The Telegraph accepts classified advertising anytime prior to Tuesday at noon. Ads are a total bargain at $5 for 25 words or less and 20 cents for each additional word. Ads can be submitted via email), fax (970-259-0448) or in person (534 Main Ave, Durango). Prepayment is requested on all classifieds.

Return the sign that was taken on Aug. 3 to P is for Peanut. No questions asked. Your Karma will thank you.
Sales help
Wanted at Beads & Beyond. Saturdays a must. Experience preferred. Apply in person. 840 Main Ave.
Now accepting applications for barista. Apply in person at 707 Main Ave.
Jarvis Suite Hotel
Front desk, part time. Experience preferred. 125 W. 10th St.
Part-time stocker
Able to lift and carry 100 pounds, valid CO driver’s license, apply Volunteers of America Thrift Store, 639 E. Second Ave, EOE
Lady Falconburgh’s
is actively hiring experienced kitchen help. Work in a fun, lively environment with very competitive wages. Apply in person.
Spaces Available
For the 31st Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Festival at fairgrounds Dec. 2,3,4 and the “Yule of the Arts” A&C fair Nov. 4,5,6 at the Durango Mall. Applications now available send SASE to A&C Fair Prod., PO Box 9007, Dgo, CO 81302 or call 247-2117.
Celebrate the Animas River
And raise funds for conservation. Seeking scenic, recreational, and wildlife photos by local photographers for 2006 calendar. Deadline 9/15 for submissions, or 259-0522.
Help others
Volunteer to be a Hotline advocate for Alternative Horizons and help support survivors of domestic violence. We offer a FREE and extensive training; including a complete overview of domestic violence dynamics and crisis intervention skills. Training starts Thursday, Sept. 29 at 6 p.m. Call 247-4374.
Volunteers needed
For the La Plata County Humane Society for a variety of positions. Volunteer positions include walking dogs, fostering kittens and puppies, working at the thrift store, grooming dogs and much more. Training provided. 259-2847 or 
Make more money
Get you GED high school equivalency. Did you know that a high school drop out’s income is about half that of a graduate? $14,500 compared to $24,000. Come to the Adult Education Center, 301 E. 12th St., and let us help you get started on a brighter future. Free childcare and breakfast provided. Call 385-4354.
Love creating?
Need an outlet to sell your products (arts, crafts, antiques)? You rent the space you need (shelf, jewelry case, table or larger space) and we do all the work 7 days a week to sell your items. Simpler Times in the Durango Mall. 247-2117.
New in Town  
Durango Acting Studio. Offering classes for children and adults. Stage Combat starting 9/7, Adult Acting starting 9/22, Children’s Acting starting 9/27. Call now: 382-0292.
Therapeutic Massage
Practicing deep tissue, Swedish, sports and injury recovery for 10 years. Local discounts and gift certificates. Central location with pain-free parking. Rachel McGehee, CMT. 903-0388.
Pet Valet of Telluride, Inc.
Expanding to Durango. Now offering dog walking, dog sitting and cat care. Call Shawna Brown or Heidi Holland @ 769-3870.
Back to School Acupuncture
Reduced stress and focused concentration. Call Carla Marie Toth. LAC, CMT. 799-3470.
DUI Services
Preferred Counseling offers Level II and other services for
DUI and issue related to substance abuse. Ask around, we’re Preferred. 382-0902.
New construction
Final clean, rental clean, any cleaning! Scrubby’s does it all! We specialize in windows gutters, and pressure cleaning. We want your business. Free proposals. Scrubby’s 946-6886.
Photographic Workshop
In Italy. Open Shutter workshops is offering 10 days of photographic instruction in Tuscany from Sept. 27-Oct. 7, Florence, Cinque Terre, one-day cooking class. Call 382-8355.
Stop Making Your
Landlord rich! Own your own home for no money down. Call Jeanne Today @ 759.8736
You deserve a doula. Sonja Parker provides birthing doula support. Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing classes, utilizing mind-over-body techniques, are also offered. 385-5256.
1,300 square feet. 2 br/2ba apartment. Available now. Bayfield area. No pets. No smokers. Students okay. 884-5180.
Roomate Wanted
Pagosa Springs - 1 room for rent in nice 3 bdrm home, quiet neighborhood, avail now $325 mo. (970) 769-0939
Downtown house
Fully furnished one bedroom house. Available Sept. though May. $750 includes cable and city utilities. Pets negotiable. 259-9466.
2 Bedroom Condo
Cathedral ceilings in Terrace Gardens. Avail. immediately! $775 month. Jeremy at 385-0948
Real Estate
Best buy
In the Animas Valley. Cozy home on .54 acre. 2 car garage, workshop, hot tub, privacy fence, pond, trees, irrigation and much more. $279,000. Appt. only 247-2117.
Bikes wanted!
Old, new, mountain, cruiser. Make room for that winter gear. Great opportunity. Must be decent and worth $. 259-1704 or 749-9131. Ask for Ryan.
Bored clarinet player?
Tenor sax playing will change your life. Conn-Student Model. A bargain at $400 (neg.) 375-9234.
’85 Jeep 4X4
5 speed. $500 – as is. 259-5095. Mike.
1990 Volvo Wagon
180K. Runs great, very reliable. $2,400. 375-9388 evenings.
Fleetwood Mallard
1994 24’ camper trailer. With hitch, sway pkg and awning. Sleeps up to 6. Great for camping, hunting and family travel. $7000. 385-4064.
Fast Trees
Grow 8-12 feet yearly. $11-$17.50 delivered. Potted. Brochure. 1-800-615-3405.
Trek Bike Rack
For ’96 Jetta. $20. 259-4075.
Professional darkroom
Includes enlarger, safe lights, trays and everything to print black and white photographs. $350. 259-4075.
Aire Tomcat Tandem
Tandem inflatable kayak(s), like new, excellent condition. New price $550-595. Selling for $399.99. 259-7771
Playmate wanted.
Yung, frisky, smart, energetic, fun and funny pup seeks same (or more mature dog) for daytime company. Call 749-8327. Ask for Earl.
Border Collies
Black & white mix puppies. Free to a good home. Two females left. (970) 588-3638.
Help we’re overflowing
Great Dogs at the Aztec Shelter. Lots of small dogs, too. Come check us out. 505-334-6819.
Red & white male Aussie mix. House broken. Good with most dogs. Friendly/lovely. Call La Plata County Humane Society. 259-2847.
Alzheimer’s Association
Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122.
Raw Food Lunches
Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11: 11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.