
Your thoughts on karma? I know a few people who deserve some serious bad things, but nothing happens. Instead, I always hear "bad things happen to good people," "only the good die young" and all that. What's up with that?

- Stacie in Hermosa

Stacie, Stacie, Stacie,

Karma is a cycle that takes place over many lifetimes, so don't worry, that guy who performed obscene acts on your dog may just come back in his next life as a dog, OK? What you're probably thinking of is dharma, or "quick karma."It may seem that all these evil-doers are getting away with their wicked deeds, but don't worry. Their cars might just, um, spontaneously blow up one day, if you catch my drift.

- Go in Peace,
The Diver


I'm not an angry or mean person, but sometimes, like when people blow it at work, I get pissed. How do you deal with anger around your workplace? My wife thinks it could lead to a bigger problem. Although the incidents are pretty isolated, I am concerned, too.

- From Bayfield
via e-mail.

Dear (NAME UNKNOWN),Just chill out, OK? Childish pranks on the targets of your wrath are great for easing the tension. Personally, I have been a life-long advocate for indoor snow ball fights.

- Cheers,The Diver

Diver: Crispy from City Market

Facts: Crispy in a new location, doling out the advice on the North Side


Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?

Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at telegraph@durangotelegraph.com, or by fax at 259-0448.


I'm trying to keep my son from being expelled from sixth grade. He took his very small and harmless pocket knife to school. A teacher saw him showing it to a student with the blade out and freaked. These were two kids who are friends, just being boys. Well I guess they want to make an example of "Johnny." With everyone being overly cautious or downright paranoid, they want to kick him out of school. Your advice?

- Momma in SW Colorado
via e-mail

Hey Momma,

Chances are that your son is actually a terrorist. You should immediately report him to the Department of Homeland Security. They will know what to do from there.

- Patriotically Yours,The Diver



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