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Snowdown returns for
Durango's 26th annual celebration of winter this weekend. The
stone-aged theme of this year's celebration is Yaba-Daba-Doorango,
and all the locals' favorite events will be back on tap, joined by
a handful of new ones. More than 60 contests, events and gatherings
will take place through Sunday, Feb. 1.
Beginning at 7 a.m., the
Snowdown Snow Sculpture
Contest takes place
at 500 Main Ave. Teams will carve 6x6x8-foot tall blocks of snow
for fun and prizes. 259-3837 for details.
The Great Outhouse Race begins at 2 p.m. outside JC Penny's in
the Durango Mall. Teams of three compete, two to move the outhouse
and one "occupant." 259-3800 for details.
Junior King Bamm-Bamm & Queen Pebbles
will be selected at 4:30
p.m. at the Best Western Rio Grande Inn, 400 E. Second Ave. Winners
will ride in the Snowdown Light Parade on Friday, Jan. 30. 247-2446
or 247-3986 for details.
Magical Musical Mystery Tour music
jeopardy continues at
Scoot n' Blues, 900 Main Ave., beginning at 5 p.m. 259-1400 for
The Snowdown
Benefactor Wine
Tasting commences at
5:30 p.m. at the Bank of Colorado, 1199 Main Ave. The event
features a selection of fine wines and hors d'oeuvres and a signed,
limited edition print by Durango artist Karyn Gabaldon. Proceeds
benefit the La Plata Open Space Conservancy. 259-3415.
The second round
elimination of Lady F's
Lunacy trivia
tournament begins at 8 p.m. at Lady Falconburgh's, 640 Main Ave.
Call 382-9664 for details.
The Snowdown 9-Ball Pool Tournament begins at 7 p.m. at El Rancho, 975
Main Ave. The event is open to the first 32 entrants 21 years of
age or older. 259-3562 or 259-8111 for details.
The Wildhorse Saloon, 601
E. Second Ave., hosts Kave Krooner Karaoke at 7 p.m. Kave Krooner Karaoke is open
to the following categories: female vocalist, male vocalist and
duet. 247-3020 for details.
The Diamond Circle
Theatre, 699 Main Ave., hosts the Gala Premiere Performance of the
raucous Snowdown
Follies at 8
The Snowdown Snow Sculpture continues all day at 500 Main
YabadabaDoodle wine bottles painted by participants Wednesday
will be out for display and judging all day at the Durango Arts
Center, 802 E. Second Ave. 759-3673 for details.
The Snowdown Waiter\ Waitress Race takes
place at 2 p.m. at Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave. Servers
compete in an obstacle course for the coveted "Silver
Serving Tray." 259-9200 for details.
The Snowdown Bed Race begins at 3 p.m. at Steamworks, 801 E.
Second Ave. The annual lodging community challenge is a race where
beds are pushed through an obstacle course. 259-1577 for
The Snowdown
Children's Coloring and
Poster contest takes
place at Vectra Bank, 1101 E. Second Ave. 247-4183.
The Snowdown Wine, Beer & Cheese Party
is held at the Main Mall,
835 Main Ave. Attendants receive a souvenir wine glass. 259-5850
for details. The Elk's Club, 901 E. Second Ave., hosts a
spaghetti dinner benefiting the Purgatory ski team.
The feast begins at 4 p.m. and continues until 9 p.m. 247-5727 for
Solid Muldoon's, 117 W.
College, hosts a dart
tournament at 6 p.m.
247-9151 for details.
The single, luminous
Snowdown Firework signals the start of the Snowdown Light Parade at 6 p.m. in the southern Durango sky.
The Light Parade begins at 500 Main Ave. at 6 p.m. and works its
way to 12th Street. Floats and groups will have a special emphasis
on the use of lights. There will be a special appearance by the
Hillstompers Marching Band of Northern New Mexico.
The 26th annual
Ski Softball game between Durango Mountain Ski
Patrol and the Ski/Snowboard School takes place at the FLC Softball
Complex at 7 p.m. 247-5893 for details.
The Magical Musical Mystery Tour musical
jeopardy continues at
7 p.m. at Scoot n Blues, 900 Main Ave.
The Snowdown Follies show live at 7:30 p.m. at the Diamond
Circle Theatre, 699 Main Ave., and the Durango Arts Center Theatre,
802 E. Second Ave. The Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College, will
simulcast the Snowdown Follies on the big screen at 7:30
The Snowdown Light Parade Awards Ceremony
takes place at 8 p.m. at
Norton's to Go, 3600 N. Main.
Couples compete at
the Cave Couple
Adventure Course at
Steamworks, 801 E. Second Ave., at 8 p.m. Couples must dress in
stone-age gear and compete in timed prehistoric events. 247-1240
for details.
The second Friday
performance of the Snowdown Follies runs at 10 p.m. at the Durango Arts
Center, 802 E. Second Ave., and Diamond Circle Theatre, 699 Main
Ave. The simulcast will be at the Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College, at
the same time.
Snowdown wine bottle art will be displayed and auctioned all day
at the Durango Arts Center, 802 E. Second Ave.
The Snowdown Balloon Rally takes place at 7:45 a.m. at the Red
Rock Ranch 8 Miles North of Durango.
The 3 on 3 basketball tournament starts at 9 a.m. at the Durango
Recreation Center, 2700 Main Ave. The tournament is for 3rd-12th
The Snowdown Broomball Tournament runs at Chapman Hill Ice Rink
beginning at 9 a.m. This is a single elimination tournament with
men's and women's divisions. 375-7322 for details.
