Public still can weigh in at Monday meeting

Members of the public have a final opportunity to weigh in on natural gas drilling in the HD Mountains Roadless Area. This Mon., Aug. 28, the HD Mountains Coalition is hosting a public meeting. The purpose of the meeting is twofold: to inform citizens about the Forest Service and BLM proposal to drill gas wells in the HD Mountains, and to elicit public comments.

Though official public comment periods are closed, the agencies are required to examine “new information” during this phase of review. The HD Mountains Coalition feels that a public comment period is a necessary part of the process, even though it is one that the Forest Service and BLM have chosen not to take. Public comments made at the meeting will be delivered to the

Forest Service and BLM as they develop and draft their final decision.

The public meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Aug. 28 at the Bayfield High Scholl, 800 County Road 501. For more information, contact the San Juan Citizens Alliance at 259-3583.

– Will Sands