Our letters
section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send
us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.
Regime change begins at
Dear Editors,
Why Caucus?
Because regime change
begins at home.
Many of us seem to be
grumpy with our current administration. After years of wandering
around with a bumper sticker that said, "Don't blame me, I voted
with the majority," I decided that this year I had to take more
direct action: I changed my bumper sticker. It read, "When Clinton
Lied, No One Died."
Though cute and pithy,
that sticker didn't really help, either. It didn't offer any
reasonable alternatives to a pretty grim situation. But there is
hope: Mike Miles wants to be our next U.S. senator. Never heard of
him? Consider that your own fault and the fault of a Democratic
Party who seems scared of him, and a local daily that seems
oblivious to him. Mike Miles is one of two Democratic nominees
fighting for space on next fall's ballot. Unlike Ken Salazar, his
opponent (who announced his candidacy mid-March, after Campbell was
safely out of the running), Miles has been to La Plata County at
least six times in the past couple years, campaigning his heart
Miles is great. He's
open, honest and approachable. He returns your calls. He sincerely
believes that people have a place in this democracy and is pursuing
"An America that speaks to our highest aspirations that speaks to
compassion over greed, efforts over pedigree, service over wealth,
and the common good above all." Unbelievably na`EFve? Maybe, but
consider his background before ruling him out.
A graduate of West
Point, Miles served as an elite Army Ranger. He returned to
civilian life via Berkeley and Columbia, then worked on the Soviet
Desk at the State Department, including stints in Russia and Poland
in the 1990s. More recently, he's worked near Colorado Springs as a
teacher and superintendent. This is a guy who has worked inside the
military, inside the Beltway, and inside our school system. And yet
he still believes in America. That's impressive.
Ken Salazar has not yet
had time to put together an office, a web site, a phone number or a
platform of his views all this, just two weeks before the April 13
caucus. His campaign manager told me a few days ago that Salazar is
just "really, really busy." What, too busy to tell us his views?
Salazar has said that he would be interested in modeling his senate
career on Ben Campbell's. The only other thing I know is that,
earlier this year, Joe Lieberman was his presidential nominee of
choice. Salazar is not a bad man, but he's not our only option. We
can choose to pick the moderate, "biege" candidate who is
undoubtedly safe, or we can choose a strong, progressive candidate
who may actually shake things up. Which would you
Please caucus. You can
directly influence who is on the November ballot as our Democratic
U.S. Senate nominee by going to the caucus on Tuesday evening,
April 13. A caucus is like a neighborhood meeting, or small town
hall. Everyone expresses his or her opinions about candidates for
county commissioner, U.S. Senate, the presidency, etc. They also
talk about issues important to them local development and growth
issues, water, health care, civil rights, the dog park, whatever.
It's all open for debate, and it all forms a part of the Democratic
Party platform. What's really great is that few people show up to
these caucuses, so whatever YOU say will be listened to (assuming
you're a registered Democrat, of course, and living at your
registered address. Check with the county's Voter Registrar on
that, for sure, at 382-6296).
Mike Miles deserves to
be a part of that Democratic platform. Go to caucus and support him
he needs you to counter the corporate and media interests in the
state. If you want positive change in Washington, then support
I changed my bumper
sticker again. The new one reads, "MikeMiles4Senate."
Anne Markward,
via e-mail
Use it or lose it
Dear Editors,
Do you
If you're reading this,
chances are good that you're interested in your community, the
state, the nation.Are you also concerned about current trends
and the importance of the upcoming election? Are you frustrated at
the inability to influence events? Do you like your voice to be
heard?If you're nodding yes, then the upcoming state caucus should
be of great interest. Every four years, the Democratic, Republican
and Libertarian parties hold state caucus meetings. Basically, they
are town meetings one in every single precinct in Colorado, 30 in
La Plata County alone. This event takes place Tuesday, April 13,
starting at 7 p.m.
Who's invited? Every
registered voter who has affiliated with one of these parties.
Non-participating observers are also welcome.
Why participate? It's
Kerry and Bush? Well, Kerry is currently in the process of learning
what issues the people are most concerned about. What occurs at
these caucus meetings reaches his desk for evaluation. More
importantly, on a local level, there are many offices up for
election you can tip the scales. Take, for example, the Mike Miles
maverick candidacy for Senate. A handful of participants in each
precinct would make a big difference for that race.
