Ranchers struggle
in Jackson Hole
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. – The Jackson Hole News & Guide
(Aug. 6) points to starkly different times for ranchers in Jackson
Hole, and by extension, all of the West.
It tells the story of a rancher who placed a conservation easement
on his ranch, apparently intent that the ranching ways would
continue. But the resurgent grizzly bears predated on the cows.
In turn, the cowboys were slack-jawed to discover that federal
wildlife biologists apparently thought grizzly bears were more
important than beef. Environmentalists were annoyed at the ranchers,
and the ranchers were wary and weary of the newcomers.
The upshot to all this is that environmentalists recently agreed
to pay $250,000 to the descendents of Paul Walton, the rancher,
to abandon his lease on 87,500 acres of prime grazing and wildlife
habitat on federal lands. The Bridger-Teton agreed to withdraw
most of that land from grazing.
“The saga underscores how the values and rules on which
Western communities and cultures were founded are changing,”
says the paper. “On Togwottee Pass (where the dispute
occurred), no longer will there be a real cowboys to ride off
into the sunset.”
The best family ski towns honored
EDWARDS, Colo. – Don’t we love lists? The best-groomed
skis runs, the best places to retire, the top 10 mutual funds.
This year, Ski magazine has another laundry list: best ski towns
for family-style success. Those so honored are Edwards, Colo.;
Park City, Utah; Truckee, Calif.; Bend, Ore.; Bozeman, Mont.;
and Burlington, Vt.
“I didn’t know we were a ski town,” 20-year
Edwards resident Dave Lach joked to the Vail Daily (Aug. 11).
Magazine says fire can’t be beaten
EUGENE, Ore. – Andy Stahl, publisher of Forest Magazine,
says that the war against forest fires being pushed by the Bush
Administration is an unwinnable war, one that since 1910 has
resulted in the death of 883 firefighters, twice the number
of total Allied casualties in both Gulf Wars.
“It doesn’t matter how much money is spent on fighting
fires or thinning forests or removing brush – fires burn
when forests are dry and don’t when forests are wet,”
he writes in the magazine’s fall issue. “Does the
war on forest fires save homes and communities? No reason to
think so. U.S. Forest Service research shows that homes burn
depending on the home’s construction materials and the
vegetation within 100 feet of the house.”
He concedes the war could be won – if enough money is
spent and enough firefighter’s lives are put at risk.
He says a conservative estimate of the cost for periodic “treatment”
is $19 billion annually, or quadruple the current annual budget
for the Forest Service.
But then again, he says, the federal government could spend
$19 billion to construct huge fans on the coast of Florida to
blow hurricanes back to the Caribbean. “It’s time
to face reality,” he concludes. “Not only have we
lost the war against forest fires, it is a war we cannot win.”
Moly mine could house cyclotron
HENDERSON MINE, Colo. – Although the molybdenum ore body
at the Henderson Mine is good for at least another 15 to 20
years, county commissioners and others from Grand and Clear
Creek counties – the mine and tunnels are under the Continental
Divide in both counties – met in secret to talk about
what could happen in the future.
It didn’t take the Summit Daily News (Aug. 11) all that
long to find out the gist of what was said. Those counties and
a variety of others are talking about trying to get federal
money once the ore is gone, by converting the mine into an underground
physics research laboratory.
It appears the National Science Foundation has expressed interest
in the mine, although several other sites around the country
have more formal backers. However, there is no money or plans
currently on the table. Anne Beierle, environmental manager
for the mine, told the newspaper that Henderson is “coming
late to the game. These other sites have been out there for
One source, probably once removed from the discussion, said
that the project involves a super cyclotron, a device that has
been around for much of the last century. It is an accelerator
of subatomic particles. The facility would employ around 500
Snowmass mountainboarding mecca
SNOWMASS, Colo. – The Aspen Skiing Co. continues to make
a play for the reputation as being friendly to “extreme”
competitors. It has been hosting the X Games, of course, and
recently it hosted the U.S. Open Mountainboarding Championships.
Organizers say Snowmass has the potential to become a Mecca
for mountainboarding. The sport, explains The Aspen Times (Aug.
21), combines skateboarding with snowboarding, meaning that
when people launch off huge jumps, they land on the dirt, not
on soft snow.
Ages range from 10 to 50, and most look like a cross between
snowboarders (which most are) and motocross riders, says The
Aspen Times. “Their clothes are baggy and hole-filled
from numerous falls. All of the competitors wear helmets, knee
and elbow pads, and hand guards or gloves. Usually, the only
way to stop is to spin out, which often requires dragging your
hand through dirt and rock at high speed.”
Chamber director killed by police
WASATCH COUNTY, Utah – A story of a child custody dispute
that turned bizarre and tragic comes from both the Sun Valley
and Park City areas.
Natalie Turner, the director of the Hailey (Idaho) Chamber
of Commerce since last December, was battling her ex-husband
over custody of their two children, ages 7 and 4. After a series
of court hearings, she was ordered by a judge in Utah to turn
over custody to the father, who lives south of Park City in
neighboring Wasatch County.
Turner’s sister told the Idaho Mountain Express (Aug.
13) that Turner and her fiancE9, David Gayler, left for Utah
to confront her ex-husband about their child custody problems.
What happened in that confrontation isn’t exactly clear,
except that police were hurriedly warned of three people in
a silver Mitsubishi who could be armed.
A state wildlife officer and a sheriff’s deputy both
shot the woman when she got out of the car. They say she aimed
a .357-caliber gun at the deputy. Her ex-husband was found in
the backseat, suffering from two gunshot wounds. Gayler, the
fiancE9, was jailed on suspicion that he had shot the ex-husband.
“She just snapped. It’s been beyond bearable for
years. I’m surprised she didn’t snap sooner,”
the woman’s sister said.
‘We’re not on I-70’ ads spreading
ASPEN, Colo. – Last year Crested Butte Mountain Resort
came out with an advertising program that was premised on the
fact that Crested Butte at least isn’t located on I-70.
This year, the Aspen Skiing Co. is doing the same.
“When we talk about Main Street, we don’t mean
I-70,” says a headline in one of the planners prepared
for Aspen. After explaining that Aspen is miles away from the
nearest interstate (48 miles, to be precise), the advertisement
distinguishes Aspen as a resort, where people come because they
want to make runs all day, not stand in line for hours.”
By the way, Crested Butte is reported to be continuing its
financial floundering. A sale of the resort is expected, or
at least hoped for, by winter. Alas, it wasn’t able to
steal away skiers from the I-70 resorts last winter. It’s
just too hard to get to, and although the U.S. skier market
has picked up in the last two years, the destination market
remains as flat as Kansas.
Retired wildlife officer clears air
EAGLE, Colo. – After more than 30 years as a state wildlife
officer, Bill Heicher has retired. Now able to speak his mind
freely, he seems to think he should have taken more political
science and less biology while in college.
“I had gone to school and was taught and trained how
to base things on science, and I started to realize that, for
the most part, decisions aren’t made using science as
the determining factor. Decisions are made on politics, which
comes right back to the dollar. It doesn’t matter what
administration, Republican or Democrat. Politics is big business,”
he said.
“I thought I was hired to be a wildlife advocate,”
he says. “In reality what they want us to do is good things
that get good press and don’t make any waves.”
Wildlife officers in Colorado are quietly seething about an
increasingly centralized approach to decision-making, in which
they can’t talk to the public unless statements are cleared
through the Denver office by an appointee of Gov. Bill Owens.
compiled by
Allen Best