
Street Art

Main Avenue closed its doors to motorists last weekend and welcomed the Main Avenue Arts Festival to downtown Durango. Pedestrians mingled amongst the shops and booths and perused the colorful artwork exhibited throughout the weekend. Delicate inlaid woodwork, magnificent glass art, photography, jewelry and paintings of all disciplines were just a small portion of the talent on display. The streets and sidewalks of downtown Durango remained full despite afternoon thunder showers and a multitude of competing local events.

(mouse over photos for captions)

A line of glass hot air balloons hang motionless in the Robbins Ranch Art Glass and Metal booth.


Through the looking glass: Katera Rogers, 10, of Durango, takes a look through a large magnifying glass at the Durango Arts Center booth.

Amanda Kuster, 8, waits patiently for her hummingbird balloon to be completed


An Andean Traditions musician concentrates on his finger placement as he entertains a crowd of onlookers.

Flutes used by the Andean Traditions musicians were hot items Saturday afternoon.


A piece titled “Twins” by James Navarro sits protected beneath his white canvas tent during a brief rain shower Saturday afternoon.






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