SJCA hosts HD Campout Taste of Durango set for Sunday Spotlight to Stardom returns to Concert Hall
Submit items for On the Town to: 534 Main
Ave., Durango, CO, 81301; fax: ( 970) 259-0448; e-mail:
; or fill out this form
The Southwest Center for Independence, 835 E. Second Ave., Suite
200, offers a free ongoing art class with Margaret Pacheco on
Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. 259-1672 to register.
The San Juan Citizens Alliance celebrates its
volunteers from 5-7 p.m. at the Carver Brewing Co, 1022 Main
Ave. Volunteers will have an opportunity to learn about current
issues and future opportunities. 259-3583 for details.
Ultimate Frisbee takes place at Miller Middle School
football field at 5:30 p.m. 903-8416 for details.
Singer-songwriter Greg Ryder plays at the Diamond Belle
Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 5:30 p.m.
Zia Taqueria, 3101 Main Ave., hosts “Colores de
Vida,” a slideshow by Images Speak, from 6-9 p.m.
Durango Motorless Transit hosts a group trail run in Horse
Gulch. Interested runners should meet at the
8th Ave. trailhead at 6 p.m. 946-5557 for
Lacey Black plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433.
The Durango High School band, orchestra, and jazz band
present their final concert of the year at 7 p.m. in the DHS
auditorium. Senior Ryan O’Block will be featured as the
orchestra’s guest conductor. 259-1630, ext. 2102 for
Rob Bridges, member of the American Society of Media
Photographers, addresses the monthly meeting of the Durango
Photography Club from 7-9 p.m. at the La Plata County
Fairgrounds. 259-6808 for details.
The Lost Dog, 1150 Main Ave., hosts Service Industry Night from
8-11 p.m. 259-0430 for details.
Durango Joe’s, 732 E. College, presents Open Mic
Night from 8: 30-11 p.m. Sign-ups for music and poetry begin
at 8:30 p.m. 375-2121.
Local metal band, The Formless, plays Pint Night at
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., at 10 p.m. 259-9200.
The Southwest Colorado Peace and Justice Coalition holds a
peace vigil from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the corner of Main Ave.
and 11th St. Signs will be available or bring your own.
259-4185 for details.
Mild to Wild, 50 Animas View Dr., hosts Business After
Hours from 5-7 p.m. The event includes a Zia Taqueria taco
bar, beverages and door prizes.
Greg Ryder plays a second show at the Diamond Belle Saloon,
699 Main Ave., at 5:30 p.m.
Zia Taqueria, 3101 Main Ave., hosts “Colores de
Vida,” a slideshow by Images Speak, from 6-9 p.m.
247-3355 for details.
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., hosts Blu Friday including
a keg giveaway beginning at 6 p.m. 259-9200.
Gary Walker plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433.
Sherry Fuller discusses “Easy Organic
Gardening” at 6 p.m. at the Soul Food Forum at the
Cortez Public Library. 570-9084 for details.
The Jeff Solon Swing’n Big Band performs for dancing
and listening from 7:30-11:30 p.m. at the Diamond Circle Theatre,
699 Main Ave. Suzi DiSanto will give dance lessons during the first
Blue Moon plays variety favorites at the 8th Ave.
Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave., at 8 p.m. 259-8801 for
The Columbine Bar in Mancos hosts King Karaoke with Steve
Kahler at 8 p.m. 533-7397 for details.
Singer-songwriter Joel Racheff plays the Millwood Junction
in Mancos from 8 p.m.-midnight.
The Fort Lewis Mesa Branch of the Durango Public Library hosts a
public star viewing from 8-10 p.m. Telescopes will be
available to look at Venus, spring constellations, nearby galaxies
and some deep sky objects as well. 588-3331, Ext. 3802 for
DJ Vic spins a club mix at the Lost Dog, 1150 Main Ave., at 9
p.m. 259-0430 for details.
Michael McCallister plays the Friday Afternoon Club at the
Billy Goat Saloon in Gem Village beginning from 4-7 p.m. Cosmic
Accident plays rock ‘n roll beginning at 9 p.m. 884-9155 for
The Cronin Valley Crooks bring their bluegrass to the Summit for
a 9: 30 p.m. show, 600 Main Ave. 247-2324. 4
The Durango Farmer’s Market kicks off from 8 a.m.-noon in
the First National Bank of Durango parking lot, 259 W.
9th St. The event includes produce from local
farmers, prepared food items, locally made crafts, and musical
The Durango Betties hockey team will be holding their annual
Betties fund-raising garage sale from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 901
Florida Road, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., hosts its
2nd annual Garage Art Sale from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Proceeds benefits the exhibits program. DAC also holds a community
clean-up day from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help spiff
up the outside of the building. 259-2606.
