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section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send
us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.
The missing
To whom it may concern:
Just wanted to let you
know that I enjoy your newspaper, but you were not accurate in your
article "Off the Top" on page 12 & 13 of your Jan. 22, 2004,
As you can see from the
enclosed pictures, there is another Barber Shop in Durango. You
said there were only two. I felt kind of left out since I've been
in business in Durango for 27 years and my father had a shop here
for 20 years before that.
All the investigative
reporting you would have to do is look in the phone book under
"Barber Shops" and you would have seen this listing:
A Barber Shop
2053 Main Avenue Ste.
Durango, CO
Thanks for taking the
time to read this, and I hope in the future you will check a little
Rod Wenzel
Smelling the right rat
Dear Editors:
Why are these people
griping about hauling water? People who live in posh houses in
Boulder County also haul water; have been doing so for
For example, up Sunshine
Canyon west of Boulder on the ironically named Poor Man's Road,
people who live in ritzy houses haul water to cisterns. Among its
denizens is John Wittemyer, a partner in one of the most
prestigious water law firms in the state. Don't recall any of those
folks complaining.
Just as in Sunshine
Canyon, the Red Mesa denizens have chosen to live where they do.
That means accepting the conditions of that choice. It is not the
responsibility of federal taxpayers to subsidize their water
Besides, I checked water
in the Yellow Pages and noted that a rural denizen can get some
mighty good quality water from area suppliers.
But the recent story by
Will Sands about this Dry Side pipeline and regional water
treatment plant does prove that we original opponents of the
Animas-La Plata project smelled the right rat.
From the beginning, we
were suspicious that the A-LP was not for poor yeoman farmers, but
development water. One major clue was a full-page ad in a
special Durango Herald supplement published in 1979,
bought by one of the Durango developers.
Now, from a much broader
perspective, I see these bills being pushed by Jim Dunlap as very
bad federal policy because there are 50 states in the USA, all of
whom have rural areas. Thus, it's not just $72 million for La Plata
rural water users, but all the other rural water users who will be
clamoring for a share of this new federal porkbarrel.
I pray that Congress has
the wisdom to realize that.
Jeanne W. Englert,
Lafayette, CO
Dogcatcher dharma
Dear Editors:
Playing fetch with your
dog has a Zen-like quality. The mindless repetition of throwing the
ball and it, miraculously, returning is a wonderful place to let
your mind quiet. Only, my mind wasn't quiet on this particular day.
Life's roller coaster had been getting me down, and I was feeling
thoroughly overwhelmed.
Amidst the turmoil
swirling in my brain, I had my beautiful, fuzzy, blond marshmallow
of a dog that was going nuts to get some exercise. His favorite
thing fetch. So, I decided to let things settle down and do
double duty with my dog. I went to the riverside park near my
house. Although it was midday, November weather made it cold and
Needless to say, I was
alone in the park. My dog and I had the whole beautiful, green lawn
on which to drift into the meditative zone of fetch. We had been
playing for about 10 or 15 minutes, and thoughts of the
relationships in my life began zooming through my brain like a
hurricane gathering strength. The pistons churning in my head were
causing me to throw the ball farther and farther. My dog was having
a heyday, running back and forth on the lawn, into the river,
through the brush. Hey, maybe this was the answer to finally drain
him of the obsessive retriever instinct.
With Herculean strength
I had just whizzed another tennis ball into the river with my
"Chuck-it" when, out of nowhere, "Excuse me miss, are you a
resident of Durango?" I gasped, sucked back into reality by a
uniformed dogcatcher. I knew where he was going with this, of
course. "Yes, I'm a resident of Durango," I replied tersely. Then
he asked the most rankling question, "Then why is your dog off a
leash?" Now, I don't know what kind of education you need to become
a dogcatcher, but it seemed fairly obvious to me that common sense,
at the most miniscule level, would tell you the difficulty of
playing fetch while on a leash. Having walked across the field to
harangue me would certainly have given him time to observe the
ritual of the game. OK, it was rhetorical, but I was not in the
mindset to be pestered with any type of question. So I replied with
the obvious, "Because we are playing fetch."
"Well, as a resident of
Durango, you should know that your dog cannot be off a leash!" He
was getting a little testy now. But not as testy as me.
This poor little
dogcatcher was the spark to set off the dynamite, the final drop
breaking the seal to start the torrent, the finger that snaps the
bean. And then I unleashed
"You know I have just
had about enough of this leash law in the park! I have had a really
bad day, and I'm just not going to take it anymore!!!"
He shrunk back with a
look of horror as I hurled my Chuck-it across the field as far as I
could throw it, releasing the energy that had reached maximum
capacity. We had lift-off.
I bored into him with
laser beam eyes and challenged him to hand over the piece of paper
that would send me to doggie detention. Instead, with a look of
defeat intermingled with a smidgen of defiance, he looked at me as
if we were fourth-graders on the playground and said, "Well, you're
not the only one!"
