Saturday officially marked the end of the local growing season as the Durango Farmers Market held its final sale of the season. After months of Saturday mornings in the First National Bank parking lot along 8th Street, the fresh produce, live music and community gathering will have to wait to until next year. Fortunately, there was still a bunch of fresh, locally grown produce on hand and the smell of fresh bread and coffee kept the crowds coming. The weather also came through in fine form for the final gathering of growers and shoppers and the music of Melissa Crabtree kept everyone moving as a summer morning turned into a fall afternoon.  

A basket full of miniature pumpkins decorates Brenda Isgar's booth Saturday morning at the Durango Farmers Market. Madelyn, left, and Lizzy Napier enjoy the festivities as the last Farmers Market of the year slowly winds down. Levi Jamison, of Bread, tends to a steady line of customers Saturday morning. A collection of mouth-watering pastries from Serious Delights tempts the early-morning crowd. Brook Gauthier enjoys the day out on her scooter.   A pile of fresh carrots sits atop the Ital Farms display table Saturday morning. Jen Adair enjoys the warmth of the sun from behind her pottery. One-year-old Eden O'Donnell takes in the Farmers Market excitement from beneath a rack of greeting cards.