photos by David Halterman
In the mid-1800s, James Starley invented the first mass-produced
riding machine, the penny farthing. Characterized by its large
front wheel with pedals and cranks, followed by a small wheel in
the back, penny farthing riders began dispensing with the
superfluous rear wheel altogether, and voila, the unicycle was
born. A century and half later and you can find riders on these
inverted pendulums from the street to the trail, and even touring
across the country. Durango is no exception, and in keeping with
its wheeled legacy, a club has emerged for those who prefer one
wheel to two. One wheel is better, meets every Friday at 6 p.m. at
various locales thorughout town. The next meeting is this Friday,
on the Animas River Trail, behind Holiday Inn. All ages and
abilities welcome, helmet and extreme patience required.