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section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send
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Another view of Long
Dear Editors,
This letter responds to
the article by Will Sands in the Aug. 12 issue of the Durango Telegraph entitled "Salazar pulled into
reservoir debate."
The La Plata Water Conservancy District (District), a totally
separate conservancy district from the Animas-La Plata Water
Conservancy District, is extremely disappointed that an article so
full of blatant misstatements was published in what purports to be
an independent publication, without checking the facts with the
individuals attacked in the article. Because the Long Hollow
Reservoir ("LHR") Project is of statewide concern, the issue has
involved officials at all level of government.
The La Plata Basin is chronically water-short. Because of the
current five-year drought, domestic wells are going dry, and
Colorado water officials have had to shut off senior ditches that
have not been shut off in decades. New Mexico water users are also
short of water, which has lead to disagreements between the states.
LHR is, therefore, of statewide significance as a means to help
resolve interstate Compact issues and avoid interstate litigation.
Colorado has been working diligently with New Mexico to resolve
differences which have existed for a number of years. Mr. Doe's
claim of corruption is scurrilous and without any basis in fact.
The real issues revolve around compliance with Colorado water law
and Colorado's compliance with its obligations under the La Plata
River Compact.
The LHR Project is totally independent of the Animas-La Plata
Project (ALP). After the 2000 Congressionally enacted compromise
removed all irrigation features from the ALP including any
additional water supplies for the water-short La Plata Basin the
District sponsored a study to find methods to improve the
efficiency of water use in the Basin. The study found that more
storage on the La Plata River would allow better management of
Colorado deliveries to New Mexico under the La Plata River Compact
and more reliable water supplies for existing Colorado users.
Consequently, the District asked for and received funding to
study the feasibility of the Long Hollow Reservoir project through
a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board, approved in an
open public meeting and then approved by the Colorado General
Assembly. If the project is found feasible, the District will seek
construction funding through the Colorado Water and Power
Development Authority another public entity, which acts in open
public meetings.
Contrary to the gross misstatements in the article, 4 the
beneficiaries of the LHR Project include over 300 irrigators, who
own shares or water rights in the over 18 La Plata River ditches
that will receive additional irrigation deliveries with the project
in place. Sen. Jim Isgar, only one of the many irrigators, owns
approximately 1 percent of the water in 1 of the 18 ditches, and is
only a minor beneficiary of the LHR, contrary to the
mis-information reported by the Telegraph . In addition, La Plata River Basin
irrigators will benefit from the LHR Project because there will be
improved administration of the La Plata River Compact and basin
water rights. Domestic water users, whose wells depend on ditch
return flows, will also benefit.
Several agencies, which may not have understood fully the manner
in which the LHR Project will be operated, provided their concerns
about the LHR to the Army Corps of Engineers. Those comment letters
lead to numerous productive and ongoing District conferences with
many of the commenting agencies to resolve agency concerns,
including the State of New Mexico, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, the Colorado Division of Wildlife and the Colorado
Department of Natural Resources. Because some of the comments
raised issues concerning interstate compact administration and the
San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program for endangered
fish, the District consulted with the Colorado agencies most
involved with those issues including the State Engineer's Office,
the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and the Attorney General's
The funds which may be used for the LHR construction project
after further review in public meetings are less than one-third of
the funds that the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development
Authority escrowed to provide for Colorado's share of ALP
construction. These much reduced escrowed funds are designated to
be used to assist the irrigators on the La Plata River, who, in
2000, sacrificed their prospects for an increased water supply from
ALP in order to allow the settlement of the reserved water rights
of the two Ute Indian Tribes to succeed. To achieve accuracy and
maintain credibility, the Telegraph should have talked to actual La
Plata River water users before accepting the definition of "common
good" advocated by one man who lives in the Denver suburbs, not the
La Plata Basin.
Brice F. Lee,
La Plata Water Conservancy
(Editors' reply: The alleged blatant
misstatements in the aforementioned article were all attributed to
the Citizens' Progressive Alliance and its chair Phil Doe. The
Durango Telegraph was merely reporting on what could be a
significant conflict of interest and in no way was leveling charges
of its own. As for the claims that the interests of La Plata River
water users were neglected, Brice Lee was contacted for an earlier
story on Long Hollow Reservoir and those interests were discussed
in depth. In fact, the first portion of the story reported on those
interests and the stated intent of the reservoir in a thorough
Initiative needs to lighten up
Dear Editors,
The Responsible Growth
Initiative is dividing our community and that saddens me. I think
both sides agree that what we ultimately want is to preserve the
quality of life in Durango. I agree that growth needs to be managed
and planned. The proposed growth initiative is asking the City to
stop population growth. That is absurd. We need to wake up and face
reality. Durango is a great place to live and people around the
globe understand that. People will continue to move to Durango for
all the reasons that the rest of us did. We can't close the door
behind us. Instead we have to be smart about it and plan for the
FACT: The population of
Durango will grow. So, the Citizens for Responsible Growth need to
lighten up on City Council and give them the opportunity to do
their job. The City Council's job is to keep their eye on the big
picture and make hard decisions based on the City's Comprehensive
If the growth initiative
passes, development will happen in a haphazard manner with no
big-picture perspective. The voters will be asked to look at each
proposed development through a tunnel without consideration of how
it affects the whole. I don't want that to happen. I want someone
who has read and understands the City Comprehensive Plan making
those decisions. Will the voters take on that responsibility? I
doubt it!
