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The realities of the
Healthy Forests Restoration Act
Dear Editors:
With the West at
immediate risk of catastrophic wildfires, Congressman Scott McInnis
has sent to the Senate the "Healthy Forests Restoration Act of
2003" (H.R.1904) which the Senate should not pass. This act is an
omnibus, forest-management bill that purports to expedite
hazardous-fuels reduction projects to protect our communities and
watersheds from catastrophic wildfire. Unfortunately, it does far
more than seek to protect our communities from fire.
While passage of this
bill will facilitate some fuel-reduction projects in "the red zone"
the wildland-urban interface where extreme drought and fire
suppression have created fire dangers of monstrous proportions it
also will permit the secretaries of agriculture and the interior to
authorize logging projects, with a few exceptions, wherever they
wish on millions acres of federal land simply by declaring that
their action is an "authorized hazardous fuels reduction
Title I of H.R.1904
states that forest land at risk of moderate fire danger, if it is
located in "proximity" to "a stream feeding a municipal
water-supply system" qualifies as do most other parts of national
forests for an "authorized hazardous-fuels reduction project."
Title II cites millions of acres of federal land as "at risk of
catastrophic fire in the near future," thus opening most federal
land in the West for "authorized hazardous-fuels reduction
projects." Such broad, inclusive language will permit large-scale
logging far from the red zone in inappropriate, old-growth forests
where timber companies currently can't go with their chain
Another section of
H.R.1904 finds that 70 million acres of land are "at risk to higher
than normal mortality over the next 15 years from insect
infestation and disease." The bill authorizes the secretary
concerned to conduct up to 250, 1,000-acre "applied silvicultural
assessments on federal lands ... at risk of infestation by, or that are
infested with, bark beetles."
H.R.1904 defines
"applied silvicultural assessments" to include timber harvests, and
since large numbers of bark beetles inhabit every forest, the
concerned secretary is empowered to authorize 1,000-acre clear cuts
without consideration of environmental impacts. H.R.1904
categorically excludes these "applied silvicultural assessments"
from analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
"The Secretary concerned need not make any findings as to whether
the project, either individually or cumulatively, has a significant
effect on the environment."
The American public and
our federal lands deserve better laws than this. We are facing a
crisis in forest fire management, and Congressman McInnis creates
Trojan Horse legislation that invites misuse of limited Forest
Service and BLM funds. Like other Trojan Horses, H.R.1904 has an
attractive exterior with meritorious goals. It offers $60 million
to state forest stewardship capacities and $100 million to
jump-start a forest biomass industry. One sentence in this 49-page
document directs the secretary concerned to give priority to
projects that protect communities and watersheds. This sentence is
followed by six pages devoted to lessening environmental
H.R.1904 gives the
secretary concerned discretionary authority to eliminate
alternatives in environmental assessments and impact statements.
Normal administrative review is scrapped in favor of a blank check
to develop a process "that will serve as the sole means" for
administrative redress. Local governments, private citizens,
nonagency fire ecologists and forest scientists who did not submit
"specific and substantive comments during the preparation stage" of
a project are prohibited from participation in the
yet-to-be-created review process.
H.R.1904 obviates the
Appeals Reform Act of 1993, and in a questionable attempt by the
Legislature to regulate the judicial branch of the government,
H.R.1904 restricts federal courts in their handling of appeals.
Court appeals must be filed within 15 days. Judges may not grant
waivers of requirements, and preliminary injunctions are limited to
45 days. Furthermore, cases must be heard in 100 days, and judges
must "give deference to any agency finding" regarding the balance
of harm to the ecosystem and to public interest.
Too much of this
legislation will hamstring the NEPA process that provides limited
but essential restraint to poorly conceived federal land-management
Throughout the West,
there are ravaged landscapes where government-subsidized road
construction and overcutting of national forests provided local
jobs and timber for a robust American economy. Congressional
delegations directed the Forest Service to get the cut out, and
entire watersheds like those in the Shelton Ranger District in the
Olympic National forest were sacrificed for commercial goals.
H.R.1904 opens the door to abusive logging practices while not
directing sufficient attention to the red zone.
If the Senate passes
H.R.1904, "authorized fuels-reduction projects" are likely to be
used to justify ill-conceived logging projects, and NEPA safeguards
will be rendered ineffective. Only the Senate now has the power to
protect America's national forests from predatory commercial
interests. The Senate should reject this bill.