Texas, the younger brother of guitarist Johnny Winter, Edgar is
known for pushing himself in new directions, synthesizing rock,
blues and jazz melodies. A talented saxophonist, keyboardist and
composer, Winter remains, at heart ,a blues musician who’s
never been afraid to venture into multiple musical arenas.
“Winter has never been a follower, just a true
leader,” according to “With his latest
release ‘Rebel Road’ (July 2008), Edgar Winter manages
to rock pretty righteously … Edgar Winter doing what he does
best - rocking out with passion and lots of drums and guitar.
Welcome back, Edgar Winter.”
Curtain for the Sunday show is at 7:30 p.m., with doors to the
Spotlight Lounge offering beer, wine and nonalcoholic beverages and
snacks, opening at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at, by calling 247-7657 or at the Downtown
Ticketing Office behind Magpies.
‘Grimm Pajamas’ pays a visit to Durango
What: Creede Repertory Theatre’s Young Audience Outreach Tour
Where: The Henry Strater Theatre, 699 Main Ave.
When: Fri., Oct. 17. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Family theater takes the stage at the Henry Strater this week.
This Friday, “The Hank” presents a performance by the
Creede Repertory Theatre’s Young Audience Outreach Tour, now
in its 25th year. “Grimm Pajamas: Inventing
Fairy Tales” – a production that reinvents
everyone’s favorite fairytales with clever characters and
lively, fast-paced action – goes on stage at 6:30 p.m.
Everyone knows Cinderella, Rapunzel and Hansel &
Gretel, but have you heard of The Young Giant, Old Hildebrand, Hans
my Hedgehog, and Clever Elsie? The Creede Repertory Theatre will
introduce characters new and old to the Durango audience. The
players share the tales using music and puppetry, and children are
sure to be engaged by this high-energy retelling of these familiar
(and unfamiliar) classic tales. Recommended for kids kindergarten
through sixth grade. The Creede Repertory Theater also will provide
free children’s books to young audience members.
Tickets will be available at the door. For more information,
Colorado Wild celebrates with John Fielder
What: A benefit celebration for Colorado Wild’s 10th anniversary
Where: The Open Shutter Gallery,
When: Fri., Oct. 17 at 5:30 p.m.
One of Colorado’s best-known nature photographers is
lending a hand to one of Colorado’s best known conservation
groups this week. John Fielder will help Durango-based Colorado
Wild celebrate its 10th anniversary this Friday
with a slide show/celebration/silent auction at the Open Shutter
Gallery at 5:30 p.m.
Fielder is a nature photographer, activist and longtime
supporter of Colorado Wild’s work and has been capturing the
beauty of Colorado for 40 years. Fielder is the author of 38
exhibit-format and guide books, including Colorado’s all-time
best-selling regional title, Colorado 1870-2000, William H.
Jackson/John Fielder.
The Durango celebration will include a slideshow of
Fielder’s recent work, a small silent auction, and drinks and
light fare. Several of Fielder’s prints and books will be for
sale with a portion of sales to benefit Colorado Wild.
Tickets for the event are available at Open Shutter and at the
door. For more information, call 385-9833.