I agree that something
needs to be done to plan for growth, but it cannot be done without
the cooperation between City and County officials. I believe this
growth initiative will negatively impact all of us. As a citizen
who will be affected, I want a voice and a vote. But because this
was brought as a City-only initiative, I have to sit back and watch
a small percentage of the population decide the fate of my quality
of life. Please VOTE NO!
Tina Pernosky,
Following in Georgia's
Dear Editors:
I first became involved
with the Georgia O'Keeffe Art and Leadership for Girls Program
through a friend at the Durango Arts Center. The program was
established in 2002 by the DAC and the Women's Resource Center.
Jules Masterjohn and Beth Christie co-created this program, and it
has served over 60 young women to date. Students may attend
Saturday workshops during the school year or a two-week Summer Arts
Intensive in June. These classes allow middle-school girls to work
with professional female artists, using high-quality materials to
create a variety of projects.
This year, the Summer
Arts Intensive included drawing, painting, printmaking, collage,
sculpture, theatre, dance, photography and creative writing. The
women I worked with are fabulously funny and creative. The G.O.A.L.
Teaching Team for this year's Summer Arts Intensive included Sandra
Butler (Sculpture), Kit Frost (Photography), Caroline Reeves
Johnson (Printmaking), Karen Pittman (Collage), Erika Wilson
Golightly 4 (Dance), Jane Steele (Painting and
Drawing), and myself. We were greatly assisted by our intern,
Hallie Taylor, who attended all the classes with the girls and got
to know them well.
If you know a young
woman who would benefit from this program, nomination forms can be
found at the Durango Arts Center and the Women's Resource Center.
The deadline for nomination is Sept. 11. Fall art workshops begin
Oct. 2, with classes Saturdays through Nov. 20 at the Durango Arts
A limited number of
scholarships are available. Approximately 40 percent of the
students require financial assistance. There is an ongoing need for
contributions to the G.O.A.L. Scholarship Fund. Donations are
tax-deductible and can be given to the Women's Resource Center or
the Durango Arts Center. I urge the members of our community to
become involved with this excellent program immediately. It is a
life-changing experience for students and instructors
Molly J. Anderson-Childers
G.O.A.L. creative writing
An idea for curbing growth
Dear Editors,
With the impending
"growth control initiative" on the horizon and the influx of
supporting letters to thispaper, I ask to offer an opposing
In response to
encroaching development pressures caused by rapid population
increases, some communities attempt to secure their borders against
newcomers by imposing growth controls. Unfortunately, these growth
controls contribute to escalating land costs and housing prices in
preferred locations where developmental pressures are greatest. To
some extent, higher land prices are an inevitable consequence of
increased competition for scarce land in growing areas. But the
effects of the natural market forces are compounded by regulatory
barriers, driving land and housing prices still higher.
Resorting to devices
such as the voter control initiative may temporarily alleviate the
problems of congestion and air and water quality and reduce the
strain on local facilities and services. However, in reality, the
controls merely exacerbate the problems that opponents of growth
are hoping to contain. For example, when development is forced to
leap-frog over jurisdictions that institute these controls,
congestion in the region actually worsens because more traffic is
generated by the longer trips required.
When a few select
communities in an area adopt development strategies designed to
minimize congestion and avoid what they see as overuse of their
facilities or degradation of their aesthetic environment, they
simply shift congestion and other tangible burdens of development
onto their neighbors. But no one community can unilaterally reduce
the total growth of its area by adopting growth-limiting policies
within its own borders.
All growth-limiting
policies adopted by one community simply displace the same amount
of growth to other communities. Therefore, all such policies are
essentially "beggar-thy-neighbor" policies. They do not solve any
problems associated with or caused by growth, but simply move them
around within the general area.
Although the proponents
of the initiative claim that it is direct democracy in action and
it gives citizens more of a voice in how the community will grow,
in reality, it is a group who would throw up gates at the county
line in an attempt to preserve their bucolic paradise if given the
opportunity. The reality is that growth is coming, and all the
voter initiatives and no-growth policies will not stop it.
Statements of 40,000 potential Durango residents being unacceptable
are elitist. If the Friends of the Animas Valley and other
associated groups really want to curb growth, they should stand on
the corner and distribute condoms.