Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

Hooters: ‘food with a view’

Dear Missy,

I am writing in response to your article that you wrote in July concerning the Hooters restaurant and girls that work there. I apologize of my timing of my response since you wrote your article in July, and I am responding in November.

The brainchild of Hooter restaurants was put together by some guys in Florida at a beach. They were trying to put what was seen on the beach inside of their restaurants. Only, they didn’t go for the string thongs, and that might have been because too much flesh would show. Personally, I will not go to strip clubs even though women probably earn a lot of money. But, the saying goes, Hooters is “food with a view.” Even I do glance, like looking at the sun, but I do not stare.

This brings me to the second part of my response. There is only one thing you order and only one thing which is the second part of their success. That is the hot wings. There is absolutely no one who can come close to their hot wings. So whatever your opinion may be of Hooters, you left out one of two reasons why they have become successful. So, if someone out there is reading this, wouldn’t you like to own a profitable business in Durango? Buy a Hooters franchise.

– Thanks for letting me respond, Chris McCracken, Pagosa Springs

In defense of science

Dear Editors,

Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss creationism with a bright young student. She challenged me with remarks about Earth’s true short age; the Grand Canyon being evidence of Noah’s flood; even that coal can be produced in a matter of months under proper pressure and heat. She went on to explain God’s plan included an imminent Armageddon – that is, destroying his own creation ala End Days’ hype. When I coun

tered with facts debunking these notions she became defensive, saying that to attack someone’s faith was a horrible thing to do.

It caused me to wonder why so many feel compelled to embrace willful ignorance. By that, I mean a willful ignoring of masses of real, verifiable and available evidence simply because it conflicts with one’s own preconceptions and challenges one’s fears. With this in mind, I would like to share the following with those who believe the truth can only be found within a single mindset, or book.

What is science? Real scientists – especially the great ones – started out as kids totally amazed at the world they saw (discovered) around themselves. What’s out there? How it works? Why it works the way it does? What it all means? At its core, science is that natural awe and curiosity at God’s creation all grown up.

What is science’s sin? Science established straight-forward rules and guidelines in order to organize our inborn desire to pursue an understanding of the miraculous creation we witness around us. These rules are solid and won’t be bent for those who have convinced themselves they are gifted with superior insights. If those “superior insights” can’t pass the scientifically established hurdles they are not allowed within the arena of science. It is fitting and proper that agenda-driven, unsupported opinions remain outside this venue of science. There are other realms these beliefs belong to such as politics, philosophy, religion.

The best thing about science’s rules aren’t what they reject, but rather all they are open to. Science’s guidelines are organized in such a way that any member of humanity, from any point on our globe, has the opportunity to participate, even to revolutionize long held beliefs. As long as they are thoughtful enough to adhere to the rules while presenting convincing and verifiable arguments.

Too many ignore what’s written in the Holy Book: “God surpasses all human understanding.” Not one of us has either the authority, or the justification, to tag God with certitude. We should be clear and appreciative that science is one of humanity’s paths toward an inkling of understanding, or truth if you want, always remembering that other paths such as those provided by the religions that abound are also relevant. Like the solid and void of a picture frame, we need them both.

– Sincerely, Peter Miesler, Durango

A cry for help from Mayday

Dear Editors,

It’s time for a little more on the issue of mining in a residential and recreational area. First I should correct my error – the La Plata River flows into the San Juan. It was certainly interesting to be followed by a history lesson on gold mining.

We study history to learn so we can make wiser decisions for us and future generations. The historical recounting of the decisions of Teddy Roosevelt 100 years ago, although interesting, does not make those decisions correct for today. A century ago no one considered the effects of mining on water and air quality or the habitats of endangered species. In the Industrial Age, water quality was not even a concept that crossed the minds of the great thinkers of that time, but now we know water quality is essential.

Although there are state and federal regulations, we still have many environmental disasters that harm people and ecosystems. And of course, there is the cost of clean up for which the taxpayers must foot the bill because many of these greedy corporations file bankruptcy and then just fade away. Forget the money, ask any ecologist – we can’t make it the way it was before. Do you want to bring your family to La Plata Canyon and have your babies breathe the dust from a tailings pond? Sure it’s covered with a tarp….Whoopee…the winds get pretty strong up here. Not my babies or my neighbors – we live here.

Consider the Mining Law of 1872. Does the date of the law give you a hint about the problem? This law gives away public minerals and offers pubic land for sale at $5 per acre. There are no environmental provisions, often leaving the taxpayers to clean up the mess. The law applies to 270 million acres of federal land, which is one fourth of the land in the United States or two thirds of the lands the federal government holds in trust for all Americans.

The requirement for a $5,000 or $10,000 bond from Wild Cat Mining is absurd. Mining laws need to change on the federal and the local levels. Our county planners need to do something before it’s too late.

– Poppy Harshman, Mayday

Big thanks from the library

Dear Editors,

I would like to thank the following donors to the Yes! For Durango Library Bonds campaign who were inadvertently omitted from the large ad in the Sun., Oct. 22 edition of the Durango Herald: 1st National Bank of Durango, Community Banks of Colorado, Mike Dent, Robert Glenn White and Stanna Galbraith. Additionally, I wish to extend my appreciation for a job well done to all the members of the Yes! For Durango Library Bonds issue committee, ably led by Steve Redding and Bob Dolphin; to all the many volunteers who assisted throughout the campaign, especially members of the Friends of the Library; to everyone who placed a yard sign in support of 2A on their lawns; to the Durango High School Student Council, theDurango Heraldand theDurango Telegraph for their endorsements; and last, but certainly not least, to everyone who voted to approve the 2A measure. I am most grateful for the overwhelming and widespread community support for constructing a new public library in Durango!

I look forward to joining everyone at the opening of a wonderful new library building in late 2008.

– Ed Angus, chairman, Durango Library Advisory Board