Animas Museum’s May Fair runs from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at 3065
W. Second Ave. A number of special events, including an exhibit
featuring historic photos, an Animas City Cemetery tour, a
“Ring the bell” ceremony, and a living history craft
demonstrations, will be offered. for details.
Four Corners area members of Mensa (The High IQ
Society) meet at noon in Aztec for an informal
luncheon. Non-members are also welcome. 247-9278 to RSVP.
The Five Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited spring fund-raising
banquet takes place at 5:30 p.m. in the Fort Lewis College
Ballroom. The event includes a live auction, bucket raffles, a New
Mexican buffet and cash bar. Funds will aid in riparian area
restoration along the Animas River. Tickets are available at the
Caddis Co and Duranglers.
Greg Ryder closes out three nights at the Diamond Belle
Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 5: 30 p.m.
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave., presents
“Evening Artistry,” a plate and palette event
featuring artist Mary Ellen Long and chef Louis Ciaramella. The
dinner and discussion takes place at 6 p.m. 259-2606.
Zia Taqueria, 3101 Main Ave., hosts “Colores de
Vida,” a slideshow by Images Speak, from 6-9 p.m.
Guiseppe’s Restaurant, 871 CR 501 in Bayfield, hosts Open
Mic with Handsome Dan from 6-8 p.m. 884-7135.
Jeff Sweet plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433 for details.
The 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.,
offers karaoke from 8 p.m. to close. 259-8801 for details.
Country band Largo plays a family dance at the Breen Community
Building from 8 p.m.-midnight. 247-5728.
The Lost Dog, 1150 Main Ave., hosts DJ Mowgli spinning a
club mix beginning at 9 p.m. 259-0430 for details.
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., hosts Ladies Night beginning at
9:30 p.m. 259-9200.
Boxcar, Durango’s newest rock/country band, plays at the
Summit, 600 Main Ave., at 9:30 p.m. 247-2324.
The Four Corners Rose Society discusses “Mulching and
Feeding Your Roses” at 1:30 p.m. at the home at 69
Orchard Lane in Durango. All gardeners are invited to the potluck
event. 259-3244 for details.
Trimble Hot Springs presents singer-songwriter Mark
Simons at 4 p.m. Music at Trimble takes place every Sunday.
247-0111 for details.
Fractalia, KDUR Battle of the Bands winner, plays an After Taste
Party at the Lost Dog, 1150 Main Ave., beginning at 5 p.m. 259-0430
for details.
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., hosts An After Taste
Party at 5 p.m. on the side patio, featuring guest DJs.
259-9200 for details.
The Blue Moon Ramblers play their weekly gig at the Diamond
Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 7:30 p.m.
The 8th Ave. Tavern, 509 E. 8th Ave.,
offers karaoke from 8 p.m. to close. 259-8801 for details.
Singer-songwriter Robin Davis plays at the Diamond Belle
Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 5:30 p.m.
Mountain Bike Specialists, 949 Main Ave., sponsors a free open
house for Iron Horse Bicycle Classic riders and racers at 6
p.m. The event includes tips for riding the race as well as
refreshments. 247-4066 for details.
Lacy Black plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699 Main
Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433 for details. 4
Acclaimed author and naturalist Craig Childs discusses
“House of Rain: Tracking a Vanished Civilization Across the
Southwest” at 7 p.m. in the Fort Lewis College
An open-level Latin/Salsa Dance Party takes place
at 8:30 p.m. at the Durango Recreation Center, 2700 Main
Ave. No partner necessary. 903-9402 for details.
P is for Peanut, 473 E. College, offers free kids’
storytime at 11 a.m. 385-4525 for details.
Durango FiberWorks, located in room 23 of the Smiley Building,
hosts Community Night, an event for all aspiring fiber artists,
from 5-8 p.m. 749-7006 for details.
Ultimate Frisbee takes place at Miller Middle School
football field at 5:30 p.m. 903-8416 for details.
Singer-songwriter Terry Rickard performs at the Diamond
Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 5:30 p.m.
Lacy Black plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433 for details.
Tuesday Cruiseday meets at 6:30 p.m. at Rotary
Park. The cruiser ride takes place every Tuesday.
Solar experts Art Evans and Diane Mee give the free class,
“Photovoltaic 101,” from 7-8:30 p.m. in the
Durango Recreation Center’s Sunlight Room. The class focuses
on basic technologies, components, costs and tax credits. 588-3641
for details.
The Summit, 600 Main Ave., presents open mic night from 7
p.m.-midnight. 247-2324 for details.
The Columbine Bar in Mancos hosts its Tuesday Night Jam at
8 p.m. 533-7397 for details.