I turned around and
stared at the river, stunned that the dogcatcher actually possessed
human qualities. Had he disarmed me with his sensitivity? Was he a
person with relationships and even a personality? Maybe he even had
a human family and they all had human feelings. A trickle of regret
began seeping through my skin. As it grew, I turned around to face
the music and maybe even apologize for my outburst. But he was
nowhere in sight! He had vanished faster than the fame of Joe
I was left with the
realization that maybe it wasn't all about me today. Now, I had
infected the poor dogcatcher with my gloom. Yes, it's true that I
consider those in the dog catching occupation lowlier than
4 telemarketers, but I suppose they are
still people. People who may want to consider a better line of work
but, nevertheless, people.
So, assuaged by the
niblet of insight gained by unleashing on the dogcatcher, I
gathered my Chuck-it and my furry friend and headed
Mary Hollis McCord
The other Missy Votel
Dear Editors,
I read with amusement
and interest the "Hockey Mom" editorial by your Missy Votel in the
Jan. 8 edition of The Telegraph .
How tragic for this
would-be puckster to have actually suffered the indignity of
"whiffing" on an apparently open shot or pass.
Like the writer, I'm
from Minnesota where hockey is king, possibly surpassed only by the
challenging sport of ice fishing.
It turns out that,
coincidentally, I have a daughter by the name of Missy Votel.
However, unlike your hockey mom heroine, my Missy Votel is an
athlete of almost mythical legend. Her sport was basketball, and
the venue was the gritty world of rough-and-tumble grade school
city league competition in the early 1980s.
At the commencement of
one game, her considerable talent had apparently not yet caught the
attention of her coach. My Missy Votel, being self confident in her
talent, quietly and patiently assumed a position at the end of the
bench, where she remained fully uniformed and ready for destiny's
call. Alas, that call did not come during regulation time, and the
game, being at a tied score, entered over time. The tied score
ensued, and the call to stardom did not come for Votel during the
first overtime period. During the second overtime her five
remaining teammates, those who had not fouled out, were on the
Votel, apparently
recognizing that her rise to glory would not occur until another
day, was still occupying her solitary position at the end of the
bench, but, in preparation for the wintry ride home in her father's
cold family truckster, had now put on her coat, hat, mittens and
slacks still fully uniformed underneath.
As fate would have it,
at this inopportune moment one of her teammates fouled out, and the
seemingly delayed call to stardom had arrived. The players,
coaches, referee and fans patiently waited while Votel took off her
outdoor clothing in preparation to enter the game .The score still
being tied, but by now in the low teens, the anticipation was
electric. Like your hockey mom, the hoopster Missy received a pass,
but unlike your hockey mom, she embraced the opportunity for
greatness, took a shot and scored the winning basket.
Thus, started her
legendary athletic career. Two Missy Votels? Both from Minnesota?
One a hoopster, one a puckster? Strikingly different athletic
fates? A coincidence?
Maybe maybe
Terry Votel,
Eagan, Minn.
Advice for the cartoonist, editors
(Editors' note: We believe the following letter is the last
of many on the editorial cartoon in the Jan. 15 edition of the
Dear Editors:
May I suggest that cartoonist and editors alike familiarize
themselves with both the full scope as well as some of the details
of the "Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution
to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict", a/k/a the Geneva Accord.
The full text of the Geneva Accord can be found at: http://informationclearinghouse.info/article5019.htm
The agreement is complex with implementation clearly difficult
to accomplish. Most news coverage, editorials and political
cartoons comment on single aspects of the problem because the
entire issue defies brief explanation. This puts added
responsibility on the commentator to get it right.
Although peaceful people of all faiths are welcomed there,
Israel is by definition a Jewish state. This will not change.
However, hostile Arab factions such as Hamas and Hezbollah
frequently demonstrate an unqualified commitment to the destruction
of Israel. It is obvious that threats to Israel's fundamental
security will continue regardless of the establishment of a
sovereign state for non-Israeli Arabs now living in areas
controlled by Israel.
Without question, a sovereign nation has the basic right and
responsibility to protect its borders from attack. I suppose if,
rather than relatively benign individuals, suicide bombers and
other would-be killers were entering the United States from Mexico,
Americans would demand that our government take all measures
necessary to stop them, including walls and guard towers.
The majority of voting Israelis seems ready to effect the
abandonment of settlements and cede Gaza and the West Bank to Arabs
in order that they may establish a sovereign state. Most Israelis
have come to realize that the establishment of a sovereign Arab
state makes life more secure for Israel in the long term. Also,
most Israelis would rather not erect walls and fencing because of
the constant reminder these structures provide of the fragile state
of their personal safety.
However, until New Palestine (or whatever it may be called)
demonstrates its ability to establish social order and contain its
criminals, fortified borders are a necessity for Israel.
Satire fails utterly when the satirist has missed the point.
Perhaps your cartoon should have depicted a bomb-toting Arab
tunneling under the wall only to be met by an Israeli soldier with
the Road Map in one hand and a rifle in the other.