Last weeks downtown fire, while no doubt a tragedy, was a genuine glimpse into the care, compassion and dedication that holds communities like Durango together. Dozens of fire and rescue workers rushed to the scene, while local businesses and restaurants generously donated sustenance to the tired crews and displaced employees. Meanwhile, concerned citizens banded together to offer moral and financial support. Less than a week later, clean up is under way, and talk of rebuilding has already sprung from the ashes.


In this week's issue...

August 22, 2024
Rethinking 'big grid'

Increasingly, microgrids seen as way to combat climate, geographic vulnerabilities

August 22, 2024
The bee's knees

Bees, butterflies and other pollinators are now classified as wildlife in Colorado

August 15, 2024
Pucker up

Mother Nature turns riffle into a ripper on Cataract Canyon