DJ Logic plays a 9: 30 p.m. show at the Summit, 600 Main Ave.
247-2324 for details.
Trails 2000 hosts a trail work day from 4-7 p.m. Volunteers
needed. Visit for details.
Singer-songwriter Greg Ryder plays at the Diamond Belle
Saloon, 699 Main Ave., at 5:30 p.m.
Lacy Black plays jazz piano at the Mahogany Grille, 699
Main Ave., from 6-9 p.m. 247-4433 for details.
Terry Rickard plays acoustic rock at the Office
Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave., at 7 p.m.
An open-level East Coast Swing Party takes place at 8:30
p.m. at the Durango Recreation Center. No partner necessary.
903-9402 for details.
Joel’s, 119 W. 8th St., hosts DJ Eschaton spinning
“Retro 2 Electra” for Ladies Night at 9 p.m.
The Durango Lively Arts Co. presents “A Sting in the
Tale,” a murder mystery comedy, at 7:30 p.m. on May 18
& 19 and at 1:30 p.m. on May 19. “A Sting in the
Tale” centers on the writing team of Forbes and Goodman.
After gaining notoriety, the two succumb to a nasty case of
writers’ block. The deadlock is broken only after they come
upon the perfect plot – killing Forbes’ shrew of a
wife. Tickets are available at South City Market, by calling
382-8584 and at the door.
The Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College displays
Monumental Textiles from the Durango Collection, prints from the
Bill and Sue Hensler Collection, and drawings and paintings by
Native American artists. Also on display is an exhibit of the
jewelry of Ben Nighthorse, a show that appeared at the Smithsonian
in Washington, D.C. Visit
The Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave. exhibits
“Bordering Reality,” a group show featuring Erin
Camarca, Karina Noel Hean, Rebecca Lillian Siefer and Alex Spencer.
The multimedia show examine mythological origins, spiritual and
physical explorations and unpredictable movements. The Durango Arts
Center Library exhibits a show by former Jane Leonard entitled
“A Narrative: The Mesa Lady and the All-American Man.”
Karyn Gabaldon Fine Arts, 680 Main Ave., presents the “Art
of Wine,” featuring paintings by Mary Lou Murray and
Karyn Gabaldon and wine rack sculptures by Bryan Saren. The exhibit
will be on display through May 19. 247-9018 for details.
The Fort Lewis College Art Gallery displays The Plein Air
Painters of the Four Corners Exhibition through May 18.
Paintings of the scenic Southwest by more than 30 artists from the
Four Corners region will be on display. The Plein Aire Painters of
the 4 Corners is a group of professional artists that meet once a
month to paint out of doors “en plein air” at various
locations in the Southwest. The artists work in oil, watercolor,
acrylic and pastel.
Open Shutter Gallery, 755 E. Second Ave., exhibits “Women
Empowered” a collection of images by internationally renowned
photographer Phil Borges through May 23. The show is a celebration
of remarkable women in developing countries making extraordinary
differences in their worlds. These compelling portraits show the
heroic women who have chosen to break through the barriers of
oppression and convention to become leaders instead of victims.
Borges is a recipient of numerous humanitarian and photography
awards. 382-8355 or for details.
A new local chapter of Business Networking International meets
every Thursday from 7-8:30 a.m. in room 100 of the Durango Office
Suites, 1053 Main Ave. BNI is the largest business networking
organization in the world. Call 422-2032 or e-mail
The Children’s Museum, 802 E. Second Ave., hosts the
exhibit, “Pushing Your Limits.” The museum
explores how people “push their limits” to survive, or
just have more fun. Children can crawl into a Puebloan dwelling and
imagine how it was to live on the edge, wiggle in a full-sized
raft, or grind it out on a mountain bike trail. 259-9234.
The Carter Brothers bluegrass band will perform a May 24
benefit for the Sacred Mountain Wildlife Center outside the Spruce
Street Coffee House.
Clean Day 2007 will spruce up downtown Durango on May
The Diamond Circle Melodrama opens its 46th and final season on
May 25 with “The Wicklow Wedding” followed by the
Diamond Circle Vaudeville. for details.
Blues Duo Joe and Vicki Price will perform at the 8th Ave.
Tavern on May 25.
The 15th annual Vallecito Lake Chamber of Commerce Fishing
Tournament takes place May 25-27.
Halden Wofford and the Hi-Beams return to Durango for a May
26 show at the Summit.
The 30th annual Narrow Gauge 10-mi. and 5K running race
takes place May 27. Early registration accepted through May 22. for details.
Men Who Grill, a fund-raiser for the Women’s Resource
Center, returns to Main Ave. on June 2.
