|  | The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds. | Found Set of bike tools Found in the Durango Mountain Park on July 11. Call 375-7321 to identify. A nice bag of The Tree Bee and other items at the Farmers Market 7/12. Please call to claim them 247-7929. Boat key and others on ring. Found on C R 502 July 4th weekend. 970-884-4016. Lost Life vest New red Astral on 7/9 some where in Durango along highway. Contact Shawn 749-5590. HelpWanted City of Durango is accepting applications for Transit Operators. Must have Commercial Drivers License with passenger endorsement (B class). Opportunity for advancement, good work environment. Must have good driving record and good customer service skills. Must be available to work various shifts including mid-day to early evening, as well as Saturdays & Sundays for approximately 25-37 hours per week. $13.79/hour, no benefits. Applications will be accepted until position filled. Apply at City of Durango Human Resources, 949 E. 2nd Ave. or at www.durangogov.org. Background check and drug testing are conditions of employment. Drug Free/EOE.
Abbey Theatre Now hiring for theatre staff position. Must be available nights & weekends. Call (970) 259-9511 or leave a resume @ 128 E. College Dr. Inside Durango TV advertising sales position for Durango’s best local TV program. Media sales experience required. Contact and resume to: infodurangotv.com. Sales Vanguard Car Rental USA Inc. operates National Car Rental and Alamo Rent-A-Car. We are currently seeking a Rental Sales Agent. $9.00/hr plus commission and excellent benefits pkg for individuals who are highly motivated and have customer service skills. Must be able to work flexible hours, nights, weekends, holidays. Apply in person at 1000 Airport Rd. #13, Durango or email resume w/salary req to careers@vanguardcar.com. EOE/AA Employer. Drug Free Workplace.
Busy local moving company Needs drivers, packers, loaders with good driving records and must be 21 years old. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Apply @ 170 S. Skylane Dr. Bldg., 3, Animas Air Park. 247-3387. Instructor of energy healing at Rocky Mountain Institute of Healing Arts. Minimum 5 years experience. For info., call 385-5142 or email: info@instituteofhealingarts.com
Choose Local Uni-Staff Services. Summer Temp Jobs. Office or Outdoors. 259-1940. Sushitarian Chef and dishwasher needed. Apply in person between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. or call 382-0001 or 382-0012. Cleaning position Are you thorough, detail oriented and love to clean? Flexible hours between 8:30 a.m. & 4 p.m. Vehicle required. Start $12 per hour. If seriously motivated, call 759-6329. Announcements Susan James CCHT Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, specializing in past life & spiritual regressions will be scheduling sessions on Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Dragonfly’s Book Garden, 929 A Hwy. 3 Plaza. Hypnotherapy also for weight loss, insomnia, etc. $65 per session. Initial free consultation. Sessions by appt. only. Intuitive Tarot Readings @$1/minute, For more info, please call Susan, 970-946-3880 or set@skywerx.com.
Lake Powell Looking for CMT to trade body work in exchange for 7 day house & ski boat holiday. All your expenses paid. 2 couples- Oct. 18-24. 946-3914. Three-home moving sale Furniture, leather coats, massage table, books etc. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 10-5. County Road 502 across from Pine River Fire Station. Call 769-9449 or 884-9848. ArtWorks Youth Art Studio beginning August 4. One and two-week sessions for 7-10 and 11-14-year-old art lovers. A program through Pueblo Community College/Durango Campus. Call 247-2929 for details. 2 for 1 Kittens La Plata County Humane Society is overflowing with kittens. If you’ve been thinking of adding a feline to your household, now is the time! For the next two weeks, two kittens can be adopted for the price of one for $45. For information, call the Humane Society at 259-2847. Dragonfly’s Book Garden Tarot cards/oil/candles/incense/ art and more. 10% off books. 929 A Hwy. 3 Plaza. 247-1525. Hold your meetings/classes here. Readings by appointment. Therapeutic Massage Program 6 mos./1 day & 1 night per week beginning late Sept. 2008. SW School of Massage & Integrated Bodywork, 2277 W. 2nd Ave. Ste.#2, Durango. No drop-ins please. (970) 259-2523 (Choose option #2 - leave message) or email: nancy@swmassageschool.com “Last chance to automatically get state license.”
