9-R construction project is on schedule and on
by Colleen Valles
A construction crew works through
a chilly Tuesday morning on an addition to Durango High School.
Financed by an $84 million school bond passed in 2002, the
addition will house art classes and studios./Photo by Todd
Newcomer. |
It sounds like a principal's Christmas list: new classrooms,
new libraries, cafeterias and multi-use spaces. But with overcrowding
in the schools in Durango School District 9-R, the list isn't
so much about wishes as necessities. And thanks to a $84.5 million
bond passed in 2002, most of the schools in the district are getting
at least some of their needs met.
Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary School principal Cynthia Smart said
construction at her school will help with overcrowding as well
as make room for more students in the future.
"It'll help us out, because right now, when we have the
school psychologist or occupational therapist here, we have to
either put them on the stage or in a hallway", she said.
The addition also will create separate rooms for music and art,
which currently share space, and set up a lab for 15 computers,
which are now housed in the library.
The school district embarked on the construction, which can
be seen at virtually every campus in the district, in response
to an advisory committees identification of "severe overcrowding"
at its schools.
The construction site at Park Elementary
was covered with a dusting of snow Monday morning. Crews are
working on an addition to the school and removing asbestos./Photo
by Todd Newcomer. |
However, in the last three years, student enrollment in Durango
schools has leveled off. From 1990 to 2000, 9-R enrollment grew
from 3,850 to 4,747, an increase of 23 percent. This year, the
latest information available has the student population at 4,739,
a slight decrease from the 2002-03 enrollment of 4,758.
"We had a smaller number moving in than moving out",
said Deborah Uroda, director of public information for 9-R. "People
who didn't return said they just couldn't live here. They changed
jobs or couldnt afford it."
Still, the district reports that the general trend has been
an increase in student numbers, and those numbers are only expected
to grow over the next 10 years. According to 9-R, student enrollment
is expected to increase 1 percent each year for the next 10 years.
The construction addresses overcrowding for the last 10 years
plus growth of 10 percent over the next 10 years, which is about
as far out as you can plan, Uroda said.
An update on work at area schools |
In November 2002, local voters approved an $84.5 million bond issue to make
upgrades to area schools.
Some of the recent construction includes:
- A new basketball court at Animas Valley Elementary
- Mechanical, electrical and fire-protection systems
at Florida Mesa Elementary School
- A library and cafeteria at Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary
- Plumbing and electrical work at Needham Elementary
- A foundation for the new addition and asbestos removal
at Park Elementary School
- Foundation work at Riverview and Sunnyside Elementary
- Structural steel at Escalante Middle School
- Storm, water and sewer utilities relocation at Miller
Middle School
- Foundation work for Durango High School’s arts
"The construction is on schedule and on budget, and a citizens'
construction oversight committee meets regularly to make sure
it stays that way", Uroda said.
Most of the additions to school buildings should be done by
spring break, said Diane Doney, 9-R director of business services.
Then students will be moved from existing buildings into the additions
so renovations can be completed.
The last major construction across the district happened in
1994, when Animas Valley Elementary and Escalante Middle School
were built and Miller Middle School was renovated.
At Needham Elementary School, which underwent its last renovation
in 1995, one wing is being remodeled and reconfigured, six new
classrooms are being built, and the school is getting a multi-use
space for assemblies, programs, and projects and displays, said
Principal Pete Harter.
"When we take the gym for those kinds of things, it disrupts
the (physical education) programs. When we take the cafeteria,
we have to work around lunch. When we take the library, we had
to rearrange it", he said. "Having a multi-use space
is new for us, and its a big improvement".
But all these improvements come with a price noise, vibrating
classrooms and mud in the halls. At Needham, the construction
is visible from the inside through a large window and from the
outside because its happening right next to the playground. Nevertheless,
students seem to understand the need for such disruptions.
"I know its for a good reason, but its kind of hard because
its destroying the earth", said Needham second-grader Lily
Byrd. "There used to be a nice green field. But i'tll help
other kids go to school."
Third-grader Kourtney Aarvold said she thought it was cool when
the principal got the flag up on the crane at the construction
"They're working on it really, really fast", she said.
"That's good because that will put an end to the noise
and vibration", said Aarvolds friend and fellow third-grader
Hannah Chapman.
"Sometimes we think the wall is going to fall on us",
she said.
Blake Dunlap, a Needham second-grader, seemed resigned. "Its
nothing", he said. "I'm used to it".