The La Plata Quilter’s Guild hosts a Small Quilt
Auction at Rotary Park on June 3. Proceeds benefit Adaptive
The Colorado Mounted Rangers offer their 50th annual western
breakfast fund-raiser on June 3 at the La Plata County
“Missionary Ridge: Five Years After the Fire -
Remember, Learn, Prepare,” an event commemorating the 2002
wildfires is scheduled for June 8-10.
The High Noon Rotary Club and the Colorado Workforce Center will
host a communitywide job fair on June 9.
Who’s Your Daddy, the annual fund-raiser for the Durango
Discovery Museum, returns to Main Ave. on June 16.
SJCA hosts HD Campout
What: The annual two-day get-together in the HD Mountains
Where: The HD Mountains east of Bayfield
When: May 19 & 20
Business and pleasure cross this weekend at the annual HD
Mountains Campout. Those who care for the HD Mountains and are
concerned for their future are invited to meet, camp and socialize
on the edge of the HD Mountains Roadless Area on May 19 &
The San Juan National Forest released its Record of Decision for
drilling the HD Mountains, named for a 19th century cattle brand,
on April 4. The decision authorized 57 well pads and 38 miles of
new roads within the boundaries of the inventoried roadless area.
New roads and wells have been approved for essentially
every ridgeline and every valley. Although the plan leaves the
entire Ignacio Creek watershed untouched, alternative routes are
This controversy will be the centerpiece of this weekend’s
campout, which will include entertainment, food and a discussion of
what to do about gas development in the HDs. A guided hike into the
HDs will be followed by a potluck and campout. Participants need to
bring food (including for the Saturday night potluck), drinks, warm
and cool clothes, and camping gear; a grill will be available.
To get there, go about 13 miles east of Bayfield on Highway 160
to mile marker 116; turn at the driveway with the green mail box on
your right; follow the arrows from there. Contact San Juan Citizens
Alliance at 259-3583 to RSVP for the event and get detailed driving
Taste of Durango set for Sunday
What: The annual celebration of local food and libations
Where: Durango’s Main Avenue
When: Sun., May 20, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
The annual Taste of Durango will provide locals and tourists
alike as cuisine, music and flavor take over downtown Durango with
the return of the annual Taste of Durango this Sunday. A section of
Main Avenue will be closed to traffic, and more than 40 food and
beer booths from local restaurants and breweries will take the
place of cars.
Awards will be given in categories such as: “Definitely
Durango” for a taste that reflects the spirit of the town;
“Most Tantalizing Taste” for the most intriguing dish;
and “Most Creative Cuisine.” The event will also
feature a cooking stage displaying the talent of Prostart, the
acclaimed culinary program at Durango High School.
Local musicians will set the backdrop for the event on the main
stage. The Hounds of Purg, Excel Steel Pan Band, the Badly Bent and
Formula 151 will all be featured on the Taste Sound Stage. For
younger tasters, activity booths will be set up featuring a
jump-around, the Catch It Quick Jugglers, and activities from the
Durango Children’s Museum, San Juan Citizens’ Alliance
and the Family Center. All proceeds from the event will benefit
Manna Soup Kitchen.
As in past years, participants are asked to leave their
four-leggeds at home and to “Eat, drink and be merry, for on
the morrow ’tis back to work we go!”
For information, log onto
Spotlight to Stardom returns to Concert Hall
What: Four Corners Talent Search and signature concert Hall fund-raiser Where: The Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College
When: Sat., May 19 at 7 p.m.
The Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College is going back
under the “spotlight” this Saturday. “Spotlight
to Stardom,” the Four Corners Talent Search and signature
fund raiser for the Concert Hall, returns on May 19.
This year Spotlight to Stardom is themed “Dream up a
Way” and will showcase 17 local acts – ranging from
vocalists and musicians to novelty acts – in the
professionally produced variety show. Additionally, Spotlight will
feature past competition winners ‘Ilima Umbhau, and Dave
Mensch and Formula 151.
“Spotlight to Stardom is such an amazing show,” said
Gary Penington, Concert Hall managing director. “I’ve
judged several talent shows in the Four Corners area and
they’ve been good, but this one is not a karaoke show.
It’s a show where original music is being presented, and
it’s just a really energetic, fun show with great local
talent that I think have potential to move on to another
Professional performing artists Thomas MacCluskey, Maureen
Kerrigan and Sophie Hoyt will select the Spotlight to Stardom
winners who will receive cash awards, and those in attendance will
vote for the Audience Appreciation Award, another cash prize.
Tickets for Spotlight to Stardom are available on the web at, by calling 247-7657 or at the Ticketing
Services Office behind Magpies. Doors to the Concert Hall will open
at 6 p.m.