Our letters
section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send
us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.
The price of
prescription drugs
Dear Editors:
Congress’ attempt to pay for prescription drugs will
result in massive new government spending. It will mean large
tax increases eventually for all of us who pay taxes. When brave
new world ideology believes the government is responsible for
our welfare, new entitlements are dispensed without any concern
for finding the money to support the huge increase in demand
the new give away will generate. Congress estimates the initial
cost at $400 billion over the next 10 years. However, history
teaches us that Congress’ estimates are always significantly
wrong; they always vastly underestimate their ability to spend
our money. The National Taxpayer’s Union, much better
at communicating the truth than our elected officials, summed
it up saying: “Our children and grandchildren will be
saddled with a massive growing tax burden from this proposal.”
And of course any new massive program like this one will include
extensive new government regulation that will result in rationing,
corruption, inefficiency, poor service and detrimental effects
on the industry itself. It is pure socialism and will not only
be very bad news for taxpayers but for prescription drug users
The correct action would have been to encourage increased competition
in the drug market. Competition always provides downward pressure
on prices and increases consumer value. Instead this legislation
destroys competition by forcing the cost onto the taxpayer,
not exactly the proven correct solution.
– Kim Rogalin
The power of horses
Dear Editors:
As a board member for our local Cadence Therapeutic Riding
program, I am continuously moved by the therapeutic and almost
spiritual relationship between horses and humans. My beloved
Uncle Bob (rest his soul) developed polio as a young child and
walked with crutches his entire life. He never ceased to laugh
and love life, however, and has always been a source of inspiration
to me. He was shamed and teased mercilessly as a young boy because
of his brace and crutches that he relied on for mobility. He
always wanted to ride a horse but never had the experience of
fulfilling that dream. He went to his grave believing he was
not capable of riding a horse due to his handicap.
Thanks to recent advances in handicap rehabilitation, horses
have been used as an integral part of the bio/psycho/ social
treatment for children and adults with unique challenges in
life. I became involved with therapeutic riding programs in
honor of my Uncle Bob. With the holidays approaching, please
consider donating time and/or money to our local Cadence Therapeutic
Riding program. Being near horses and the kids and adults enrolled
in our programs are ways of feeling the pulse of what matters
in life.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience
in which you really stop to look fear in the face 85 You must
do the thing you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
For more information on how you can become involved please
write or call, Cadence Therapeutic Riding, P.O. Box 9009, Durango,
CO, 81301; (970) 749-RIDE; or visit our website at:
http://www. cadenceriding.com/index.html