Election Day primer, Part I The candidates face off SideStory: A glance at other races around the region and state County Commissioner Joelle Riddle Occupation: Senior education program manager for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains … I teach after-school youth development and prevention Hobbies: Mountain biking/road riding, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, cooking — eating, hangin’ out with my son and being with my partner/husband Car you drive: Mazda 3 Favorite local restaurant: Cyprus Cafe Last book you read: Life of Pi If a tape/CD/8-track got stuck in your car, what would it be? Black-Eyed Peas “Elephunk”(my son’s favorite as well) and Earth Wind and Fire’s “Greatest Hits” on my way to candidate forums Famous figure you most admire: Just one? Alice Paul, instrumental in securing women’s voting rights Dream vacation: Going back to Spain or heading to a beach somewhere If elected, what do you propose to do for the people of La Plata County? The county must pursue a Comprehensive Strategic Plan that looks at all aspects of growth as interconnected, and one that involves collaboration among the municipalities within La Plata as well as the tribe on a consistent and ongoing basis. We can’t look at development and transportation systems without looking at adequate water, schools, our senior citizen needs and job-growth potential at the same time. Padraig Lynch Occupation: Entre-preneur, welder, carpenter, auto technician, heavy equipment operator Hobbies: Hiking, camping, rafting, restoring muscle cars, petting my dog Car you drive: In winter, camping and during my campaign, I drive my 1985 4-by-4, bored and stroked Ford Bronco. On long trips to see my sisters, I take my 1998 Pontiac Trans Am Convertible (26 mpg). Around Durango and running errands, I take my Harley Davidson Sportster Custom 1200. Favorite local restaurant: Durango Diner Last book you read: Do technical manuals count? Novel: The Life of Pi If a tape/CD got stuck in your car, what would it be? Enigma, “Love, Sensuality, Devotion” Famous figure you most admire: Jesus Christ. He was in shape, walked everywhere, talked easily to the people, worked with his hands, fed the hungry, healed people, stood up against the Democrats and Republicans … oops, Pharisees and Sadducees, and believed in something so deep that he took it to the cross. He could have told Pilot “you got the wrong guy, I was just passing through,” but he was passionate and honest about himself. Dream vacation: A month wandering the San Juan Mountains with my dog and my dream girl, no agenda, no watch. From full moon to full moon, around August. If elected, what do you propose to do for the people of La Plata County? I hope to bring leadership to the office of county commissioner and some “blue collar” representation. I’d like to shift the budget around where the biggest percentage of citizens derive the most benefits. I’d like to see “egos” set aside and the “power cliques” start being humble. I’d like to spend more on our youth and less on jails. I’d like to see the schools and citizens working with law enforcement to eradicate meth dealers, and the county attorneys working with law enforcement to make sure that protocol is followed as far as “probable cause,” search warrants,and the “chain of evidence” so that when a meth dealer thinks of doing business in La Plata, the cost far outweighs the profit. I’d like to see more “starving” attorneys and less starving artists. Sheryl Ayers, 55 Occupation: La Plata County commissioner Hobbies: Piano, walking, cake decorating, reading, working for the community (Grange, etc.), being with family Car you drive: 2000 Nissan Favorite local restaurant: breakfast - Carver’s; lunch - Old Tymer’s; dinner - home! Last book you read: A Janet Evanovich novel on CD, “read” while driving. If a tape/CD/8-track got stuck in your car, what would it be? A tape or CD from some “book” I had checked out from the library to read while driving. (Vote YES on 2A for the library bonds!)
Famous figure you most admire: Figure “8” on its side (= infinity). We have unlimited possibilities! Dream vacation: Around the world in 80 (or more) days If elected, what do you propose to do for the people of La Plata County and/or your district? I will continue to serve citizens by making myself available, listening to all sides, studying issues and using common sense. I will continue to carefully spend the revenue we have coming in from the energy industry on capital projects, with an eye toward future decline in revenue. Looking toward the future, we will be (1) completing a strategic plan for La Plata County, (2) looking at a Children, Youth and Families Master Plan, and (3) planning how to best meet community health-care needs. We must direct growth in a logical manner, considering infrastructure and basic needs, while striving to maintain the quality of life that’s causing the growth. I plan to continue to represent the people of La Plata County in all situations, local, state or national, with dignity and strength. I appreciate the opportunity to do that. State House District 59 Ellen Roberts, 47 Occupation: Attorney Hobbies: Gardening, reading, rafting, bowling, spending time with family and friends Car you drive: Subaru Forester Favorite local restaurant: Home Slice Last book you read: All Too Human by George Stephanopoulos If a tape/CD/8-track got stuck in your car, what would it be? Today it would be Sam Bush Famous figure you most admire: Sandra Day O’Connor Dream vacation: Unscheduled monthlong trip to Greece If elected, what will you offer the people of your district? An open mind, active listening, no sound bites, strong advocacy in Denver for the people of Southwest Colorado on the issues that matter most to us, and, finally, working across party lines with other moderates to get to reasonable solutions to complex problems. Joe Colgan, 68 Occupation: Professor of accounting, emeritus; Hobbies: Hiking, skiing, golf, reading Car you drive: Warm weather - 1964 MGB; Cool weather - 1988 Jeep Cherokee Favorite local restaurant: Mary and I eat at several fine local restaurants and can honestly say we don’t have a single favorite one. Last book you read: The Courage of Our Convictions, A Manisfesto for Democrats, by Gary Hart If a tape/CD/8-track got stuck in your car, what would it be? An easy listening or classical musical recording Famous figure you most admire: Jimmy Carter Dream vacation: A couple weeks at our cabin on the Conejos River What will you offer the people of your district: I’m running to make Colorado better. That means making government responsive to the legitimate needs of people and communicating the results of its efforts, clearly and simply. We shouldn’t pay a penny more in taxes than necessary, but government should never duck its responsibilities. Taxes are investments to be optimized, and I agree with the Colorado Economics Future Panel, that elected officials should identify budget investments that produce a significant return on tax dollars invested, generate long-term public benefits, and reduce future costs. During this campaign I have identified three important issues: • Environment: Encourage conservation and renewable sources of energy by providing tax incentives for consumers adopting conservation measures that reduce energy use and use alternative forms of energy and for farmers to produce renewable energy. • Health care: I will work for access to affordable health care. I will support a plan for a universal, single-payer health care system with attention paid to disease prevention. Currently, there are 770,000 Coloradans without health insurance, which is unacceptable. • Education: Dollars spent on education are an investment, and we need to increase Colorado’s investment. We should invest in preschool, review the typical school calendar, improve access to higher education and improve teacher’s salaries. •