For Republicans who are
frightened by this president's policies here is your chance to
gather likeminded Republicans, go down to the caucus meeting and
speak your mind the Republican Party desperately needs alternate
balancing feedback.
Are there issues you'd
like to influence? Tuesday, April 13, 7 p.m. is the time to go and
make your presentation.
Once every four years
you have the opportunity to be "given the floor" to speak your mind
use it. Cliche or not, it's still true: Democracy, use it or loss
it! For your precinct number and meeting location call the County
Voter Registrar at 382-6296.
Sincerely, Peter Miesler
Diver Dan disheartening
Dear Editors,
I'm an eighth-grader who
runs with the pack in Durango, and I was reading a Dear Diver
article ("Ask the Diver," April 1, 2004) and I came across a letter
from another eighth-grader in Hermosa asking for help.
Diver Dan said he could
relate, ha, ha, ha. The response from Diver Dan was disheartening.
The eighth-grader asking for help is so awesome because he's not
giving into the smoke and girls deal, like so many of my friends
To the writer, I commend
you, you took the time to write, and I think that will uphold your
ideas. It's so great that you have the strength to do that. No way
should you be ashamed.
Heidi Stewart,
Miller Middle School
Stop promoting outlaw driving
(Editors' note: The following was
sent to the General Manager at Keesee Motor Company in Cortez)
Dear Sir:
I recently watched a TV
ad for Keesee Motor Company on CNN that featured a person in a Ford
pickup truck barreling off a plowed road and through a snowbank,
complete with someone "whooping" on the soundtrack. This kind of
advertising is extremely irresponsible in that it glamorizes
driving vehicles "off road" anywhere and anytime the driver feels
like it. Operating motorized vehicles of all kinds off of
designated routes is becoming a serious national problem that is
exacerbated by irresponsible advertising like this.
The ultimate result will
be more and more restrictions and route closures as local
governments and land management agencies seek to control the
resource damage and user conflicts caused by unbridled mechanized
cross country travel. Perhaps you should consider altering your
advertisements to reflect responsible driving habits, instead of
promoting "outlaw" driver behavior, as glamorous as it
Veronica Egan,
Executive Director Great Old Broads for Wilderness
Getting arms around patriotism
Dear Editors,
As a freethinker,
patriotism is an evolving self-defining concept that every time it
may be easily graspable at one moment, the next time will find a
search for other meanings. Yet, with a myriad of definitions, not
one of them would be suitable to represent symbolically. After all,
if patriotism is an idea that best can be seen through the mind's
eye, why bring it down and denote it into the sensible world only
to be tarnished with the symbol being subjected to connotations, as
However well intended
some of these symbols may be by one person, another may not see it
the same way. How can this possibly be, you ask? The eyes see the
same object, but there is something else besides one's physical
awareness that is in operation to help make sense, or non-sense,
out of this world we live in. That something is reason, and
If life only consisted
of the corporeal world it would be very mundane and predictable,
instead there is an extra layer that is hidden from view. Within
this hidden layer reside many wondrous areas to explore, might I
even say infinite, and that is where reason and judgment can be
It would also be wise to
let people explore their own inner expansive thought process to
help enable them to realize that every single creative notion was
first thought up inside the human mind. If one were to dig deep
enough they would be able to locate their unblemished ideal of what
patriotism means to them, yet others possess one just as unique,
but it may likely vary. It becomes too easy to mix symbols in an
innocent way, initially not meaning what the symbol represents, but
somehow other factors, such as the historical time and place that a
society finds themselves in all play out, and must be considered.
All of a sudden this innocent little symbol has morphed itself into
some kind of ugly beast that is difficult to control, but is
everywhere to be found. Society is its own worst enemy, not
Many of America's
symbols are exploited in that way today, a person need not wear
certain emblems to show their support, we are not in a gang, but a
community. Those that impose this militant style of authoritative
coercion may only fall victims to their own historical ignorance
and lack of objectivity. It is unfortunate that so many people are
willing to degrade their own ideal sense of what patriotism means
to them, and rather keep it private, and most cherished within
their head, they decide to delude themselves by assuming everyone
else must be thinking just like them. Many times what these symbols
represent, other than their original intent, is some type of
allegiance. The symbol can now be used as a tool to show others
whether we are "one of them."
These are the nuts and bolts of society that unfortunately
can lead down a path of recognition to false liberties. If America
was the first secular government ever to be founded in the world,
it is time to consider if this nation is morphing once again
before our eyes.