The Clothesline Project – April 2
The community has been invited to design a T-shirt in relation to their experience with sexual violence. The shirts will be displayed in the entrance to the Commons Building (701 Camino Del Rio) and at Fort Lewis College.
Take Back the Night – April 3
Survivors and their families and friends are welcome to share their stories at the Speak-Out at 6:30 p.m. in the Fort Lewis College Ballroom. The march begins at the FLC Clocktower at 8 p.m. The public is welcome to an open mic at Carver Brewing Co. at 8:30 p.m. to share poetry, short stories, and music regarding their experience with sexual violence.
Men, Women, Rape, and Responsibility – April 7
Award-winning author of the novel The Basket Maker, Kate Niles speaks on her new book and the role of men in combating sexual violence at 8 p.m. at the Durango Public Library.
Unweaving the Fabric of Sexual Violence – April 21
Renowned Author, lecturer and Noble Peace prize nominee Andrea Smith will speak on the relationship between sexual assault and oppression in 130 Noble Hall at Fort Lewis College at 7 p.m. Smith is the author of Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide.
Day of Hope and Healing – April 23
Local businesses will donate a percentage of their proceeds to SASO. Look for the Day of Hope and healing poster around town, or visit for a complete list of participating businesses.
“Platica” – April 28:
A community dialogue (in Spanish) on sexual assault within the Latino community runs from 6-8 p.m. at Tequilas Restaurant.
For more information contact SASO at 259-3074 or visit