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HelpWanted Brewing assistant Want to get paid to make beer? Carver brewing company is looking for a brewing assistant. Excellent learning opportunity. Come in and fill out an application. 1022 Main Ave. No calls! Community Organizer San Juan Citizens Alliance seeks a San Juan Basin organizer to work with the public impacted by oil and gas development, and address air pollution caused by oil and gas extraction, power plants, and other sources. Requires enthusiasm for grassroots organizing, public speaking, writing and communication with diverse communities. Position based in Aztec. Full description at www.sanjuancitizens.org. Send cover letter and resumé to SJCA, P.O. Box 2461, Durango, CO 81302. Open until filled. Lady Falconburgh’s Now hiring for all Kitchen Positions. Apply in Person. 640 Main Ave. Announcements Art Studio Sale Maureen May and Paul Pennington. Dec. 3, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Smiley Building – Second Floor. 259-0176. It’s a Tradition 31st Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair. Dec. 2nd - noon-5 p.m., Dec. 3rd - 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Dec. 4th - 11 a.m.-3 p.m. La Plata County Fairgrounds. Unique art, crafts, roasted nuts, wire name art, NFL, furniture, fleece and Alpaca products, saunas, handmade soaps, lotions, dips and jams, Christmas gifts, ornaments, live music food and much, much more. Daffodil Days The American Cancer Society is seeking volunteers to help sell daffodils during January and February 2006 for its spring fundraiser, Daffodil Days. Volunteers may be individuals, employees who’d like to sell at their place of employment or members of churches and civic organizations. For more information, please call 970-247-0278. The Salvation Army Of La Plata County needs your help ringing bells and collecting donations at kettle locations around Durango. Volunteer bell ringers will collect between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. All donations stay in La Plata County. Call 247-0253 or 247-8867. Durango Buddhist Sangha is offering a New Year’s Insight Meditation Retreat at Kelly Place in McElmo Canyon from 12/29/05 - 1/1/06. The retreat will be led by Eric Kolvig, is suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners. Sliding scale of $260 - $375 includes food and lodging. Register by December 5th. 259-9464 or tleonard@frontier.net for more info. Free Information Session Program for Health and Weight Management. Safe, effective, and reliable weight loss with an emphasis on long term results. Medically supervised- Dr. Megan Lewis, Medical Director. What have you got to lose? Come hear what we’re all about on Thursday, December 1st, @ 5pm. Space is limited, so please call Shannon Scarlett, Program Manager to reserve a slot: 903.8762 www.my healthone.com Artists Wanted For National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Exhibits, “Redefining Beauty.” Create awareness and change! Beginners and Professionals alike, display your talents 2/27/06-3/5/06. All media welcome. Themes: body image, recovery, self-love, different perspectives on eating disorders, pressure of ideal weight etc. Contact Kathryn @ 799-0116 Hate books? I’ll take ’em. If they’re good, I might even buy them. Call Ted @ 769-4174 Services Piano Entertainment For Christmas parties and banquets. From casual to formal. Holly Hieronymous at 259-2910. Holiday Gift Specials Advanced Massage Therapy, Jen Prosser, NCMT. Give the gift of Massage! Buy 4 sessions get 1FREE! Receive a $10 discount coupon to treat yourself with every gift certificate purchased. Select from Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, LaStone Geothermotherapy hot & cold stone massage or any combination! Great for stress reduction, relaxation, or to treat that chronic nagging injury. 16 years experience. 