Hail the Haggis

The sound of bagpipes filled the air and traditional Scottish attire was out in full force during Durango's sixth annual Robert Burns Night at the La Plata County Fairgrounds on Saturday. The celebration commemorated the 245th anniversary of the Scottish poet's birthday with selected readings, cultural dances and musical performances including the authentic sound of the Westwind Pipe Band. An audience of all ages was on hand to celebrate its heritage and the life of Scotland’s national hero. The evening concluded with the presentation of the honorary haggis, an acquired Scottish delicacy, and a precious sip of 25-year-old MacAllen Scotch whiskey.

(mouse over photos for captions)

Greg Hanshaw displays the haggis, a traditional meat concoction stuffed in a lamb's stomach, during the formal presentation.

Lloyd McNeil plays the baritone ukulele as he sings "Rolling Home" with the audience.

John Park pleasantly cradles a bottle of 25-year-old MacAllen Scotch during the presentation of the haggis.

Maria Blair, a member of the Scottish Country Dancers of Durango strikes a pose near the end of the group's dance routine.


Robert Winslow serves up a shot of Scotch from behind a picture of Robert Burns, the man of the night.


Jerry Crawford plays the bagpipes among his fellow members in the Westwind Pipe Band.

Elizabeth Vaught-Schaefer performed flawlessly on the violin after only having a short time to prepare her piece.

Trevor Rulstin and Chandra Reed receive the most traditional attire award, which was presented by Marilyn Leftwich.





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