Tuxedo Kitty, Owner Unknown. Killed by passing car, 1680 block of Florida on Friday night 7/11 or Saturday morning. Was given loving burial by friends. Reruns Home Furnishings has a great selection of art, furniture, patio accessories ect. Always looking to purchase or consign interesting pieces. 572 E. 6th Ave. 385-7336. Affordable Yoga with Elise Fabricant! Strengthen your body, soothe your soul. Power Vinyasa, Yin and Prenatal yoga classes for all levels. Call for times and locations: (970) 426-9123. Christopher Marona, Nationally acclaimed photographer, & Over the Hill Outfitters have teamed up for a unique Wilderness Photography Workshop in the Weminuche, July 21-25, 2008. www.OverTheHillOutfitters.com (970) 385-7656. Ride Mexico’s Copper Canyon on horseback. A true cultural experience with breathtaking scenery, jaw dropping trails, cultural history, anthropology, camaraderie, solid horses and the rest is totally indescribable. Nov. 19-29, 2008. www.OverTheHillOutfitters.com (970) 385-7656. Four Corners Lesbian Network Go to: www.yahoogroups.com search Four Corners Lesbian or e-mail. fourcornersln@yahoo.com.
Services IQ Imagery Quality photographic imaging at prices you can swallow. Weddings, Senior Portraits, Headshots, Kids, Architectural and more. Contact Sunny at (970) 769-6408 or www.IQimagery.com.
Russian Sage & Catmint are lovely and well-adapted but so are many other less used plants! If you are craving diversity and fresh ideas call Gardens by Eve ~ Coaching, Consulting, Design 769-3319. Redpoint Design & Construction Specializing in remodels, additions, new construction and custom woodworking. Call Sam for a free estimate on your job - big or small! 970-769-6409. www.redpoint-construction.com.
Susan James CCHT Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, specializing in past life & spiritual regressions will be scheduling sessions on Thursdays, 10am to 4 pm, at Dragonfly’s Book Garden, 929 A Hwy. 3 Plaza. Hypnotherapy also for weight loss, insomnia, etc. $65 per session. Initial free consultation. Sessions by appt. only. Intuitive Tarot Readings @$1/minute, For more info, please call Susan, 970-946-3880 or set@skywerx.com.
Achieve Your Wellness Potential Personalized health and wellness programs for individuals, groups and businesses. Health Coaching services, body fat and dietary assessments, meal plan and recipe makeovers, group classes. San Juan Wellness Associates, LLC 970.764.8144 or DGOHealthCoach@gmail.com.
Guitar Lessons with Pete Giuliani, at my home studio or at Canyon Music Woodworks. Rock Dance Parties with Freeplay. Call 385-6713 or 259-1622. Premium Companion Animal Caretaking Experienced and dependable, full-service pet and companion animal care. Visit us at http://www.companioncaretakers.blogspot.com , contact us at CompanionCaretakers@gmail.com or 749-7006.
AA Deck Maintenance Remove the grey from your deck or fence. Restore and preserve your deck. Patios cleaned and sealed. Free estimates. 247-7912. Hikercise! Come delight in the Great Outdoors while turning your walking or hiking into a Whole Body experience! First Class Free! Please call Mimi at 799-7777 or visit www.hikercise.com.
BodyWork Sports Massage for your active summer. 19 years exp. with CycleAmerica, Adventure Cycling, Bicycle Tour of Colorado, skiers, golfers, runners, NBA players and more. Downtown location. Call Sally at 749-0604. Let Your Body Talk and heal itself! For more information, go to www.bodytalksystem.com, www.asantecenter.com or contact your Certified Durango BodyTalk Practitioner, Julie Gentry at julierob915@hotmail.com.
Don’t Delay! Last Chance to receive special summer rates $45/hr, $55/1.25 hrs, $65/1.5 hrs. Rejuvenating therapeutic massage therapy sessions. Please call Sarah Hauze, CMT 970-331-2447. Durango. Mystic Muse Specials 90 min. massage for $75, After Sun Lotion, Bumps & Bruises $10! Phone Laurie 970-769-6166. Experience Student Massage $30/1hr., $45/1.5hrs. Deep tissue/Swedish. Beautiful private setting. Convenient in-town Durango location. Free parking. (970) 259-2523, choose option #1 leave message. The Homeopathy of Bodywork, Ortho-Bionomy® provides profound and lasting changes to acute and chronic problems, completely pain free. Heidi Timm, Licensed Massage Therapist, 22 years, 759-9038. Wanted Your old Yamaha or Honda scooter. Running or not! 799-2743. ForSale Aire Tomcat Inflatable kayak(s), solo & tandem, excellent condition, used twice, no patches or repairs. $399/$499. 259-7771. www.GravityPlay.com. Piranha Stretch Kayak w/ paddle, life vest, dry jacket, and skirt. $450. 799-8605. Bed for sale Mattress, box spring and head/foot board. Asking $150. 970-259-0965. 1993 Ford Bronco Strong truck needs some love. 799-1868. 7/17 Specialized Allez Elite Road bike. 55CM. Excellent condition. Great components. Ridden lightly. $600. 382-2778. Steel Buildings Discounted Custom Commercial Design. Big or Small. No Middleman. Factory Direct to Site. Can Erect, Cheap Freight. www.scg-grp.com Source#0W0. Phone: 970-367-4335.