5 years on the professional mountain bike circuit. Call 970-259-0226 or e-mail advancedmassagetherapy@bresnan.net to arrange online delivery through Christmas. (No pickup hassles!) Ski Vacations Executives Lure Travel would like to book your custom ski packages. Great deals in the U.S., Canada, Europe and South America. Call Kristen at our Durango office (877) 4SKI-TRIP. Holiday special $15 off weave and hair cut or color and hair cut. $10 off manicure or pedicure. Call Rebecca at Shampoo 247-5620. Pet Valet Inc. Now serving Durango and surrounding areas. Offering dog walking, dog sitting and cat care. Call Shawna Brown @ 769-3870. Give your body Something to be thankful for. Acupuncture and massage offers many benefits. Call Carla Marie Toth. LAC, CMT. 799-3470. “Broken hearts and dirty windows make life difficult to see.” Call Scrubby for gutter cleaning BEFORE winter! Windows, pressure washing, final clean, you name it, we clean it! Toxic chemicals suck! Scrubby’s uses only 100% natural and organic cleaners. Scrubby’s 946-6886 Stop Making Your Landlord rich! Own your own home for no money down. www.arete.us. Call Jeanne Today @ 759.8736 Pregnant? You deserve a doula. Sonja Parker provides birthing doula support. Call today! Ongoing HypnoBirthing classes, utilizing mind-over-body techniques, are also offered. 385-5256. RealEstate Like being in town, yet desire privacy? This 2 acre parcel is priced to sell at $195K. This parcel has great views, year round sun, and a private setting. Call Tina at 970-946-2902 CBHHR Want riverfront property 10 minutes from town with NO COVENANTS? This is the parcel for you. 5 acres on the Animas river with lots of direct river frontage for you to fish, paddle or swim! $495K. Call Tina at 970-946-2902 CBHHR ForRent Special place For woman to call home. Would you like living with others working to make the world a better place? Hand made spacious artist’s Bayfield home. Two acres w/ trees on quiet cul-de-sac. Woodstove, hot tub, sun room, W/D. Walk to library, natural food store and café. 10 minutes to Ignacio rec center. Choose from: bedroom with 2 lofts or studio apt. Available mid Dec. Deposit and excellent references needed. Call Suzanne 884-4005. Sunny, warm cabin In town in Silverton. $400/month. Call Ann at 387-5996. Office available in wellness center. $250 per month. 946-2050 Roommate Wanted ASAP. $300/month + 1/3 electric & gas. Downtown location. Washer/dryer. No students/pets. Call Ben 759-4022. ForSale Volkl Vertigo G30 All mountain skis. 188 cm w/ Salomon 900S Equipe bindings. Excellent condition. $180. 247-2530 Women’s K2 T-Nine Skis. Purple with Marker bindings. 170 cm. Value $1,000. Asking $600. Gently used. 884-2121. 1999 Toyota Tacoma Looks and runs great. Cherry red, CD player, new tires, loaded. Auto. TRD package. $10,000. o.b.o. Call 615-604-5207. Holiday sale San Juan Mountains Association Book Store, ½ mile west of town in the Durango Tech Center, offers discounts of 25-50% through December 24 on most books about outdoor recreation, wildlife, children and nature, as well as on maps, interpretive clothing and Southwest Colorado’s largest supply of Smokey Bear products. 385-1258 for details. Pets Grandma Gretchen Mellow, older female b&w mixed breed. Sweet and quiet. House trained. Good with cats, dogs. 385-7336 or 247-9645. Newton Sweet, golden-eyed mixed breed. Good with other dogs, energetic and lovable. I’ve been at the shelter too long. Call 259-2847. Help we’re overflowing Great Dogs at the Aztec Shelter. Lots of small dogs, too. Come check us out. 505-334-6819. Community Service Volunteer wanted To work in fun loving thrift store. V.O.A., 639 E. Second Ave. 385-0363. Volunteers needed For the La Plata County Humane Society. Positions include walking dogs, fostering kittens and puppies, working in the Thrift Store, grooming dogs and more. 259-2847. Cadence Therapeutic Riding is seeking volunteers and is always searching for possible riders to participate in our program. Cadence is a non-profit organization that provides equestrian experiences for adults and children with special needs. Visit www.cadenceriding.org , or call 749-RIDE for more information. Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups meet the second Thursday of the month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and the fourth Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. For more information, call Elaine Stumpo at 259-0122. Raw Food Lunches Nonprofit organization Turtle Lake Refuge offers organic, living-food lunch every Tuesday and Friday from 11: 11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. Suggested donation $8. 247-8395. 848 E. Third Ave.