No more excuses

Bringing up the topic of cycling to work often leads to a whole world of excuses. What follows are possible solutions to some of the most common excuses.

Excuse 1: The sweaty employee

“You are riding to work,” John Bailey says. “It is not a race.” Consequently, on all but the hottest days, sweat will usually be kept to a minimum. However, if you are prone to over-perspiring, consider taking a shower before leaving the house. A few items at the office, like wet wipes, deodorant and even a clean change of clothes, can ease the after-commute drench.

Excuse 2: The tardy employee

According to New York City’s Transportation Alternatives, commuting between two and five miles takes less time on a bike than driving to work, parking and walking to the office. Commuting between 5 and 7 miles will take about the same amount of time as driving. Disclaimer: Vehicle travel times in Durango vary slightly from one of the most congested cities in the world.

Excuse 3: No cargo space for errands

Russell Zimmerman, John Shaw and John Bailey all give the same answer to this excuse. A Burley Trailer or an Xtracycle are all that is needed to get the groceries home or drop the kid(s) off at school. A courier bag also provides cargo space for the bike commuter, and it doubles as a gym bag or brief case and can carry about $50 worth of groceries.








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