Our letters section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.

An inconsiderate "thumbs down"

(Editors' note: The following letter is in reference to our Jan. 1 "thumbs down" to the man who broke out firearms and took Christmas Day shots at his neighbor, a volunteer fireman, two Southern Ute Tribal police officers, and members of the Colorado State Patrol and La Plata County Sheriff's Dept.)

Dear Editors:

Two thumbs down on the Telegraph's remark about "The local who brought big city headlines to Durango by celebrating the season of giving with bullets and fire." For anyone to make light about something so tragic, well, it's weird. No one should be mocked when they are suffering from such pain and/or grief. I just thought it was not a cool Thumbin' It.

Leah Nesbitt,

via email

The serious business of peace

Dear Editors:

OK, so yeah we've got 'im. We got this psychopath, this pathetic, pitiful and very sick little man. Whoopee. Now we need to get on with the even more serious business of peace and saving lives. We can begin by reconstructing the thousands of families and infrastructures we've destroyed.

Some cooking gas would be nice, and dependable electric and other utilities would be fantastic, along with a whole bunch of clean water. I say bring in the needed medicines, techies and teachers. Then we can really celebrate, and maybe, just maybe, the world will forgive us. Herr Bush has made this our responsibility now.

Grant D. Cyrus,

via email





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