Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

Impacts of invisible pollution

Dear Editors,

The last two years have proven disastrous for birds, bees, butterflies, moths, fireflies, dolphins, whales, bats, flowers, fruits, vegetables and more… all of them being life that depends on the balance of our geomagnetic field that protects us from the radiation of our sun, and, all of them being life that depends on the health of Earth’s wilderness. There are more reasons for this than destructive and deadly genetically modified crops, poison pesticides, soil-and-air-and-water alkalizing MSDS-toxic weather modification chemicals (authorized by the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board), and our current warming period (let alone the duplicative factor of sulfur dioxide/carbon monoxide pollution upon it). There is the fairly unrecognized, obliterative, and yet undisputed, manmade electromagnetic pollution.

Nothing on Earth had been exposed to electromagnetic fields higher than 10Hz, or 10 cycles per second, like the dramatic amplitudes that we’ve produced, before the advent of electrical power and radio. Now, the land is awash with 50 and 60Hz frequencies, like those of our utility services at home and business, at strong enough levels to actually light up fluorescent light tubes beneath power lines with no connections needed. Electricity has become invisible pollution. With a grand understanding, to date, across all of the medical, neurophysiologic and physical sciences, of the nature within all biology to create and receive electromagnetic signals in order to live, let alone think or reproduce, there is growing worry as to what beast we’ve created. Moreover, the majority of microwave signals coming from radio towers, GPS satellites, radar, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and PDAs, as well as home cordless telephones, baby alarms, walkie talkies, and common namesake microwave ovens, all occur at the range between 2,400-2,600 MHz. Let me elaborate.

Those microwaves, same as your cooker, belong in a sealed box in order to not be deadly; power levels have proven hardly relevant to safety exposure limits.

Electromagnetic fluctuations, as little as the power put off by shaking a refrigerator magnet in front of your neck arteries, can actually affect your cellular metabolism, bio-photonic DNA interactions, as well as your mood, energy levels and immune system. Hence, the increase of electromagnetic therapy services as seen with Royal Rife machines and homeopathic acoustic resonance treatments. Even CAT scans, X-rays, infrared treatment, UV laser surgery and hearing tests are electromagnetic signals. Intentionally, these signals can be used for good; ignorantly, they can bring devastation. Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD, has been running rampant throughout the world for 10 years now, but at its more profound stage of epic proportions for only the last two. There is cause for alarm, and many research scientists throughout the world have been working around the clock to solve the problem. Some countries claim a loss right now of 60 to 80 percent of their honeybee population, and, this is a huge ordeal because these pollinating creatures are the reason why 30-60 percent of plants, or animals, exist at all.

Independent researchers and university scientists have proven that increased communication microwave emissions across the land and air, and into the soil and water, are causing most of this drama. The Microwave Auditory Effect has the capacity to input electromagnetic sensory signals, like thoughts or sounds or smells, into the brains of anything capable of absorbing said signals through the eardrums. Honeybees, as well as human pineal (emotion) glands, are sensitive and easily manipulated, by as little as 2.5 MilliGauss of magnetic flux. This will disrupt or augment hormone balance, navigational, physical, sensory and memory ability. And, just the average wristwatch puts off nearly four times that strength. Strong magnetic field flux, simply from being within up to 10 miles from radio or military radar towers, has the proven effect of making insects not return home, and humans more susceptible to cancer. Averaged 200 Hz noise, pulsing within microwave radiation, disrupts honeybees also because it resembles the noise of their 190-250 Hz buzzing. DARPA has even remote-controlled bees to seek out toxic waste. Species-particular frequencies, such as 10,000 MHz upon the antennae of ants, have the effect of making them lose control, as the frequency wavelength is four times the length of their antennae.

I discovered that as the average human male’s spinal cord, as an electrical transmitter and receiver, is 45cm long, it is thereby readily affected, in similarity to insect antennae or mammalian whiskers, by frequencies of nearly 166.5 Mhz (four times the 45 cm. wavelength of 666 Mhz). That’s a “wave” whose signal, and multiples thereof, cannot be escaped today.

– Lux Et Veritas, Brendan Bombaci

The new miss America pageant

Dear Editors,

Welcome to the new miss America pageant. Do I miss America? Yes indeed. One and possibly two hijacked elections have placed the “Ministry of Mishaps” over the helm of this bountiful land. The “High Inquisitor,” along with his “Inquisitorial squad,” have busily proclaimed decree after decree to waste our Constitution.

The members of this Inquisitorial squad hail from the board rooms of corporate America. Why would this ministry strive to install traditional infliction of disabilities on women? With their reproductive decrees, they cement their ability to create a helpless, low-wage worker force. The winners take all.

