Dear Diver,
The other day, I received a solicitation phone call from an area real estate agent. He informed me that an individual
had recently expressed interest in purchasing a condo in the complex I live in.When I told this agent that I was not
interested in selling my home, which I worked very hard to live in after renting for 11 years, he suggested that I
make a quick buck by selling it to this individual and then continue to live there as a renter.It turned out that the
buyer lives in Arizona and only wanted to buy my condo as an investment. Are area Realtors trying to help locals or
just make their own "quick buck," thus helping to maintain the strife of the renter trying to build money to buy, and
in turn, maintain the steady climb of Durango's real estate market?
- David,
via e-mail
Prostitution is legal in the state of Nevada. A Realtor can do business in any state. So many quick bucks, so many
double standards. Money, Ca$h, Hoes.
- Going up, with love, from the Diver.
Ten years ago, I went to my friend's wedding. I had planned to take a date, but she bailed at the last minute.This
was a very formal, sit-down wedding, nice dinner, the works. Well, since my date bailed, a plate for dinner was
wasted. The bride insists on telling me this all the time! She brought it up a month after the wedding, she brought
it up recently.I tell her, it isn't my fault the girl bailed! What can I do, we fight over this?
- Ann,
via e-mail
Dear Ann,
Formal = expensive = stressful. You should have "a sit down" with your friend and resolve this once and for all so
she can have a chance to really process this crap. After which she may never speak of it again (on pain of death.)
- Sincerely,
A happily married Diver
What's with these kids that dress with punk rock fashion but don't know anything about the culture? And why the hell
did Jessica Simpson's drummer for her awful halftime show of the Orange Bowl have an anarchy symbol on his drums? Is
playing halftime of a major sporting event on national TV spreading anarchy?
- Jake in Hermosa |
Diver: Jonezy from Homeslice
Facts: It takes an immigrant to tell us the direction that America needs to go in. Now if only he could solve that
preaching-to-the-choir problem.

Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?
Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions
to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask
the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn
Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at,
or by fax at 259-0448. |
Jake my man,
I think TV and this mass-consumer culture in which we live are to blame. Everything's for sale. I've said it before
and I'll say it again: disconnect your television and stay away from the mall. A brain enema might do the trick. Read
books, talk to friends, make your own music and movies. Jessica Simpson, et. al, must be flushed from our minds to
make room for what really matters in our lives.
- Sincerely, Diver
I want to tell you about an effective way to curb children with foul mouths. Washing a mouth out with soap is
old-school and outdated. Nowadays what works for me is Binaca or hot sauce. Seems cruel, yes, but so does shoving
soap in a kid's mouth. Spread the word to any parents who have this problem with their children.
- Mom in Mancos
Oh Mother Mancos,
Don't ya know that the children are the future? And this Diver is for the babies. Are you Catholic or something?
Shaming and torture are all the rage in Iraq. There might be an opening for you at Abu-Ghraib. Talk to Donny and stay
out of the view finder.
- Peace out Beyatch!