Dear Diver,

A friend left a message on my phone machine in which she had some harsh things to say about her ex-boyfriend. Unfortunately, the reason I wasn’t answering my phone was that her ex-boyfriend was in my apartment at the time. Now he’s mad at her, but if he says anything to her about the call, she’ll be mad at me for being with him. Any ideas how we should handle this?

– No name, please

Dear No Name,

Wow! You are in quite a pickle. What you two should do is get drunk and fool around. Then tell all your other friends about it in hopes that his ex will hear it. When she does, I don’t think it will bother her much because, hey, you were really wasted.

– Enjoy, Diver


Here’s one we were kicking around the other night. If you were stranded on a desert island, which five books would you have with you?

– Sam and Friends

P.S. One of them can’t be a book of matches.

Dear Sam and Friends,

This one’s pretty far fetched. I’ve never been on a deserted island before so it’s pretty hard for me to believe I could ever get stranded on one. But if I ever knew I was going to become a castaway, I would be sure to bring a book of zig-zags and a phone book, so I can call Dominos.

– Thanks, Diver

Dear Diver,

Are you for or against the motorcycle rally? You down with topless 50-year-old women, loud bikes, rock and roll, and Budweiser? Or is solitude and peacefulness the answer?

– Jackie and Maude, Oxford

Dear Jackie and Maude,

Bring on the rally and Budweiser and more Budweiser, except don’t give any to my roommate, because it makes him smell really bad in the morning. I bet there will be at least one good looking topless 50-year-old, just wait. You’ll see.

– See you at the rally, Diver


Diver: Jacob Hanson, Lady Falconburgh’s

Interesting Facts: Jacob has only been a diver for three months but already has the worldly knowledge of a veteran. His intelligence may only be exceeded by his great thirst.


Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?

Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at, or by fax at 259-0448.

Dear Diver,

I am certainly not for the war, however, I am not a protester. The protestors say they are the majority, however, I know many George Bush supporters who would follow him to the end of the earth. Most Americans are lazy and support mainstream entertainment and news, so wouldn’t you agree that most Americans who may not protest the war, could really care less if we are at war or not? Are they the majority and free-thinking individuals the minority? What do you think?

– B.L., Durango

Dear BL,

We all know Bush isn’t going to stop the war because of protests. Half our country could protest, but George W. isn’t going to see us until his Mommy and Daddy let him watch TV again. Besides, the man we want is Charlie Sheen, word is he’s already begun casting for “Hot Shots” part 3. I can’t help but wonder what idiot actor would play Bush?

– Yours, Diver



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