People of Conscience founder
Ron Margolis. /Photo by Todd Newcomer. |
Ron Margolis kicked off People of Conscience
almost inadvertently. He had written an opinion piece in the
Durango Herald last November. In it, he expressed his frustration
with recent American history citing the questionable results
of the last presidential election, corporate financial scandals
and abuses by the Catholic priesthood.
In light of these and other issues, he called on the Durango
community to “join us in trying to halt our nation’s
political, economic and moral decay.”
He was surprised when nearly 200 people from all walks of Durango
life answered the call and showed up at Rotary Park on a Saturday
afternoon and began looking for solutions.
“At that point in time not many people were even talking
about what was going on,” Margolis said.
Cemented by a shared sense of despair, the 200 people braved
foul weather and started getting down to the hard issues. “There
was a commonality,” Margolis said. “People were
feeling helpless and hopeless.”
Last fall, Louise Edwards was looking for proactive outlets
when she read Margolis’ article. “We had really
started seeing that the signs of war were going up,” she
said. “I started looking at ways to get proactive. It
made perfect sense to me to deal not with the symptom –
the war – but with the underlying forces.”
and People of Conscience

Durango artist Karyn
Gabaldon and Gallery Ultima owners Stan Rabbe and Paul
Lutz recently collaborated to raise funds for the People
of Conscience. Gabaldon has designed a Peace T-shirt,
which depicts the original peace sign designed by a young
woman and her father in the late 1950s to symbolize eternal
nuclear disarmament.
The symbol does not have a middle
line bisecting the entire circle. Instead the “no”
line splits midway to merge with the symbol for disarmament.
At some point in the 1960s the symbol changed to the currently
recognized peace symbol.
Inside Gabaldon’s peace symbol
she has painted Hopi prayer feathers. She says that this
is the symbol that “flowed” from her as she
painted the work. She said that the symbol speaks to us
in our present time in that it asks all nations for peace
and Eternal Nuclear Disarmament.
All profits from sales of the t-shirts
will go to People of Conscience and its vision to advance
a world of positive potential for all people and our planet.
The T-shirts are available through Gallery Ultima, 1018
Main Ave.
– Will Sands
Like Margolis, Edwards related a shared sense of defeat at
the November meeting.
“We all came to the point of reaching consensus on this
sense of disempowerment,” she said. “We were trying
to be responsible citizens and not getting anywhere.”
The result of this apparently negative bond was empowering,
according to Edwards. “I had this beautiful experience
there,” she said.
Mike Karpfen shared in the experience, saying, “People
feel so powerless and people want to overcome it, but don’t
know how. I think People of Conscience came into being to provide
the community with resources.”
Since that first meeting, the experience has grown. Many of
the 200 people have continued gathering every month, and new
faces also are getting involved. Margolis noted that People
of Conscience is centered on action, not simply talking or protesting.
“If given half a chance and some power, we realized we
could work to create a better world,” said Margolis. “With
very few meetings, energy is starting to evolve. The idea is
to do something, not just talk. We don’t always want to
be protesting. We want to create something positive.”
To that end, six subgroups have formed. They include groups
dedicated to improving community, education, empowerment, economics,
simplicity and spirituality. Each of these smaller gatherings
has begun putting concrete plans in motion.
There’s an effort to create a “conscious yellow
pages,” which would list local green businesses and encourage
keeping money local. Plans are evolving to connect local food
growers and food buyers. A brochure titled “Taking Care
of Business” is being circulated and discusses the downside
of the American corporate structure. Work is going into creating
a community activist calendar to encourage public participation
and education.
Edwards, a member of the community group, noted that a lot
of the efforts are fairly abstract. “In the community
group, we’re looking at how we can create interactions
among segments of the community that don’t normally interact,”
she said.
Karpfen, a member of the empowerment group, added, “I
see People of Conscience as an ‘incubator organization’
that starts and nourishes independent groups to take action
in the areas they’re concerned about.”
Margolis said that People of Conscience will gradually pick
up steam. “It’s ongoing,” he said. “As
we have successes with one thing, we’re going to build
toward others.”
And Edwards said that Durango can expect People of Conscience
to grow in positive directions in coming months. Although it
is a relatively new group, she said that it already has surprising
“It’s really kind of a fledgling group, but there’s
a remarkable sense of connection and energy,” Edwards
said. “I’m struck by the strength of our diversity.”