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Ear to the ground “I thought there would be more black people here.” – Local man commenting on the lack of audience diversity at last Tuesday’s 2Live Crew concert. The nature of the beast A Durango couple made big headlines recently after surviving a bear attack in Alaska. An Aug. 2LA Times story entitled “The nature of the beast” related their story. Fort Lewis College professor Kalin Grigg and FLC employee Jennifer Stark were seven days into a 10-day raft trip through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge when they spotted the grizzly bear. At first, they were thrilled. Then their guide saw a campsite along the shore that had been ravaged. The team eventually decided to move downriver and away from the bear, which was now behaving strangely. Soon, they realized they were being viewed as prey. The bear chased the raft through the shallow water regularly crossing the stream and appearing suddenly right alongside the three. Then, the grizzly entered the water and started gaining on the raft. Their guide pulled a handgun and was prepared to shoot, but Grigg and Stark were able to negotiate the raft into faster water and gain on the bear. The animal eventually became less determined. After 45 minutes and more than half a mile, the grizzly stopped. The team called for help, and the rogue bear was found and killed. But when they investigated the ravaged campsite, searchers found the bodies of Richard and Katherine Huffman, an Alaskan couple with extensive backcountry experience. Reflecting on the experience Stark commented, “What that bear did for us was shatter the idyllic, romantic image of wilderness and bring home the pragmatic reality of what a huge privilege and responsibility it is to actively participate in the day-to-day workings of natural wildness.” The complete story is available at www.latimes.com/travel/outdoors/la-os-bearchase2aug02,1,6998861.story. Silverton Mtn. goes big Silverton Mountain has broken new ground for competitive mountain biking in the San Juan Mountains. Last weekend, the ski area hosted the Silverton Gravity Fest, a competition highlighted by a 45-foot jump across Cement Creek. Unlike the standard timed racing format, the Silverton Gravity Fest was held in a “jam” format. All registered riders voted for the best riding of the festival. Not surprisingly, all eyes were on the course’s 45-foot creek jump. Named the “Mind Bender,” the jump was created specifically for the event. Only four downhillers could muster the courage to hit the “Mind Bender.” Among them was Chris Rose, of Durango, who won Silverton Mountain’s Downhill Frenzy Race in 2004. Shane McBain, of Fort Collins, and first and second place finishers Elliot Hoover, from Boulder, and Ryan Sutton, of Gunnison, also made the gap. Following the competition, Aaron Brill, Silverton Mountain owner, said, “It’s great to see these riders pushing the limits of what’s possible in mountain biking.”