Declaring the high ground of morality, Justice Kennedy wrote that it is moral to ban a procedure used to save women’s lives, if it only affects a few. Had it been at the pleasure of Justices Kennedy, Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas, one I love would now be deceased, her husband a widower, her oldest daughter motherless, her youngest daughter never born. Moral? There is a problem here with the first amendment. The Ministry of Mishaps is forcing their beliefs and practices on women. Why does the Ministry paint women into a corner as weak-willed nincompoops in need of control, purveyors of original sin in need of punishment, as Warren Jeff’s brood mares, and as not equal enough for constitutional protection? Why does the Ministry of Mishaps work to negate the document that forged America?

The Ministry of Mishaps believes it is moral to kick out physicians and quarter troops to control the bodies of voluptuous young women. They claim this is to respect potential babies in the womb. Yet the right to life for babies after birth does not exist. Following the failure of birth control, should parents retain the chance to plan long range for family? The Ministry might have to pull out their wallets for accountability and responsibility for forcing their decisions on parents. Yet the Ministry of Mishaps is in denial. Twelve million underfed children in America point to utter hypocrisy. Now the High Inquisitor of the Ministry of Mishaps and his Inquisitorial squads will declare reproductive decree after reproductive decree to terrorize, hurt and enslave women and their children. Their moral is power and financial profit. Now the minions of the Inquisitorial squad will polish their halos with even more zeal. America will proceed to the tune of the old Beatles song of “Father Mackenzie, wiping his hands ... No one was saved.”

– Kassandra Johnson, Durango

The bottom of the ash pit

Durango Telegraph,

This letter is about the article in the April 12, 2007 Durango Telegraph, “Train begins to clear the air,” by Missy Votel. It says, among other things, “Currently, all the spent coal ash is dumped in Durango. However, with a second pit in Silverton, spent cinders could be dumped before the train’s return trip, thus lessening impacts in Durango.” Now I wrote about this before, in regards to a January 25, 2007 Telegraph article, and someone from the train company called me shortly afterwards. He assured me that the facility in Silverton was planned as an “emergency repair depot” and that ashes would only be dumped there “in emergencies,” i.e. not as a matter of course. I don’t in principle have anything against an “emergency repair depot” in Silverton, as long as it is designed to protect safety,4 health, Silverton’s fragile alpine environment and other property owners’ rights.

Someone has the wrong idea about what the proposed Silverton ash pit is for. According to the smoke-mitigation feasibility study, “the smoldering ash pit self-combusts over time, emitting as much, if not more, smoke than an idling locomotive.” If what I was told is true, then you are not going to see any decrease in pollution in Durango from this proposed “emergency repair depot” in Silverton, because it won’t be used for daily ash dumping. If Missy Votel has her story right, then we are about to get a brand new source of pollution in Silverton that we really don’t need.

– Earle Horton, Silverton

Making community vigil possible

Dear Editors,

The Community Candlelight Vigil leadership group would like to thank all those who helped make the March 19 vigil a meaningful and successful event.

In particular, we acknowledge Athena Design, Basin Co-op, Bank of the San Juans, Bread, Café of Life, Durango Joe’s, Four Corners OB-GYN, Kroeger’s Ace Hardware, Maria’s Bookshop, Nature’s Oasis, Target Rental & Sales and Zuma Natural Foods for supporting the event in various ways. We received personnel support from People of Conscience and the Durango Dharma Center.

We thank the local media for helping to communicate our vision to the community.

Truly the vigil could not have taken place without the support and effort of volunteers and the contributions from businesses and organizations. We thank those who contributed to the $1,063 collected at candle distribution sites. We gave that total amount to Blue Star Moms of Durango.

And finally, we thank the many hundreds of individuals who attended the vigil and held the vigil’s intention as a nonpolitical event, allowing a time and place that we could remember and honor our fallen soldiers.

– Community Candelight Vigil Leadership Group

A knock out for animal fighting

Dear Editor,

The Humane Society of the United States wishes to thank and congratulate U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., for his efforts to stop dog fighting and cockfighting. Thanks in part to Sen. Allard, who has been working for stronger laws against animal fighting in Congress since 1999, the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act passed the U.S. Senate unanimously. The U.S. House of Representatives had previously cleared its version by a landslide vote of 368-39, and it is now on the president’s desk.

This anti-crime legislation will provide felony-level penalties for interstate and foreign animal-fighting activities and outlaw commerce in cockfighting weapons. Animal fighting not only fosters unspeakable cruelty to animals but also spawns other criminal activity, such as narcotics traffic, illegal gambling, public corruption and violence toward people.

When animal fighters can earn tens of thousands of dollars wagering on a single fight, a slap on the wrist is considered just a cost of doing business. Stronger penalties are needed to stop this organized network of criminal activity, and that’s why the National Sheriffs’ Association and 400 law enforcement agencies from across the country joined The Humane Society of the United States in backing this bill.

Thanks to Sen. Allard for working to give animal fighting the knock-out punch.

– Sincerely, Michael Markarian, executive vice president, Humane Society of the United States