Felled timber rests on private
land next to Missionary Ridge Road. A Forest Service decision
to log dead and dying trees on thousands of nearby acres
recently challenged by a broad-based coalition. /Photo by
Todd Newcomer. |
Plans to log thousands of acres within the
Missionary Ridge burn area were challenged by a broad-based
coalition last week. A group made up of conservation and recreation
groups, businesses and individuals expressed its concerns about
the proposed salvage logging in the form of an appeal. The 55-page
document named concerns including faulty federal analysis, impacts
to La Plata County’s tourism-based economy, increased
risk of erosion from logging and damage to the area’s
In mid-July, San Juan National Forest Supervisor Mark Stiles
announced his approval of the salvage logging of dead and dying
timber in the Missionary Ridge burn area, northwest of Durango.
The decision called for the speedy harvest of 13.4 million board
feet of dead and dying timber on approximately 3,388 acres.
A combination of ground-based, helicopter and skyline logging
systems would be used. Of this timber, roughly 85 percent would
be pine, spruce and fir, and the remainder would be aspen. The
decision also called for the reconstruction of 76 miles of existing
roads and construction of three new miles of temporary roads.
Following the harvest, the Forest Service said the areas would
be reforested.
Since early spring, the timber sale has been on an admitted
fast track in an effort to harvest the timber before its value
is lost to deterioration. Dave Dallison, timber program leader
for the San Juan National Forest, has agreed that the analysis
has been quick and commented, “It’s on an extremely
fast track, probably half the time this type of sale normally
takes. This is the time frame because the timber is deteriorating.”
However, opponents charged that the fast track has led to sloppy
analysis and neglect for public concerns. Consequently, a coalition,
including the San Juan Citizens’ Alliance; Colorado Wild;
the Wilderness Society; the Pine River Valley Nordic Ski Club;
Eric Husted, of Lorax Forest Care; and private citizens Tim
Hogan, Mike Bond, Rick Callies, Deirdre Butler and David Lien,
filed an appeal of the decision on Sept. 2. In the lengthy appeal,
the coalition charged that the timber sale is too massive and
too rushed and would be damaging to the environmental and social
fabric of La Plata County.
Mark Pearson, San Juan Citizens’ Alliance executive director,
characterized the burn area as too sensitive to sustain logging.
“Cutting new roads and skidding logs across the steep,
denuded slopes of the Missionary Ridge burn area simply makes
no sense,”he said. “Recent heavy rains have caused
repeated mudflows across County Road 250 and have proven the
fragile and unstable condition of these burned watersheds. The
overwhelming scientific consensus is that post-fire logging
will only make worse the risk of landslides, flooding and water
pollution from runoff.”
The appeal elaborated that the Forest Service decision approved
logging and road reconstruction in 479 acres of debris flow
hazard area, approved logging in 1,316 acres of high erosion
hazard areas and ignored an Environmental Protection
Among other things, the Sept. 2 appeal
charges that the Forest Service failed
to do adequate environmental analysis on the sale./Photo
by Todd Newcomer. |
Agency recommendation that logging be avoided on steep slopes.
In addition, it stated that the Forest Service rejected a La
Plata County request to minimize logging truck traffic impacts
and eliminated key mitigation measures aimed at protecting the
environment and water quality. Furthermore, the appeal said
that the decision would potentially allow logging on thousands
of acres that were reseeded after the fire and effectively destroy
those rehabilitation efforts.
“The Forest Service’s decision violates both common
sense and its own Forest Plan that explicitly prohibits logging
on steep slopes,” Pearson said. “By authorizing
logging and road building in areas just beginning to revegetate,
the Forest Service will undermine its own erosion protection
efforts from last year designed to protect water quality and
reduce threats to homes downhill.”
Co-appellant Eric Husted is the owner and operator of the local
logging operation Lorax Forest Care and does his work primarily
with horses to minimize impacts. He said that given the economic
realities of salvage timber, the public can expect loggers to
cut corners on Missionary Ridge. “Given that burned timber
garners lower (price paid by the mill for the wood), Missionary
Ridge loggers will have to cut corners to ensure they can profitably
harvest the wood, increasing the likelihood that mitigation
measures won’t be adhered to,” Husted said.
Jeff Berman, Colorado Wild executive director, said that in
addition to neglecting environmental impacts, the Forest Service
has neglected public comment and concerns about the sale. He
pointed to numerous examples in the decision where the agency
responded to concerns simply by saying, “we disagree.”
Berman commented, “The Forest Service’s response
to concerns raised by the Town of Bayfield, La Plata County,
conservation groups, the vast majority of citizens commenting
on the proposal, recreation groups, the Environmental Protection
Agency, and even loggers were, by and large, written off or
ignored altogether.”
Berman also noted that of all post-fire logging operations
proposed in a state that was ravaged by wildfire in 2002, the
Missionary Ridge timber sale is the only one to neglect concerns
about steep slope logging.
“The forest conservation community hasn’t appealed
a single other post-fire salvage logging proposal in Colorado
thus far as the Forest Service reasonably heeded concerns of
steep slope logging and other impacts,” he said. “Yet
they refused to do so with Missionary Ridge.”
In spite of the appeal’s serious charges, Berman said
that the coalition is not opposed to all logging on Missionary
Ridge. “We haven’t called for zero logging up there,”
he said. “We’ve called for all risky logging to
be eliminated.”
On the other side of the table, Dallison said the Forest Service
is trying to heed a deadline that’s being imposed by Mother
Nature. In particular, he cited Ponderosa Pine as potentially
losing nearly all value after 18 months, a date that’s
rapidly approaching
“We’re really pushing it on that right now,”
Dallison said. “We’re just hoping that we can get
the wood salvaged while it still has value. We were thinking
we could sell some the timber this fall, and some of it could
be winter logged, particularly the aspen before the new shoots
underneath get too large and we start damaging them.”
The sheer existence of an appeal will push logging back by
at least two months, according to Dallison. “Basically
this costs us at least 60 days,” he said. “We have
45 days to resolve the appeal and then an automatic stay of
15 days following the appeal resolution period.”
However, Dallison said there is a chance of negating the appeal
during an informal resolution meeting Sept. 16. If the Forest
Service is able to sufficiently address appellants’ concerns
at that time, the appeal can be withdrawn.
Berman said that the coalition has its doubts. “The fact
that they’ve only scheduled an hour for that meeting doesn’t
suggest to me that they’re interested in resolving these
issues,” he said.