A short history of CCD Dear Editors, Barry Digman, of Farmington, wrote a formal argument against my letter on May 7 regarding the nature of colony collapse disorder in the world today, and specific corporate endeavors to unveil the causes. He asserted that, because the institutionalized efforts (only the few of which he is obviously aware of) have not included the information I outlined, “Because it simply does not account for the symptoms of CCD,” that they are incorrectly founded and disconnected from the issue. None of his rebuttal showed me that he even attempted to look into the vast information available on said subject, or the similarities of deaths in butterflies, birds, bats, dolphins and whales (the latter two being involved with sonar waves rather than microwaves). Included, in my researched proclamations, were abstract statements derived from myriad private (less bias and funding) institutional and governmental (wow) studies worldwide, concerning the effects of growing electromagnetic communications arrays (i.e.: cell phone microwave towers), weather modification (including aerosols, p-guns, thunderstorm solar powered satellites like Bernard Eastlund’s, and ionospheric heater facilities), satellite/cellular military and marketplace commercial hypersonic sound experimentation (microwave auditory effect), geomagnetic shifting (the pole shift, as outlined even by NASA at http: //science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003 /29dec_mag neticfield.htm), blatant climate changes associated with said shifts and with the amplifying effects of industrial and commercial pollution, all upon bee vitality. And, without any doubt at all, upon vitality for all life in general. We all know what high-frequency electromagnetic radiation means. Hazard. Lead shielding. Safety goggles. Chernobyl. Etc. Go here: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/3545166/ Although I can and must agree, due to my wealth of understanding in the realm of health care, GMOs (try watching the movie “Future of Food”), pesticides (watch “Nutricide” about Codex Alimentarius, Monsanto and DuPont), pharmaceutical toxins (all pharmaceuticals are carcinogens), fluoridisis (fluoride is a brain-dumbing chemical first used in WWII to induce complacency), chlorine-related DNA damage (a bleach that kills everything), chemical and electromagnetic weather modification programs, and so much mor e… that the bees are quite obviously (that is, without much research required) being harmed by such mindless, corporation-enriching practices (just think DARPA’s new MEMS programs wherein bees and butterflies are being modified with genes to keep them alive and operative with RFID chips embedded inside of them for tracking and neurological REMOTE control)… I mean, really: even Greenpeace proved with independent scientific studies that GMOs cause nervous system and cellular breakdown, let alone disease. I must also let it be known that the worst pollution in existence today is still the most elusive and nearly invisible one of all. Vorroa mites have lived with bees for thousands of years. Something’s wrecking their immunity. And aside from that, they’re simply disappearing (nothing to do with mites). Electromagnetic frequencies can even agglomerate particles to literally create material elements, and it’s not as if this isn’t being studied on our planet. Forget the laboratories. The best playground for such study is the high-plasma of the Earth’s own electrojet in the magnetic shield above us, holding in our precious air. It doesn’t take much to tweak pressure systems, weather patterns, radio and acoustical communications, lightning or even hurricanes with such measures. And you don’t have to trust me, either. Just do your own digging when someone tells you what’s what. Find out if they’re right instead of assuming otherwise because some Department of Commerce-owned (that is, international socialist investment banker-owned, NON-American fascist organization) educational facility or corporate organization does a job to see what’s up. I don’t discredit their efforts, but I do display a bit of frustration toward those who don’t know who pays for such studies or who is part of them without holistic consideration of personal and professional ties. Even the NOAA and WMO and FDA and WHO and FAO and USDA and Bureau of Reclamation and DOE are involved with weather modification, unintentionally destroying atmospheric pollen. And then Monsanto. It’s not hard to imagine, let alone find the proof for. DNA itself is called “molecular frequency,” as in a station that can be tuned in or altered. Not hard stuff. Would it be a far fetch to do some searching on how Raytheon, GDRS and Monsanto are financial buddies? Could you imagine GMO spores floating around in the skies because of public acquiescence, ignorance or powerlessness in the face of fascism? Or radio frequencies altering the atmosphere? Guess what. We are part of a long play involving Tesla/ Marconi/ GE/ BAE Systems technology which involves cellular microwave towers transmitting “wireless power” (and altering neurology). – Light and Truth, Brendan Bombaci Cleaning up men’s messes Dear Editors, I would like to respond to Lee Van Quif, who wrote in last week’s letters about how burned he felt after he had wined and dined his date, and she “wouldn’t put out.” Then he went on to demean her, by saying, “she has been sleeping around and doodling any guy who will give her the time of day.” I am dismayed, but not surprised, that this kind of sexual objectification of woman still exists. He is one of those men who is antiquated in his understanding of women and mostly, himself. These types have a male image that has been conditioned to think like society wants them to think. I had a man in his 50s recently tell me that he thought most women were “militant feminists.” That men have different “needs” than women, and woman should “put out” when men need sexual release! Here is yet another example of a man lost to his own identity. He has become a slave to the idea that woman are here for his pleasure! I wasn’t surprised when he admitted to being into soft porn. After all, he said “if the woman isn’t going to put-out, then what’s a man to do?” He’s got to be able to get some “release!” I was floored by his sexism! Don’t women have “needs” too? In pornography, the man’s release is always more paramount than the woman’s. Poor Mr. Lee Van Quif will have to find other ways to get his woman to “put-out.” If he is bringing gifts and treating her to meals with the ulterior motive of getting laid, get over it! Join the 21st century where women have bigger things on their minds than YOUR sexual satisfaction! Women and children are the most hated group in society which is evidenced by pornography, war and rape. This is a fact many will not face. It is incredible that it has continued over so many eons, beginning with the witch burnings, and more. Women are also the shakers, movers and doers in this crumbling society. It is women who reach out to clean up the messes made by men. We raise the children ALONE. Now you can call me a commie, feminist dyke if you like, but let’s have the courage to face the issue. Why are men, to this day, so afraid of women (not all men, mind you)? Why do 80 percent of men vs. 20 percent of women continue to consume porn? Why is the industry reporting that the viewers want more violence, more demeaning behaviors than ever before? Why is porn legal and prostitution isn’t? I so like it when a man brings me flowers, because he is happy to be giving, and giving something beautiful. Some men need to join the human race! Women were not put on this planet to please your every fantasy. You have a hand and an imagination! Dear Mr. Lee Van Quif, the little “sugar-n-spice” that you are hoping your woman will give you could come in the form of LOVE. You respect what you love, and love what you respect! Both sexes need to continually update their images of what and who they are. It is always a challenge to change our conditioning, but it is imperative in these times. Please read the book, Getting Off, by Robert Jensen. He is helping men understand how pornography ruins masculinity, and he is openly looking at the issues of hate against women. (Oh, and by the way, if your girl is telling you that your house stinks like cat pee, and you agree, DO something about it ... who wants to smell that!? Respect comes in many forms, like cleaning your house!) – Heather Snow, via e-mail