The Snowdown Snowgames take place from 10 a.m.-noon at Chapman
Hill. The event includes tube races, tug-o-war, treasure hunt, egg
throw, obstacle course, popcorn stuffing and more. 247-2446 for
The 5K Snowshoe Shuffle ski race kicks off at Hillcrest Golf Course
Cross Country Ski Track at 10 a.m. 749-1006.
Snowdown Snow Sculptures awards will be presented at 11 a.m. at
500 Main Ave.
The Snowdown Hash House Run starts at 11 a.m. in the Ballroom at
the Iron Horse Inn. One harrier lays a trail of flour over a course
of his or her choosing. The other harriers follow that trail to the
end where food and beverages await. 375-2413 for
The Downhill Kayak Race takes place at the Snowcoaster Hill at
Durango Mountain Resort at 11 a.m. 259-8313 for details.
El Rancho Tavern, 975
Main Ave., hosts the second annual Golden Tee Golf Tournament at 11 a.m. 259-3562 for
The Snowdown Chili Cook-Off tasting begins at noon at the La Plata
County Fairgrounds with proceeds supporting Snowdown. Judging
begins at 11 a.m. 375-2513 for details.
The Snowdown Rail Rally takes place
at noon at Buckley Park. The freestyle rail sliding contest
is for aggressive snowboarders and skiers who want to
challenge this three-rail course. 259-7308 for details.
The Outlaw Josie Pete's Golf
Tournament begins at
noon in the Main Mall Commons. Contestants putt 13 holes in costume
through various local drinking establishments. 382-7400 to
The Feline Fashion Show takes place at 1 p.m. in the McDonald's
parking lot. Grab your cat or snatch your neighbor's and dress em
up for this all comers fashion show. 247-2446 for
The Snowdown Grocery Games runs at 1 p.m. at the La Plata County
Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall and feature events like Oreo Stacking and
Spam Carving. 247-4475.
The Canine Fashion Show takes place at 2 p.m. in the McDonald's
parking lot. Dress your dog in its favorite "Dino" attire or
funniest costume. 247-2446 for details.
Durango Mountain Resort
presents Mountain Bike
Dual Slalom at 2 p.m.
Racers will ride their mountain bikes through two courses in the
snow and spectators are welcome. 247-9000 ext. 187.
The fourth annual
Outhouse Stuffing takes place at Gazpacho, 431 E.
Second Ave., at 4 p.m. Teams compete by stuffing as many people as
possible into a Porta-Pottie in two minutes. 247-3334 for
The Wild Horse Saloon,
601 E. Second Ave., hosts the Outlaw Josie Pete's Golf Tournament
Awards Ceremony at 4
Cuckoo's, 128 E. College
Drive, hosts the Broomball Awards at 4 p.m.
The Magical Musical Mystery Tour continues at 5 p.m. at Scoot n
Blues, 900 Main Ave.
Solid Muldoon's, 117 W.
College, presents Snowdown Arm Wrestling at 6 p.m. Men and women compete for
strong arm respect. 247-9151 for details.
The Snowdown Balloon Glow takes place at 6 p.m. on the Fort Lewis
College Rim. Hot air balloons will inflate and fill the evening
darkness with the warmth of winter. In conjunction with the event
the skies above Durango will be filled with a fireworks
Durango High Noon Rotary
presents the Snowdown Snowball at the Doubletree Hotel Grand Ballroom
from 7 p.m-1 a.m. The event features fine fare, live music, costume
contest and a cash bar. 259-3551 for details.
The Snowdown Follies show live at 7:30 p.m. at the Diamond
Circle Theatre, 699 Main Ave., and the Durango Arts Center Theatre,
802 E. Second Ave. The Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College, will
simulcast the Snowdown Follies on the big screen at 7:30
Lady F's Lunacy continues with the final round at 8
p.m. at Lady Falconburgh's, 640 Main Ave. 382-9664 for
The Cave Couple Adventure Course continues at Steamworks, 801 E.
Second Ave., at 8 p.m. 259-9200 for details.
Joel's,119 W. Eighth St.,
hosts the Snowdown Klackers Tournament at 8:30 p.m. There will be five to
seven tables with different betting amounts. 385-0430 for
The second Saturday
performance of the Snowdown Follies runs at 10 p.m. at the Durango Arts
Center, 802 E. Second Ave., and Diamond Circle Theatre, 699 Main
Ave. The simulcast will be at the Abbey Theatre, 128 E. College, at
the same time.
La Plata County Search & Rescue
hosts the benefit Snowdown Pancake Breakfast from 7 a.m.-noon at the La Plata County
Fairgrounds Extension Hall. 382-6365 for details.
Day two of the
Snowdown Balloon
Rally takes place at
Red Rock Ranch, 8 miles north of Durango, at 8:15 a.m.
A kayak Pool Slalom race runs from 8-10:30 a.m. at the
Durango Rec. Center. Playboaters and slalom racers are welcome.
3-on-3 Basketball continues at the Durango Recreation
Center at 9 a.m.
Animas City Rock, 1111
Camino Del Rio, hosts the Kid's Candy Climb at 10 a.m. with kids between ages 5 and
9 climbing for candy prizes. 259-5700.
El Rancho Tavern, 975
Main Ave., presents the 11th annual Snowdown 8 Ball Pool Tournament at 11 a.m. Recreational and competitive
players will compete for cash prizes. 259-8111 for
The Hash House Harriers Run continues at the Iron Horse Inn,
5800 N. Main, at 11 a.m.
Colorado Timberline
Academy hosts the Ullr
Ski Obstacle Race at
1 p.m. Teams will don 10 foot 2x4's and race through various
obstacles. 259-9673 for details.