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A negative take on a positive plan
To the Editors,
It is truly difficult for me to understand why the presscontinues to buy into the idea that Renee Parsons is an
authority on planning and growth in this county when, to my knowledge, she has no formal education, no training, no
planning experience, and has never volunteered or served on any formal or informal board, commission, committee,
focus group, etc. She represents a small group of people who love toberate anyone that disagrees with them, be they a
public official, a city employee or an average citizen.Very often they do not know the facts about the issues they
are critical of, but in spite of that you continue to give them credence.
In your article about the Downtown Plan you interviewedRenee Parsons for her opinion. Surprise, surprise, she had
nothing positive to say, even though this has been an extraordinaryexercise in public involvement and she constantly
demands that the City havemore public participation! For the past 10 months, the City, the Downtown Durango
Partnership, and many citizens havebeen involved in an on-going public process of developing a new plan for Downtown
Durango. Approximately 20 meetingshave taken place, all of which were publicized and open to the public. After many
focus group meetings and a kick off meeting in August, which again were open to anyone, the City sponsored two
three-hour public planning charrettes to allow those attending a chance to shape a plan for the future of Downtown
Durango. Almost 90 people showed up at each charrette and were given the opportunity to offer any and every idea they
had. To my knowledge, no one from the Friends of the Animas Valley bothered to show up, either to participate or see
how the planning process, which they so eagerly criticize, actually works. If they had, they would have found that it
has been a very open process, many good things will come out of it, and those that have chosen to participate will
have made a positive contribution to the future of downtown Durango. It is really unfortunate that some people are so
tied into being negative that they can't let go and see the positive things that are happening around them. It is
also unfortunate that the Telegraph and the Durango Herald seem to love and promote this sort of negativity.
- Antonia Clark,
Let's get with the times
Dear Editors,
This is a quote from my 4-year-old daughter. "Mommy, look at the train. It has black smoke that is making the air
dirty. If I had a choo-choo train, I would make it clean."
We need to get with the times. Pollution is neither quaint nor nostalgic. In the past, we did not have the technology
to avoid pollution, but we do now. Let's purchase those filters. If a 4-year-old can see it, why can't we?
- Tracy Ford, Durango
Bizarre and offensive coverage
To the Editors,
I am glad that the Telegraph chose to write an article on the Downtown Durango Vision and Strategic Plan process. The
high level of interest and diverse range of people who have participated in the openly public and democratic process
amaze me. Countless volunteer hours are represented in the almost year old process. Ideas and perspectives from
community members have been broad based. I encourage anyone wishing to join the hundreds who have already been
involved to visit http://downtown.Durango.net (note no www)
and peruse the downtown Durango website for an exhaustive disclosure of the process that has taken place to date. The
procedure is not complete. Public input is ongoing and the consultants have yet to make any recommendations.
As a weekly reader of the Telegraph, I have come to respect the Telegraph for unbiased and well-researched articles.
The article entitled "Shaping the future of downtown" written by Missy Votel was short of that standard.
It is puzzling to me that the Telegraph qualified Ms. Renee Parsons and/or the FOAV as authorities on the downtown
planning process given their admitted lack of participation in or thorough understanding of any part of the process.
While I am happy that the Telegraph chose to publish a story on the continuing Downtown Durango Vision and Strategic
Plan, giving such extensive credibility to the editorial commentary from Ms. Parsons is bizarre while also offensive
to the many people who have chosen to donate a lot of time and honest effort to the democratic process.
- Thanks, Bob Allen, via e-mail
Thumbs up to Shan
Dear Editors,
Thumbs up to Shan Wells for reminding us all of the real sources of Christmas traditions. Few realize that
Christianity adopted pagan traditions to attract more converts.