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Shame on Fashion Police
Dear Editors:
Your “Fashion Police” of Vol. 2, No. 19 really
caught my eye.A0Thank you so much for making my surrogate father
the butt of local jest and mockery.A0I am heartened that you
have nothing better to comment on. I find this funnier in that
if your self-styled fashion police cared to actually talk with
him about why he was dressed this way, they could have had a
discussion of fashion trends in history.A0Strange to some 85
sure, but why mock?A0But hey, the little black box over his
eyes makes all the difference in anonymity.
– Gregory Tremblay
(Editor’s note: The Telegraph offers its apologies.
We didn’t know anyone read the Fashion Police.)
A mud season travel tip
Dear Editors:
Why would anyone go to Honduras?
Hurricanes, prison uprisings, drug wars, poverty and a rock
starlet killed in a car crash. Those are the only headlines
we see from Honduras. Is there ANY good news about this misunderstood
Central American country? Yes, is my answer.
I have been vacationing in Honduras since 1992. I admit, I
have not really been many other places in Latin America. What
I did find is the best kept secret in the region. Guatemala
and Costa Rica have much better tourism marketing funds. Honduras
has the wildlife, rain forests, and botanical gardens, and Mayan
ruins people expect to see in Central America.
The official doctrine of the government is that ecotourism
will be the focus for the future. Efforts are being made to
preserve the natural resources of the country without massive
development. Ten years ago only the Bay Islands of Roatan, Guanaja,
and Utila were tourist destinations. The islands have improved
their infrastructure since then, but still remain a funky, laid-back
paradise. One of the largest coral reefs in the world surrounds
the Bay Islands. They are fantastic!! The north coast city of
LaCeiba is a gateway to much of the country. An international
airport serves the islands, $35 round trip to Roatan.
Connections are available and frequent to Tegucigalpa and San
Pedro Sula. Flights from San Pedro go to every other country
in the area. LaCeiba offers reasonable rooms from $10 a night
for the backpacker crowd. For those of us who prefer a bit of
luxury, the Lodge at Pico Bonito offers a complete guided ecotourism
experience. Hotels in the mid range are all over town.
A raging whitewater river drains the rain forest of the Pico
Bonito National Park. You can kayak the river into town, take
a left at the Caribbean and paddle back to your hotel on the
beach. Jungle waterfalls across the Congrejal River make for
a nice day hike destination. The cool water is refreshing after
the two hour hike. Wildlife refuges guided trips through mangrove
estuaries, multi day float trips into the Mosquito Coast, are
all available through tour operators in LaCeiba. Customs officials
are nice, police are helpful, and everyone appreciates you visiting
their country. Even with my very limited Spanish skills, I never
feel uncomfortable, threatened or taken advantage of.
So this mud season, try somewhere different and exotic.Visit