Great commuter/touring bike. Nishiki cross bike. 21 speed. All terrain tires. Medium size frame. $250. 749-0604. 1999 Kawasaki Ninja EX500 9,800 miles. Great cond. Saddle bags, charger. $2,000. 749-7564. Herbalife Independent Distributor Call me for product information. Charly Alexander (970) 259-0731. www.AOneHealth.com.
Tired of Boring? Save $10,000. 2006 Nissan 350Z. Like New, less than 7000 miles. Great Mileage. $25,000. Call Steve @ 970-533-7085. ’07 Nissan Murano S In great condition. 26,000+ miles. klc1013@msn.com or 764-8066.
1991 Nissan 4wd Truck Great farm vehicle or...? $2500 obo. 247-7929. Glasstite Camper top For Toyota Tacoma, needs rear window. Dark green. $200. 247-7929. RealEstate Sunny Cottage + Nice Yard 1bedrm/bath + guest room/bath, (2 bdrm/2 bath), 205 East 7th Ave. Bright, sunny spaces! French doors! Nice fenced yard + large aspens! Lilacs! $324K. 259-1544. FSBO in-town townhome $323,000 3Bd 2.5Ba 2075sf - all appliances, small fenced yard, 2car garage, in-floor heat. Details online: www.snipurl.com/quasar or call 385-5475 for an appt. Dolores Home w/River Access. 2 BR/2BA near Dolores River. Built in ’98. Mint cond. $230k. MLS #600321. Bill Stanley. 970-749-7671. billstanley@remax.net.
Beautiful new townhomes coming soon to Three Springs! Colorado Built Green, 2 & 3 BRs, 2 car gar. Starting at $279,900! Reserve yours today for fall delivery! Angie @ Timberline Builders 970-259-5166. Business Opportunity On The River in Dolores. 2200 s.f. lodge on the Dolores River. Current use is coffee shop/café. Business opportunity included. $525k. MLS# 600419. Bill Stanley 970-749-76761. billstanley@remax.net.
Southside Duplex + Studio 115 East 6th Avenue $472K. You could live in 1+ rent the rest. That’s $236K/house + a studio! Quiet hood +secure yard for gear, 2,360 sf duplex + 288 sf studio. 4-car parking on site 259-3116. 35 acres Borders BLM. Near Mancos/Cortez. Elec/Water/ Telephone. $155K. Bill Stanley. 970-749-7671. HousingWanted House or Apartment Wanted 2nd year students need 2/3 bed, 2 bath close to FLC 719-473-2343 or 719-659-2544. ForRent Share gorgeous, large, Hand-made, wood home, vaulted ceilings, for conscious, responsible, progressive folk. Cool in summer. Prefer single or couple who grow organic veggies (“growing dome” and garden) in exchange for rent reduction. Bayfield. 3 acres. Quiet cul-de-sac, 3-block walk to library and bus to Durango! Includes WIFI, laundry, long distance phone and sharing some fine, organic dinners. Long term. Avail now. N/S References. $560 single/$650 couple. 970-946-6994. Massage Office Space 202 W. 22nd, located in Thrive Chiropractic. $300.00 per month. Contact Trapper Niccum at 970-259-0968. Great Spacious 4BD Home Looking for great family or mature 4some to rent 10 min. from downtown. May consider great animal, too! Can consider lease option w/ some down, and portion of rent goes to purchase. Available Now!!! More info/can see pics MLS #588615. (970)-779-0571. Downtown Studio Commercial/residential. 10th and Main. Lease negot. $1,000/mo. + utils. Avail. 8/1. 749-2874. 2 bedroom/2.5 baths 1 acre, 8 miles north, W/D, garage. $1,350/mo. + utils. 749-2874. Office Space for Rent Beautiful downtown office space to share, with parking space. Available Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday & ½ Saturday. 759-5918. Pets Pure-bred Siberian Huskies Pups for sale. 14 weeks old. Females. $175 each. Ignacio, CO. 563-0146. Labradoodles Multi-generation, registered puppies. Non-allergenic, luxurious coats in chocolate and cream. Included: 2 year health guarantee, spayed/ neutered, 1st vaccinations and deworming, microchipped, and more. (719)539-3784 or www.rockymtnlabradoodles.com.
CommunityService Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Support Group Meets the second Wednesdays of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Crossroads Building, 1075 Main Ave. E-mail gfindurango@gmail.com for room location or add’l info.
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