In these digital times when seemingly everything is controlled by a mixture of 1s and 0s, radio is no exception. XM and Sirius satellite radio are wildly popular and offer us a glimpse into the future of radio broadcast. And commercial radio is usually nothing more than a conglomerate of cookie-cutter music and annoying car commercials. And then there is public radio. Like an old dog who just cant keep up but refuses to die, public radio is going strong and suprisingly popular considering its simple roots. Supported by its listeners and often held together by volunteer efforts, this type of radio creates a sense of community among its members and affiliates not found anywhere else. With great broadcasts, such as Prairie Home Companion and music selections that arent just your basic Top 100, its enough to make even Guglielmo Marconi proud. As long as he likes The Sadies, that is.

This ever-present, always-listening FCC sticker at KDUR lets DJs
know to watch their Ps and Qs. Lorena Richards controls the boards for Southern Ute Tribal
Radio, which is a part of KSUT out of Ignacio. Steve Rauworth, program director for KSUT, sits among decades of
music memorabilia in his office on Monday. The glowing red of the on button lights up the sound board at
KDUR. Pat Neely, a senior at FLC, gets some late night air time at
KDUR. At KDUR, a ladder is needed to gain access to the enourmous
music library. Bill Smith takes to the mic Sunday night at KDUR. Bill has
volunteered his voice and time at KDUR for almost a decade.