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us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.
The price of
Dear Editor,
During the April 7 and 8
sessions of the Durango City Planning Commission on the River
Trails subdivision, an either/or proposition was presented. If
residents did not want sprawl (that is, hundreds of septic tanks up
and down the valley), then residents had better submit to the new
high-density urbanism of the River Trails development. This is not
an either/or situation. If River Trails (high-density sprawl and
traffic) is approved, there is no guarantee that hundreds of septic
tanks will not happen elsewhere in the valley. All that is
guaranteed is that wealthy developers will "build it so they will
come," and make big bucks.
I used to joyfully think
that our town was a world-class town. We had a youth hostel. Can't
beat that. So much for a world-class town, someone decided a strip
of condos was more profitable. Hello "Californication."
Affordable housing
(trailer park) was destroyed on the south end of town. Now there
are fancy townhomes instead, with big bucks in someone's pocket,
but not the pockets of the previous residents. Remember the folks
up the valley thrown out of the Cottonwood camper park? Will River
Trails accommodate them?
Steve Osborne ended the
May 28 City Planning meeting stating that overpopulation is the
problem that River Trails and other over-developments are a symptom
of. Next, he is accepting these symptoms and the "build it and they
will come" concept in Durango.
Who will profit,
Who profits from
overpopulation? Who wants more "cannon-fodder?" Who wants increased
competition for jobs, acceptable slavery? (Too bad for paying your
mortgage. Someone is going to show up who will accept less to do
the job you do.) As Durango is overpopulated, agricultural land is
lost (gee, I like to eat). "No-trespassing" signs proliferate;
there are fewer places for a burgeoning population to stretch.
Traffic will become unbearable (and our only source for population
control). Resources and environment will be stressed. But hey,
someone will profit.
Since no one has the
audacity or ability to think outside the box concerning population
control, the developers will make big bucks, but everyone else
around Durango will only pay, and dearly. Come on fellow lemmings,
remember, population crash follows population boom. Anyone remember
the lesson of the ancients here?
Too little too late
Dear Editors:
I have been following
the ongoingcampaign to get the City Council to get the
anti-Patriot Act resolution passed. I have been struck by a couple
of things. While I have no love for the Patriot Act, one or two of
the main backers of this resolution, the Southwest Peace and
Justice group, seem the wrong people to be protesting it. On their
Web site they list as allies, communists, socialists and all sorts
ofleft-leaning statists. I would think that they would embrace
big government and big bro' with joy, or is it that "their" guy (Al
Gore) is not the leader, and therefore they don't trust the
government. I wonder if they remember the anti-terror laws that
Bill Clinton gave us (they are similar to the Patriot Act).Why did
they not protest then? Was it because it was aimed at "those right
wing wackos" and not them? If they were REALLY concerned about our
constitutional rights, they would be fighting against ALL the
unconstitutional laws in this country instead of just this one in a
long list of rapes of our rights and freedom. Sorry folks, too
little too late, and soon you will have the all-powerful state you
always wanted.
McInnis' healthy logger act
(Editors' note: The following reprint was originally
sent to U.S. Congressman Scott McInnis.)
Dear Congressman McInnis,
Last summer, just months
before I made the mistake of voting for you, I spent a fair amount
of time fighting small wildfires near Crested Butte and Gunnison.
Mr. McInnis, your "Healthy Forests Restoration Act" (a.k.a. HR
1904) is the wrong approach. Your idea seems to be to thin out the
national forests, regardless of the proximity to communities.
Thinning out the built-up fuel in the heart of the forest is a good
long-term goal, but before going into the wilderness to thin trees,
it would probably be a good idea to first allocate funds to clear
out the areas near the people who might vote for you
You see, Mr. McInnis,
wildfire isn't really the problem, it's part of the natural
cleansing and revegetating process of the forest. People are the
problem because we decided to put houses, our possessions and our
loved ones in the forest, thereby creating the area known as the
"urban interface." Right or wrong, that's what we did.
I know I'm not the only
one who's written you on this issue. I know that representatives
from the City of Glenwood Springs, the Town of Basalt, the Pitkin
County Board of Commissioners and the Summit County Board of
Commissioners have written you as well. One commissioner had a good
recommendation. He suggested that you allocate funds to thin out
the fuel-loaded areas closer to the communities in Colorado you
know, closer to the people and our homes.
But, with HR 1904
heading unchanged to the Senate Agriculture Committee this week,
you seem to be ignoring the input from the representatives in the
communities you claim to be protecting with your plan, which leads
a lot of us to think your plan isn't really about protecting us
against wildfires at all. It leads a lot of us to think that your
plan is about lighting a little economic fire under the logging
If I'm wrong, please let
me and the rest of the community know. Otherwise, a lot of us are
just going to assume that your disregard for the suggestions of
Western Slope community leaders, and your continued drive to push
HR 1904 through the Legislature, is a clear sign that you don't
really represent us now and therefore should not be chosen to do so
in the future.
A better way to run the big
Dear diesel fleet vehicle
Did you know that you
can run your diesel fleet on alternative energy today. That's
right. A simple phone call to a biodiesel distributor on the Front
Range is all that is needed.
This fuel comes from the
food industry waste products or is grown on farms. A simple
chemical process transforms the food-grade oils into diesel
Benefits include: Up to
40 percent longer engine life due to better lubricity; better
smelling nontoxic organic smoke; 0 percent net addition of carbon
to the atmosphere; works on existing engines without any
modifications; mature technology that has been used in Europe for a