I want to move to New York City for college, but my Dad is way against
it. He wants me to stay here and go to the Fort, but I want out. However,
if I go against his wishes, I'll be paying for college on my own. I'm
a good student, get good grades, and want to go away to school if it
kills me. How can I make him change his mind on what is best for me?
– Senior at DHS
Dear Senior,
Does your father want you only to go to FLC, or does he not want you
to go to NYC? It sounds like he is being selfish and pretty lame, too.
You must go where your heart tells you to go. Sit down and talk to him
about any compromises that you can make. If that fails, see about student
loans, financial aid and grants. If worse comes to worse, you can do
what I did to pay for college: sell your body on Camino Del Rio. Whatever
you do, do it for yourself, not anyone else.
– Diver
Dear Diver,
Where is the best place to meet girls in this town? I've been here
for two years, and it's hard. I see a lot of girls in the bar, but I'm
not into dating a bar girl, if you know what I mean. Any suggestions?
– Lonely guy
Dear Lonely guy,
First, get a puppy. Take it on the bike path, parks, hikes, whatever.
Remember initiating the conversation is half the battle. If all else
fails, remember that not all the girls that go downtown are bar flies.
– Good luck, Diver
P.S. If you are currently enrolled at the college, you deserve to be
What is the best way to fire somebody? I have an employee who I like
well enough on a personal level, but he's a crappy worker and just isn't
performing. I've given him a million chances.
– Thanks,
NS in Durango
Is this a trick question? I plead the fifth.
– Diver |
Diver: Foz from Lady Falconburgh's
Facts: Foz went to a college to learn the most about
romance and culture

Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?
Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions
to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask
the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn
Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at
or by fax at 259-0448. |
Dear Diver,
Hip hop music is invading my house! My son suddenly
started talking in some crazy urban dialect like he's from
the projects in Brooklyn. He's from Bayfield, and I don't
think he's ever even talked to an African American! Now
he keeps talking about whitey holding his people back.
It's actually so ridiculous it's funny...I want him to
express himself, but he has nothing in common with the
people writing the music he listens to.
– Darren
Dear Darren,
There are several approaches you can take. First is let
him go with it. He might outgrow the phase and become just
what you pictured years ago. Second, you could purchase many
historical hip hop classics like old school Public Enemy,
KRS-ONE, Dr. Dre, Wu-Tang Clan. Then move forward into more
modern masterpieces like Mos Def, The Roots and so on (I'm
sure Southwest Sound could help you out). Listen to them,
hear them, let the message soak in. Maybe you'll find that
whitey's bringing you down, too. He might find rap a little
less cool if you like it. Worst-case scenario: Buy two plane
tickets to L.A., drop him off in South Central at midnight
on a Friday and watch his whiteness come out.
Word to Malik Shabazz.
– I'm out, Diver |