The San Juan National Forest
plans to begin its forest plan revision in coming months
and will consider whether existing roadless areas should
become designated wilderness. The Hermosa Creek area, the
forest’s largest roadless area, could be a candidate
for wilderness which would eliminate biking on the renowned
trail./Photo by Todd Newcomer. |
Big changes could be in store for the landscape
surrounding Durango. With public land composing the majority
of La Plata County, the forthcoming revision of the San Juan
National Forest Plan is bound to have far-reaching impacts.
One potential component of the revision, designation of a Hermosa
Creek Wilderness Area, already has local cyclists and trail
users raising their eyebrows.
Of the San Juan National Forest’s nearly 2 million acres,
more than 400,000 acres are located within the boundaries of
La Plata County. The management of these lands, whether it be
for timber or mineral extraction or recreational use, has been
guided by a plan that has been in place since 1983. Nearly everyone
would argue that the plan is hopelessly outdated. With the hope
of bringing the plan up to date, the San Juan Public Lands Center
gathered public input in 1996 and 1997, but since that time,
work on the revision has been hampered by a lack of funding
and changing rules. However, the San Juan National Forest should
be fully funded and in the revision process in less than two
months, when the new fiscal year begins in October .
“We’re trying real hard to make that happen,”
said Thurman Wilson, assistant manager of the San Juan Public
Lands Center. “I’m about 90 percent certain we’ll
be able to get into it this fall.”
Describing what the center is likely to get into, Wilson noted:
“It’s the time when we step back and look at the
big picture. It starts with trying to find the niche that San
Juan public lands play in the greater picture of national public
Mark Pearson, executive director of San Juan Citizens’
Alliance, said that this look at the big picture has been a
long time coming. “Their plan is 20 years out of date,”
he said. “There are totally different circumstances on
the forest than there were back in 1983. Oil and gas weren’t
really big factors back then, and mountain biking hardly existed.”
There is at least one area where mountain biking and forest
management could come to a head in the upcoming revision. As
part of any forest plan revision, roadless areas must be considered
for recommendation as potential wilderness areas. Far and away
the largest roadless area in the San Juan National Forest surrounds
Hermosa Creek, northwest of Durango. That same roadless area
surrounds the Hermosa Creek Trail, widely considered one of
Durango’s and Colorado’s greatest mountain biking
Commenting on the trail’s value, Bill Manning, Trails
2000 executive director, said, “It’s revered across
the nation as one of the premier mountain bike rides.”
The Hermosa Creek Trail takes a breather
from its usual status as one of the
area’s most popular mountain biking corridors. /Photo
by Todd Newcomer. |
Manning added that the whole drainage makes up an excellent
local trails network, naming trails like Jones Creek, Dutch
Creek, Pinkerton-Flagstaff and Corral Draw. “A broad range
of trail users enjoy other trails in that drainage as well.
Every side creek in there has a trail in it. Some of them get
highly used. Some don’t see much use.”
A congressional wilderness designation would prevent cyclists
from entering the area.
Though he said he was hesitant to offer an opinion so early
in the process, Wilson said: “Hermosa Creek is a really
big roadless area. There’s about 145,000 acres that are
unroaded there. In our minds, there’s really nothing going
on that would limit its candidacy.”
However, Wilson added that from the San Juan Public Lands Center’s
perspective, there also are no real problems with the way the
roadless area is currently being managed.
“It’s providing what we consider a different set
of experiences than you get in wilderness,” he said. “Hermosa
fits a nice niche between wilderness that takes you days to
walk into, on the one hand, and a ski area on the other. It
offers a good mix of different opportunities for people.”
However, while the area surrounding Hermosa Creek does not
have the restrictions associated with designated wilderness,
it also does not have the protection.
Jeff Berman, executive director of the conservation group Colorado
Wild, commented, “It is certainly one of the areas that
has wilderness quality lands that are as yet unprotected.”
Pearson noted: “That area was recommended for wilderness
in the ’70s, but it never got designated. At that time,
motorcycle groups were a big opponent to the designation.”
As for current impacts to the roadless area, Pearson referenced
the Dutch Creek timber sale five years ago. “Timber sales
are eating away at the edge of it,” he said. “They’re
punching roads farther into that roadless area.”
As a result, Pearson said the San Juan Citizens’ Alliance
will forward what it hopes will be a mutually agreeable solution
once the revision process begins. “For Hermosa, we concluded
that we didn’t want the trail corridor designated as wilderness,”
he said. “But from the trail west is a big chunk of untouched
land. Hermosa is also one of the most diverse forests in the
state because of the big elevation change. It’s certainly
an undeveloped gem.”
Manning said that he can sympathize with the desire to have
the area protected. “I think what the environmental community
feels really strongly about is the long-term protection that
wilderness affords. Once it’s declared wilderness, it’s
hard to get roads in there and extract.”
However, Manning added that designating wilderness on any side
of the Hermosa Creek trail would have serious impacts on local
recreation. “I hope our community thinks through this
carefully,” he said.
Wilson said that for the time being, the San Juan Public Lands
Center has no feelings on the issue one way or the other. “We
have not gone through that evaluation process so I don’t
have an opinion,” he said.
However, with respect to the likely revision of the plan, Wilson
noted the changing face of the San Juan National Forest and
an increasing emphasis on recreation.
“It’s something that’s been evolving over
the past couple decades,” he said. “Now some of
the real highlights of the San Juan National Forest relate to
recreation. Even in that recreation backdrop, there are still
some traditional uses like grazing and timber harvest going
As the revision goes forward, Pearson remarked that the San
Juan Citizens’ Alliance plans on keeping an eye on those
traditional uses as well, saying oil and gas development, ski
area expansion, watershed impacts and logging will be hot topics.
However, he also said that over the last five years of ups and
downs, he’s grown skeptical about the forest plan revision
“They had a lot of momentum before they started sputtering
five years ago,” he said. “It’ll be interesting
to see if they can regain that.”
If the process does begin this October as planned, Wilson said
a draft of the revised plan should be completed in roughly 18