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HelpWanted Trails 2000 Is looking for a leader to fill the position of Executive Director. Responsibilities incl. trail work (incl. volunteers & land managers); advocacy (strong voice, consolidating enthusiasm & building awareness in our community); planning (community plans, govt., developers, landowners); nonprofit mgt (membership, fundraising, newsletter, communications, computer/word processing); skills (PEOPLE, motivational, organizational). Salary $40-45K, incl. benefits, depending on experience. Interested applicants email cover letter & resume to info@trails2000.org before 11/9/05. KSUT Public Radio Is seeking a part-time programmer (3-days a week). Responsibilities include: early morning board operations, editing and production, music and automation programming, assistance with fundraising and special events and special projects. Qualifications: Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and 1 year experience in broadcasting, excellent communications and interview skills, sound editing and production experience preferred, excellent knowledge of Triple A and Americana music genres, professional on-air presence, and hands-on experience with radio station facilities and related technology. To apply, submit a resume, aircheck, and professional references to: Programmer search, KSUT Public Radio, P.O. Box 737, Ignacio, CO 81137. EEO/Native American Indian preference employer. Wireless Internet Installers Entry level position. No experience needed. Some networking experience. Must provide own transportation, laptop and some tools. Will train. Contact admin@hispeed 4u.com for all the information. Durango Escorts New business seeks open-minded, vivacious, young ladies for lucrative business opportunity. Must be available evenings and weekends. Great income potential. Perfect for college ladies. 970-426-9173. Lady Falconburgh’s Now hiring for all Kitchen Positions. Apply in Person. 640 Main Ave. Announcements Calligraphy By Beth Wheeler on display through November at Carver Brewing Co., 1022 Main Ave., Durango. Have your favorite quotation turned into a work of art. 533-7943. It’s a Colorado Country Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair with Karaoke by Robin Hood Express. Christmas idea demonstrations. Durango Mall. Nov. 4, 5, 6. Spaces available For the 31st annual Holiday Arts and Crafts Festival. La Plata County Fairgrounds. Dec. 2, 3, 4. 247-2117 or send SASE to A & C Fair Productions. P.O. Box 9007. Durango, CO 81302. Services Afternoon Spanish tutoring Offered by Montessori teacher with a Spanish degree. Call Katie at 385-9520. Massage Therapy Treat yourself or buy a session for friends/loved ones. With Xmas around the corner, it makes a great stocking stuffer. It’s a wonderful gift that’s sure to be truly appreciated. Gift certificates available. $45 for 1 hour. Carrie Griffin, CMT. 749-9264. Ortho-Bionomy® Body Work “A structural, homeopathic approach to soft tissue dysfunction.” www.ortho-bionomy.org. Heidi Timm, registered practitioner with 20 years massage and body work experience. 759-9038. Available Durango/Trimble Hot Springs. Sell your arts, Crafts, antiques, collectibles at Simpler Times in the Durango Mall. All you do is set your space up. We do the rest. 247-2117. Pet Valet of Telluride, Inc. Expanding to Durango. Now offering dog walking, dog sitting and cat care. Call Shawna Brown or Heidi Holland @ 769-3870. Professional Massage Therapy with Sally A. Brown. 16+years of experience. Therapist for CycleAmerica 2000-2005. Relaxation,sports and injury rehabiltation. 1-hour session for $40/initial visit. Call 970-749-0604. Give your body Something to be thankful for. Acupuncture and massage offer many benefits. Call Carla Marie Toth. LAC, CMT. 799-3470. “Broken hearts and dirty windows make life difficult to see.” Call Scrubby for gutter cleaning BEFORE winter! Windows, pressure washing, final clean, you name it, we clean it! Toxic chemicals suck! Scrubby’s uses only 100% natural and organic cleaners. Scrubby’s 946-6886 Stop Making Your Landlord rich! Own your own home for no money down. www.arete.us. Call Jeanne Today @ 759.8736 Pregnant? You deserve a doula. Sonja Parker provides birthing doula support. Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing classes, utilizing mind-over-body techniques, are also offered. 385-5256. RealEstate For Sale Or lease: The infamous and established Avalanche Coffee House in Silverton, CO. Ready for full service bakery, pizzaria, coffee roasting etc...Contact jaycanode@hotmail.com (970)387-5282. Like being in town, yet desire privacy? This 2 acre parcel is priced to sell at $195K. This parcel has great views, year round sun, and a private setting. Call Tina at 970-946-2902 CBHHR Want riverfront property 10 minutes from town with NO COVENANTS? This is the parcel for you. 5 acres on the Animas river with lots of direct river frontage for you to fish, paddle or swim! $495K. Call Tina at 970-946-2902 CBHHR ForRent Brand new home For lease in award winning Copperhead Camp at Edgemont. Energy efficient 2bd/2bath with all appliances. No smokers/students. $1,100/month. 970-769-0226. Roommate Wanted ASAP. $300/month + 1/3 electric & gas. Downtown location. Washer/dryer. No students/pets. Call Ben 759-4022. Charming 2BR/1 BA House In quiet, downtown Mancos location. $700. 310-500-7653. No smokers. Durango Dharma Center Is available for hourly and daily rental. Ideal space for workshops, meetings. Free parking. Call Erin at 382-8378. ForSale 1996 Polaris Ultra RMK Snowmobiles. Two for $3,000. Excellent condition. Start on first pull. New skis. Priced to sell. Call 903-3560. 1985 Toyota Landcruiser FJ60, 142K miles, good condition, all stock. $5500 obo. Tyler 799-1464. 1991 Mazda 626 Runs great, great shape. $1,500. 1988 Olds. 88. Drives like a couch. $800. 1977 Chevy pickup work horse. $1,000. Call 247-1923. Cord Of seasoned ponderosa. Split. Pick up or delivered. $150. Stacked $180. Thermaproducts 40”X10’ electric heated sidewalk tread. High quality. New. $50. Echo 33cc, 16” chainsaw. Like new. Rarely used. Runs great. $120. 303-918-8047. Commercial Freezer 22 cubic feet. Stainless steel. Excellent condition. $1,000. 749-4281. Burton Punch snowboard 135 cm with Burton bindings.Three years old, great condition. Vans Snowboard boots size 8 - two years old, also in great condition. $175.00 for both, OBO. 259-7017 leave message. Pets Grandma Gretchen Mellow, older female b&w mixed breed. Sweet and quiet. House trained. Good with cats and dogs. 385-7336 or 247-9645. Newton Sweet, golden-eyed mixed breed. Good with other dogs, energetic and lovable. I’ve been at the shelter too long. Call 259-2847. Help we’re overflowing Great Dogs at the Aztec Shelter. Lots of small dogs, too. Come check us out. 505-334-6819. CommunityService Volunteer wanted To work in fun loving thrift store. V.O.A., 639 E. Second Ave. 385-0363. Volunteers needed For the La Plata County Humane Society. Positions include walking dogs, fostering kittens and puppies, working in the Thrift Store, grooming dogs and more. 259-2847. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org , or call 749-RIDE for more information. Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11: 11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.