
Fiddlin' Around

Musicians and concert goers from around the Four Corners converged on Echo Basin Ranch last Saturday for the second annual Old Time Fiddlers’ Contest and
Festival. Fiddlers from across the country battled it out in nine different divisions, and music fans could hone their skills with workshops and spontaneous jam sessions. A concert featuring local favorites The Badly Bent and fiddle
master Stuart Duncan highlighted Saturday’s events.

(mouse over photos for captions)

Bridget Law, of Denver, plays the guitar while accompanying a fiddle on stage.

Wooder trophies carved by Dave Sipe and Nancy Segal hang beneath the concert tent.

Alex Johnstone, of Crested Butte, enlivens the crowd with his high energy performance.

Theresa Short, of Deming, N.M., entertains the crowd as she accompanies a group of musicians.

Rob Wilson, of Art of the Southwest, shelters his gourds from a few drops of rain.

Six-year-old Nashland Karter, left, and four-year-old Christopher Upton, of Aztex, play inside the Mancos Valley Stage Coach.

A pair of musicians prepare for their performance prior to stage call.

Volunteer coordinators Jack and Patricia Burk, of Mancos, and Patricia Garcia soak up the music and survey the crowd Saturday afternoon.

Even Meeker, of Denver, decompresses behind the stage after his performance.

Despite threatening skies, only a few umbrellas popped up in the audience.





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